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AESA Equipped Pakistani JF-17 Fighters Coming to Israel’s Border? Egyptian Air Force Shows Interest

it is not about AESA radars only.. IMO it is more about the Freedom of BVR weapons they can get and most important is the ToT to make those weapons locally, it will give Egypt an edge in case of a conflict..Some say that the latter was negotiating to make the whole planes locally, which is still a possibility, but it is also possible to let the planes be made in China and Pakistan as they are reliable allies who can provide spare parts anytime without constraints, and be satisfied with ToT for the air to air and air to surface missiles (That is where they need freedom mostly.. as France and Russia won't provide ToT for their weapons, let alone the US..).. but it can be both; making the fighters locally under licence and getting The necessary ToT for the weapons to be made locally.. in these cases.._ if china agrees_ the deal will most certainly go through.. I still remember in the Chinese proposal that they have offered Egypt a deal that (almost) can not be refused.. hopefully it included ToT for BVR weapons.. and it is important to understand that deals like this require a lot of sound and comprehensive studies and negotiations.. which take time.."patience is a virtue"..
its all hype and nothing else. they are already operating rafale and will buy Mig 35. unless and untill they can have something better than Rafale E3 to counter F-35, they will not buy that aircraft. EAF is not stupid to fill up their hangers with something that has no chance against F-35 and Israel tech...
its all hype and nothing else. they are already operating rafale and will buy Mig 35. unless and untill they can have something better than Rafale E3 to counter F-35, they will not buy that aircraft. EAF is not stupid to fill up their hangers with something that has no chance against F-35 and Israel tech...
tejas maybe?
by the way Morocco and Sudan has also shown interest in buying JF -17... given the number of interest shown by all the African countries, i will not be surprised to see JF -17 running taxi service in Africa soon..
by the way Morocco and Sudan has also shown interest in buying JF -17... given the number of interest shown by all the African countries, i will not be surprised to see JF -17 running taxi service in Africa soon..
when supa tejas saarrr
it is not about AESA radars only.. IMO it is more about the Freedom of BVR weapons they can get and most important is the ToT to make those weapons locally, it will give Egypt an edge in case of a conflict..Some say that the latter was negotiating to make the whole planes locally, which is still a possibility, but it is also possible to let the planes be made in China and Pakistan as they are reliable allies who can provide spare parts anytime without constraints, and be satisfied with ToT for the air to air and air to surface missiles (That is where they need freedom mostly.. as France and Russia won't provide ToT for their weapons, let alone the US..).. but it can be both; making the fighters locally under licence and getting The necessary ToT for the weapons to be made locally.. in these cases.._ if china agrees_ the deal will most certainly go through.. I still remember in the Chinese proposal that they have offered Egypt a deal that (almost) can not be refused.. hopefully it included ToT for BVR weapons.. and it is important to understand that deals like this require a lot of sound and comprehensive studies and negotiations.. which take time.."patience is a virtue"..
I won't make a difference because Israeli F-35s lock on to Egyptian fighters faster than Egyptian fighters can lock onto Israeli fighters which means the Egyptian fighters are whisked out of the sky before engagement. Hate to say it but Israel's air defense would prevent any attack Egypt throws at it with massive casualties for the Egyptian side or in fact most other Arab countries would have the same fate with the Israelis willing to nuke any country in case of being attacked and risking destruction of the Zionist state. In fact in almost happened in the 1967 war because they wanted the U.S. to help them in their war with the Arabs.
Its true read about IAI LAVI
No I heard it helped with the J-10 and J-9.
In 2008, aviation publishing house Jane's alleged that China's development of the Chengdu J-10 had benefited from technical information from the Lavi project, citing Russian engineers who claim to have heard this from Chinese colleagues.[37] In 2007, the J-10's designer, Song Wencong (宋文骢), denied any connection with the Lavi, pointing to similarities with the Chengdu J-9 developed in the 1960s.[38] This was echoed by PLAAF major Zhang Weigang in a 2012 interview.[39] There have been no public statements or formal claims along those lines; by 2000, however, advanced technology transfer of any origin had become anathema to the USA,[40] which forced Israel to cancel a sale of Phalcon airborne early warning planes.
"In 2008, aviation publishing house Jane's alleged that China's development of the Chengdu J-10 had benefited from technical information from the Lavi project, citing Russian engineers who claim to have heard this from Chinese colleagues.[37] In 2007, the J-10's designer, Song Wencong (宋文骢), denied any connection with the Lavi, pointing to similarities with the Chengdu J-9 developed in the 1960s.[38] This was echoed by PLAAF major Zhang Weigang in a 2012 interview.[39] There have been no public statements or formal claims along those lines"

publishing house Jane's - citing Russian engineers - who claim to have heard this from Chinese colleagues

I won't make a difference because Israeli F-35s lock on to Egyptian fighters faster than Egyptian fighters can lock onto Israeli fighters which means the Egyptian fighters are whisked out of the sky before engagement. Hate to say it but Israel's air defense would prevent any attack Egypt throws at it with massive casualties for the Egyptian side or in fact most other Arab countries would have the same fate with the Israelis willing to nuke any country in case of being attacked and risking destruction of the Zionist state. In fact in almost happened in the 1967 war because they wanted the U.S. to help them in their war with the Arabs.
Egyptian radars can detect the F-35 before they take off..
Usrael asked for US massive help during the October Ramadan war in 1973..in 67 they did a surprise attack on Egypt's air fields the only help they needed from the US was the satellite images without which the could not attack..

OT: Egypt needs a light weight fighter..the Rafales and Mig-35s are medium weight fighters.. hence the possibility of Egypt procuring or making the JF-17Block III is sound..
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OT: Egypt needs a light weight fighter..the Rafales and Mig-35s are medium weight fighters.. hence the possibility of Egypt procuring or making the JF-17Block III is sound..

Highlighted part is Your opinion ? or Egyptian requirement ( any link ?)
Highlighted part is Your opinion ? or Egyptian requirement ( any link ?)
Nov 11, 2016

"... Therefore, the service does not have cutting-edge combat aircraft at present. A total of about 90 legacy Mikoyan MiG-21 and J-7 (a Chinese copy of the MiG-21 fighter) combat aircraft still remain active. They should be equipped with modern air-launched weaponry, defensive aids, sensors, targeting packages, refurbished engines, etc."

Nov 11, 2016

"... Therefore, the service does not have cutting-edge combat aircraft at present. A total of about 90 legacy Mikoyan MiG-21 and J-7 (a Chinese copy of the MiG-21 fighter) combat aircraft still remain active. They should be equipped with modern air-launched weaponry, defensive aids, sensors, targeting packages, refurbished engines, etc."

Please address my concerns:

1. Report is from Moscow, not Egypt and are the views of a Think Tank over EAF procurement of Mig-29/35

2. No-where does it say a Light weight fighter is EAF requirement.

3. The requirement mentioned by analyst is of a multi role fighter, which Mig-29 fits properly. Furthermore its said that Mig-29 carries more weaponry than F-16 and similar to Rafale.

4. Russia seems to be a committed supplier as per the report. So diplomatically there won't be any issues of spares, logistics etc.The report doesn't mention ToT.

5. I reckon JF-17 offers AESA and maybe ToT, but EAF has tilted towards Mig-29 already. High end Fighter: Rafale. Mid-tier- Mig 29 and Low to mid tier- F-16. EAF already maintains F-16 as single engined jet and has jumped towards double engined as new procurement.

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