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Rafale interview about SPICE PGMs (Su 30 could carry over 30 SPICE 250 with a range of more than 100Km!!!)
Damn! That really is a game changer!!

What do you think the chances are of the Super upgrade including the addition of the Spike 250 @sancho? The IAF's upgraded Mirage 2000s are said to get this as well as the Rafales if/when they come to the IAF.

Rafael interview (confirming SPIKE ATGM and Litening production / assembly parts in India)

Also confiemed 4 SPYDR batteries in the IAF but to date not a single picture of them!
Damn! That really is a game changer!!

That's why I'm so eager about it for a long time, but I'm not so sure about that those figures, might be more PR, but for FGFA it will be a huge benefit! Rafael officials earlier stated that a propulsion kit for range extention would be possible too (similar to SPEAR 3), but that there is no customer request so far. IMO it's the perfect chance for a jointly developed version and as a cost-effective SEAD weapon.

What do you think the chances are of the Super upgrade including the addition of the Spike 250 @sancho? The IAF's upgraded Mirage 2000s are said to get this as well as the Rafales if/when they come to the IAF.

That depends on what IAF wants and needs, we already have seen Israeli Griffin LGB kits and the Litening of course, we know the Mirage upgrade will include SPICE 2000s and Litening (the rest of the model is just PR so far), but we also know that Sudarshan and indigenous PGM kits are under development, so lets wait and see.

Also confiemed 4 SPYDR batteries in the IAF but to date not a single picture of them!

Indian Air Force's SpyDer low level quick reaction SAM
No customer request for Spice 250 :lol:

oh my fingers are itching to post something interesting;)

but nope i cant

A Russian report (Google translated):

Exhibition Aero India-2015 opened in Bangalore

...Aero India-2015 is held every two years. The current - Jubilee 10th in a row. From 18 to 22 February, 600 companies from 33 countries present here planes, helicopters, missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and engines.
Almost half of the companies - Indian. Our - 35. Among the most promising innovations - the proposed Indian partners Ka-226T, which is designed for passenger, transport, health, police and search and rescue version. To make this versatile machine in case of signing the contract will be in India. The competition is tough, the project of a similar class helicopter developed and Indian corporation HAL. But the odds of our helicopters are evaluated as very good. If successful, 50-70 percent technology will be transferred India.

Also, at the international air show was presented our domestic innovation in the field of military transport aircraft - light military transport aircraft Il-112B and the Russian-Indian multi-purpose transport aircraft MTA.

"We present the visitors of the exhibition, the projects of our future aircraft - light military transport aircraft Il-112V and produced jointly by Russia and India multi-role transport aircraft MTA (Multirole Transport Aircraft)», - said the representative of the company.
The press service noted that the management of the corporation "understands how important today region of South Asia, and is making every effort to coordinate pre-contract documentation MTA».

MTA developed within the framework of an intergovernmental agreement between Russia and India. According to regulations, it is classified as operational and tactical medium military transport aircraft, which provides transportation of a wide range of different loads weighing 20 tons at a distance of 2000 kilometers from the ground and artificial runway.

Provides for the operation of the aircraft from the high airfields in any geographical and climatic conditions, day and night, and adverse weather conditions. As military transport aircraft MTA for transportation and airdropping personnel, goods and technology platforms, besparashyutnogo relief goods from small heights.

"It is assumed and further development of the airplane, by creating on its base modifications. Given the high export potential are taken into account in the design of the maximum demands not only the Russian Air Force and India, but also potential customers ", - the press-service of" IL ".
The program is a multi-purpose transport aircraft is the first in the history of the Russian international aviation projects in the field of military-technical cooperation with the implementation of a full cycle of creation of high-tech military products, including the steps of forming a tactical and technical specifications, development, production, maintenance, after-sales service and recycling, as well as promotion of these products to third countries, the source said.

"To ensure effective collaboration participants of the Russian and Indian sides in all areas of co-operation was established Indo-Russian joint venture Multirole Transport Aircraft Ltd. (MTA Ltd.), registered in Bangalore (India). The project is financed Russian and Indian parties on an equal basis. Funding commitments to both sides is carried out in accordance with the signed agreements, "- said the representative of" Il "...

Выставка Aero India-2015 открылась в Бангалоре (Индия)
HAL delivers first BrahMos-integrated Su-30 to IAF

Bengaluru-based defence aerospace major Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) on Thursday handed over the first BrahMos missile-integrated Su 30 to the Indian Air Force (IAF) at the Aero India 2015.

“The successful completion of the first Su-30 aircraft integrated with BrahMos missile shows the synergy between DRDO, HAL and IAF. We are hopeful of rolling out the second aircraft in a record time,” said T Suvarna Raju, chairman, HAL. The second integration could take about seven months compared to first one that took 11 months.

The flight clearance certificate was handed over by K Tamilmani, distinguished scientist and DG (aero), to Air Marshal S B P Sinha, Deputy Chief of Air Staff.

The Aircraft Acceptance Certificate was handed over by A M Raja Kannu, DG (AQA), to Air Marshal Sukhchain Singh.

“The Su-30 has become a very lethal weapon delivery platform with the successful integration of Brahmos supersonic cruise missile,” T Suvarna Raju said on the sidelines of the ceremony.

Raju also said HAL had last month handed over the first overhauled Su-30 MKI aircraft to IAF from its Nashik facility that was set up recently for an investment of over Rs 2,000 crore.

With this facility, HAL has developed capacities and capabilities to support Su-30 fleet for next 30-40 years, Raju said. This is only one-of-its-kind facility and has significant export prospects as nearly 10 countries operate the Su-30 fleet, he added.

Programme for the integration was taken up as an indigenous challenge by HAL’s Nashik division in 2010. “The team overcame several difficulties due to the limited design data of Su-30 Mk I and received approval in January, 2011 and order for integration was obtained from the BrahMos Aerospace (BAPL) on techno-commercial merits against OEM in January 2014,” an HAL statement said.

BrahMos missile is a two-stage supersonic cruise missile with a 290-km range developed for destruction of high value and strategic installation.

The missile has a mid-course inertial guidance aided by GPS followed by terminal homing guidance with ARS and multi-spectral seeker for terminal.

HAL delivers first BrahMos-integrated Su-30 to IAF | Business Standard News
Now DrSomenath999 comment about SPICE 250 begins to make sense . :angel:

I hope its a ToT with manufacturing in India.

The counterpart to Sudarshan is the Griffin LGB that LCA and MKI already use, but Sudarshan was meant to replace all foreign LGBs. If it really true, it would be a huge disappointment agin of DRDO, but lets wait for official statements, SPICE is a PGM, not an LGB.
The counterpart to Sudarshan is the Griffin LGB that LCA and MKI already use, but Sudarshan was meant to replace all foreign LGBs. If it really true, it would be a huge disappointment agin of DRDO, but lets wait for official statements, SPICE is a PGM, not an LGB.

Tometo Tomato

If ToT is cheaper and faster than R&D and falls under Non Critical area, what is the point of spending more time and effort on it ? Its far more efficient to buy that tech.

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