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Afghan aggression in Pakistan

Darth Vader

Jun 19, 2011
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United Kingdom
Intikhab Hanif | DAWN News

On Monday, Afghan forces intruded Kurram Agency and killed two tribesmen. This incident took place at Muqbal village, some 20km south of Parachinar. It is stated that a few hours ago an early morning attack in a village near Kherlachi had been repulsed. But the Pakistani army entered Muqbal while pursuing the attackers who opened fire at the tribesmen and killed two of them.

An Afghan army spokesman refuted the allegation that the Karzai government’s army had intruded Pakistani territory. But the increasing activity of the Afghan National Army on the Pak-Afghan border and its reflection in world news agencies reports contradicted this claim. The incidents of violation along the international border and the intrusion of Pakistani territory have suddenly increased in the past few days. Those Taliban who fled a 2009 army offensive are regrouping for aggression against Pakistan.

…The intrusion of militants patronised by Afghanistan is worrisome especially when high-level negotiations are being held between Pakistan and America these days to remove their differences.

…On the one hand, the American diplomats and Isaf commanders are trying to effect a rapprochement with Pakistan through serious parleys and on the other a new series of aggressive acts has been launched against Islamabad through absconding local militants. Pakistan needs to seriously assess as to which benefits the US wants to achieve through such an aggressive policy. On the hand one, American diplomats and the Isaf commanders are conducting parleys and on the other the Karzai forces are launching attacks. This can easily be termed duplicitous. Isn’t it the aim of such a strategy to use the Afghan government for aggression against Pakistan and throw its army into the furnace of confrontation?
many of them get shot....those who get away live to see another day

Afghans should either stop their country from allowing anti Pak elements to thrive..otherwise, they should dred the day we stop being lenient on them (and the day their american/nato 'protectors' flee)
many of them get shot....those who get away live to see another day

Afghans should either stop their country from allowing anti Pak elements to thrive..otherwise, they should dred the day we stop being lenient on them (and the day their american/nato 'protectors' flee)

Yes, very right. No country should breed the terrorists for its neibouring countries. It ultimately boomerangs.
many of them get shot....those who get away live to see another day

Afghans should either stop their country from allowing anti Pak elements to thrive..otherwise, they should dred the day we stop being lenient on them (and the day their american/nato 'protectors' flee)

AZ yaaar, you're from the Tribal Areas...whats the take of the common Pashtoon over there on the Afghans ? Most of the Pashtoons I've met were from either Peshawar or parts of Balochistan barring the occasional Punjabi Pashtoon (but they probably don't count !) and all of them were vociferously anti-Afghans which came as a surprise to me because listening to the ANP and people like Mahmood Khan Achakzai I'd the impression that the Pakistani Pashtoon would be very Pro-Afghan Pashtoons but dude even I don't hold as (shall I say!) strong opinions about the Afghans as the guys I met did....! So my question is if the Government were to do one of two things would there be a significant back-lash from our Pashtoons ? :

1) Next time this happens...they reciprocate their actions in kind by taking out the ANA or their goons who bomb us.

2) Kick out or try to kick out as many illegal Afghans in Pakistan as we can !
I don’t know why there is no protest by our Pak Army, our Pak Army is only getting frustrated & are getting angry by the day. They are tired of the politicians, Govt. daily bull bshi* & US’s evil policy towards Pakistan. These upcoming elections will decide whether Pak Army will step in or not, if PPP win again which is highly likely they will then there is no stopping Pak Army from taking over for good, if PML-N wins Pak Army will wait, watch & see because they no less then PPP, they are equally corrupt & evil. TI & APML have no chance to win the elections because the elections will be watched, run & announced by US, they will once again pick up the next goon.

Pak Army needs to step up because much has been lost & nothing has been gained by these corrupt politicians. No more Democracy.
AZ yaaar, you're from the Tribal Areas...whats the take of the common Pashtoon over there on the Afghans ? Most of the Pashtoons I've met were from either Peshawar or parts of Balochistan barring the occasional Punjabi Pashtoon (but they probably don't count !) and all of them were vociferously anti-Afghans which came as a surprise to me because listening to the ANP and people like Mahmood Khan Achakzai I'd the impression that the Pakistani Pashtoon would be very Pro-Afghan Pashtoons but dude even I don't hold as (shall I say!) strong opinions about the Afghans as the guys I met did....! So my question is if the Government were to do one of two things would there be a significant back-lash from our Pashtoons ? :

1) Next time this happens...they reciprocate their actions in kind by taking out the ANA or their goons who bomb us.

2) Kick out or try to kick out as many illegal Afghans in Pakistan as we can !

