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Afghan children returning from Pakistan risk early marriage, child labour

Afghanistan was the only country in the World to reject Pakistan's Independence in the UN.

Pakistan should not be holding a SINGLE Afghan refugee .

Main thing is not to let them back in. Once they are all gone then form an assertive foreign policy for Afghanistan. One that involves a lot of danda. These indian slave dogs will be kept in chaos till they accept the durrand line unconditionally.
Reading some of the comments above, i'd just like to say this that these are children first that we are talking about despite their nationality or race or whatever parameters you want to choose to differentiate them. My heart bleeds out for these young poor souls. They didn't have a choice like their elders. They were born here and they grew here and yes i agree they have to leave one day. Every country/nation looks after their own priorities first but the least we can do is be empathetic for these kids not their elders who caused trouble for us over the number of years. I'm not talking about their elders and the various problems we faced because of afghan refugees (not all). I'm talking about these young children and they should be in schools and playing rather than be on road trying to earn just so they could feed them once a day or getting married at a very young age. I can't blame these kids for the actions of their elders. Afghan government should be more concerned and responsible about the future of their youth. The least we can do is pray and hope for their well being.
My humble request to the members here please do not blame the actions of their elders on these kids. An 8 year old kid doesn't even know or care about whats going on around him.
I agree we can't help them forever because we have problems of our own and they need to go as well but let's be a bit more positive and pray and hope for these young souls that they get a better lifestyle and do not face the problems they are going through these days.
Whether Pakistan kept the Afghan children or not, it is cruel to be so nationalistic and judgmental. I don't care if the Afghan children were Muslims or Hindus. They are children--they are supposed to have a blank-slate when they are born. And they should not pay the price for the changed geopolitical situation
Yes, if Pakistan had to make Afghans leave because of security concerns or economic reasons, then so be it. But don't make blanket statements about all Afghans because of the current geopolitical situation.

This kind of rabid nationalism is ugly. And I believe self-defeating in the end. We shouldn't lower ourselves. This kind of nationalism is like the right-wing America going crazy over a mere 10,000 Syrians coming to America. There is no convincing them that the number is a miniscule amount of what countries like Turkey and even Europe have sheltered.
So If we did lose them, that was on Allah swt's command. Do you want to be like those butchers? Pakistani ki rooh kahbi khud garhz ne hoti. If you can't find compassion in your heart, you are no better than those attackers of APS Peshawar.
dont you dare compare me to those attackers, doing such big talk and all, you would only know the actual pain if you had lost one yours in that attack.
Going by your logic Madinah should not have been defended by saying "It is Allah's Will weather Madina stands or falls, we dont need to do anything, lets go meet the Quraish with flowers"
dont you dare compare me to those attackers, doing such big talk and all, you would only know the actual pain if you had lost one yours in that attack.
Going by your logic Madinah should not have been defended by saying "It is Allah's Will weather Madina stands or falls, we dont need to do anything, lets go meet the Quraish with flowers"

Listen my flowery friend. Death is something we are pained with, but it happens to all of us. Pakistanis and Muslims are not afraid of death. If you are truly a believer of Islam, then never fear death.
This is a shame. Whether we like it or not Pakistan has played a political game in helping to destabilise Afghanistan with the support of the Taliban. The Afghan families should be allowed to remain rather than being forced to go back to a mess that we have helped to create. Deportation of the undesirable, militant, hard-line sectarian Afghans should continue however since they bring nothing to Pakistan but problems.
just throw every last namak haram afghan out

they will see how vengeful Pakistan can be towards people they consider enemies

the Afghans will regret not being wise enough to understand Pakistan's security concerns

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