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Aero India 2023

It's a tribute to HAL Marut (wind), So HAL is interpreting HLFT 42 as a successor of Marut, or can be called 'Maruti'. Which literally means son of wind, Pawan Putra Hanuman.
So long as they don’t call it the Maruti 800
India could have ordered F 35 by now if we hadn't signed up for a partnership with Russia on Su 57 which has under-delivered. If you think that the US had any issues offering F 35 to Inida, they were EXTREMELY keen for it. Because of our excellent experience with Su 30 we were keen on Su 57. So India was not keen on F 35, not the other way around.

Doesn't matter what the russians offer now. We have been working with them to figure out if the Su 57 issues can be fixed- no luck after a decade of review.

Sad to say but they have failed to get the technology working to the level that is needed and India's plans to induct 5th Gen jets have been delayed by over a decade. Better to bite the price bullet and induct F 35:

F 35 for heavy category jets + Su 30s
AMCA + RAFALE for medium category jets
LCA Mk1/2 for 4th Gen point interceptors

Rest will slowly retire in the next 10 to 15 years
wait for the things to happened before making a summary for the Future.
Almost all the Indian aircrafts are participating in the fly past which were grounded by IAF at the time when PAF jets were pounding Indian military installations on 27 feb 2019 :lol:
That has no relevance to Aero India
Who wanted the Su-57? The government? 😳

Well before the 1st prototype flew. Almost a decade before that we signed up with the russians. We were extremely happy with the Sukhoi 30 so gambled that the Su 57 will come up tops. It was a reasonable assumption. But somehow they never got the formula right.
You have crashed every single aircraft you've bought,you have bragged about the TEJAS for so long and you have elevated a pilot who was shot down and captured by the enemy,into hero status.

What is there to say?
Wow you are so knowledgeable about our Airforce, by what you say we have zero squadrons left lol. Naah there is nothing to say, to someone who is here to troll.
Honestly i hope the Navy gets either the F-35B or C. Airforce should stick with Rafales

Not offered, not evaluated and not happening.

The Rafale M is the likeliest IN fighter, and if it's not it, then it's the Super Hornet.

Good aircraft would be wasted,while they could be on the waiting list for a better Air Force 😎

Ok done. Now bugger off and go lick some Pakistani boots.
F-35A at Aero India 2023.


image courtesy - Livefist

There has neither been any interest expressed in the F-35 by the IAF nor has it been officially offered.
If we had to buy an American jet, personally it would be YF-23 or nothing. I've heard Japanese might get their hands on this beauty.
If we had to buy an American jet, personally it would be YF-23 or nothing. I've heard Japanese might get their hands on this beauty.


Just because it looks beautiful? Is it in service? Has it gotten even a fraction of the service history or flight hours of the F-35 or F-22?
NAL has shown a little progress. But the Nal basic trainer program is going good now. And the wing testing of Saras is going on.

Human Rated GSLV MK3

NAL is simply not a laboratory set up for getting a project this important developed and tested all by themselves. Without HAL being there to do the heavy lifting, Saras Mk2 will take ages to be prototyped and flight tested.

Sadly HAL has it's Hindustan Do-228 that it's happy with for the time being.

Indigenous EW suite for the Su-30MKI being developed to replace the SAP-518

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