The POV is mixed in tribal areas and in KPK. Majority wants Afghans to go back but with dignity. Achackzai is very pro Afghan and want good relation with Afghanistan but he is patriot like anyone else. He just point out the mistakes we did in the past. ANP is not as much as Achakzai but still hold a friendly relation corner for Afghanistan but wants afghans out as its hurting our economy badly. I personally think a common afghan should not be punished for acts of this govt. And strong measure should be taken to make sure ANA dont do such acts again.......Afghans should be remembered that such acts in the past led to what they are today. If they keep aggressive stance it wont help either side.
Currently stable Afghanistan is against Pakistan's interest....coz if it does, US and India will increase their sphere of influence and not to forget support to Anti-Pakistan groups like TTP and BLA (covert support).
Currently stable Afghanistan is against Pakistan's interest....coz if it does, US and India will increase their sphere of influence and not to forget support to Anti-Pakistan groups like TTP and BLA (covert support).

stable or not afghanistan is always under pakistan influence, US and india arnt neighbours to afghanistan and neither kabul is as closer as it is to pakistan and islamabad
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3184033 said:
stable or not afghanistan is always under pakistan influence, US and india arnt neighbours to afghanistan and neither kabul is as closer as it is to pakistan and islamabad
Well I think you should know one fact, it all comes down to money and might. Pakistan can't provide this to Afghanistan whereas India and US can. China may help them so that they can take use of route via Pakistan.

Pakistan is already undergoing internal troubles, do you really think it has time to influence Afghanistan. Atleast not before 2014 when NATO leaves and time might extend depending on how you control internal problems. So currently Pakistan having Afghanistan's strings is not near.
many of them get shot....those who get away live to see another day

Afghans should either stop their country from allowing anti Pak elements to thrive..otherwise, they should dred the day we stop being lenient on them (and the day their american/nato 'protectors' flee)
I have a question, why don't Pakistan practice what they preach. We have been victim of terrorist camps has in Pakistan, which even China is worried about as they are influencing Uighar muslims.

Anti-Pakistan groups in Afghanistan will remain strong unless both India and Pakistan decides to act according to each other's demands. If India is behind it and supporting it, I would say that it is good bargaining chip to bring Joint Action Against Terrorism on the table.

Co-operative efforts of India-US-Pakistan-China is the only way to uproot these terrorists . Otherwise they will thrive at one place or other forcing the victim to play the same dirty game.

P.S.- No offence
Currently stable Afghanistan is against Pakistan's interest....coz if it does, US and India will increase their sphere of influence and not to forget support to Anti-Pakistan groups like TTP and BLA (covert support).

Who told you India was supporting BLA or TTP ? Don't tell me you too are a victim of Pakistani propaganda and conspiracy theories .

many of them get shot....those who get away live to see another day

Afghans should either stop their country from allowing anti Pak elements to thrive..otherwise, they should dred the day we stop being lenient on them (and the day their american/nato 'protectors' flee)

I am pretty sure Afghans are saying the same thing for Pakistan right now .
I don’t know why there is no protest by our Pak Army, our Pak Army is only getting frustrated & are getting angry by the day. They are tired of the politicians, Govt. daily bull bshi* & US’s evil policy towards Pakistan. These upcoming elections will decide whether Pak Army will step in or not, if PPP win again which is highly likely they will then there is no stopping Pak Army from taking over for good, if PML-N wins Pak Army will wait, watch & see because they no less then PPP, they are equally corrupt & evil. TI & APML have no chance to win the elections because the elections will be watched, run & announced by US, they will once again pick up the next goon.

Pak Army needs to step up because much has been lost & nothing has been gained by these corrupt politicians. No more Democracy.
army looks at general public, at the moment genal public still likes democracy....

second army is frustrated knowing that bringing marshalaw wount help, the same guys get elected again, so its useless exercise
Who told you India was supporting BLA or TTP ? Don't tell me you too are a victim of Pakistani propaganda and conspiracy theories .

I am pretty sure Afghans are saying the same thing for Pakistan right now .
Actually the proof against is also not there....but i seriously think India is behind BLA atleast....irrespective of what Pakistani media say....and its simple to come to this conclsion...after so many years we are now in position to make Pakistani edgy on their western front too...which wasn't possible due Pakistan favoring Taliban.....

India's investment In Afg. is both strategic and economic.....

R&AW won't let go this "golden" opportunity....So yeah I believe unless proven otherwise.

Think a bigger picture what would be the dynamics will be if in coming decades Afg. favors India over Pakistan.
AZ yaaar, you're from the Tribal Areas...whats the take of the common Pashtoon over there on the Afghans ? Most of the Pashtoons I've met were from either Peshawar or parts of Balochistan barring the occasional Punjabi Pashtoon (but they probably don't count !) and all of them were vociferously anti-Afghans which came as a surprise to me because listening to the ANP and people like Mahmood Khan Achakzai I'd the impression that the Pakistani Pashtoon would be very Pro-Afghan Pashtoons but dude even I don't hold as (shall I say!) strong opinions about the Afghans as the guys I met did....! So my question is if the Government were to do one of two things would there be a significant back-lash from our Pashtoons ? :

1) Next time this happens...they reciprocate their actions in kind by taking out the ANA or their goons who bomb us.

2) Kick out or try to kick out as many illegal Afghans in Pakistan as we can !

they steal local jobs, and with them comes crime -- petty street crime, and serious crime. With them comes drugs. With too many of them comes trouble. We cant even provide enough for our own people. Why does Iran and Pakistan have to deal with all the refugees?

what else can i say? How do you think any locals wuud react to this?

Currently stable Afghanistan is against Pakistan's interest....coz if it does, US and India will increase their sphere of influence and not to forget support to Anti-Pakistan groups like TTP and BLA (covert support).

do you share a border (a long porous, rugged one) with Afghanistan?

no you dont, so shut your pie-hole

thats all i can say to you
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