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‘Admitting you are a secularist can get you killed in Pakistan’

Sir than you have to check how much money you have in accounts and things Sir if that matches value of the gold told or Silver and a year passes than you have to give 2.5 percent on it you should go ask Ulemas because their are several details of Zakat and zakat differs on many things for example on production and agricultural land and many other things
This link will also give some help

As per your source - No Zakat is due on me because at the end of every year my account is Zero. So, I am free of this obligation :). Any Hadith which says that i have calculate Zakat once a year or says that Zakat is 2.5% for everyone not more nor less (i.e. In case of cash) or i have to claculate in month of Ramdan - than that Hadith can't be Muhammad SAW actual words, surely there is distortion in it. Because this method is against Qur^an's guidance and Muhammad SAW can't go against Quran. As per Quran's guidance - Zakat is due whenever i receive income (in my case salary), There is no 2.5% limit, i have to give maximum possible. And i should avoid keeping execesive things and should give them as Zakat.
As per your source - No Zakat is due on me because at the end of every year my account is Zero. So, I am free of this obligation :). Any Hadith which says that i have calculate Zakat once a year or says that Zakat is 2.5% for everyone not more nor less (i.e. In case of cash) or i have to claculate in month of Ramdan - than that Hadith can't be Muhammad SAW actual words, surely there is distortion in it. Because this method is against Qur^an's guidance and Muhammad SAW can't go against Quran. As per Quran's guidance - Zakat is due whenever i receive income (in my case salary), There is no 2.5% limit, i have to give maximum possible. And i should avoid keeping execesive things and should give them as Zakat.
If you are spending all your wealth and nothing is safe and you don't have some property other than your house than zakat is not due on you but if you are really earning well and wasting it than you are doing a sin no Sir no where it says that Sir don't quote wrongly Quran or understand they ayat and its background before telling it Sir you should have at least one year of saving to give zakat Sir 2.5 % is minimum and it is compulsory which governments have to take even if they have to use force Sir and how will you describe excessive things

The Concept of Calculating Zakah

This concept covers the processes of calculating Zakah, evaluating the amount paid for it, distributing it among its various prescribed channels and stating all these activities in accordance with the jurisprudence of Zakah.
Tasks of calculating Zakah are determined as follows:
Determining, identifying and evaluating the properties liable to Zakah.
Identifying, determining, and evaluating the commitments that are to be deducted from the properties liable to Zakah.
Calculating the minimum amount liable to Zakah and the amount paid for it.
Explaining how to distribute Zakah among its various spending channels.
Showing the Zakah resources and its spending channels during a given period through the available statement and reports of Zakah.
Executive Procedures of Calculating Zakah
The executive procedures for calculating Zakah are represented in the following:
Determining the end of the year, for the time at which Zakah is to be calculated. It varies according to the type of property liable to Zakah except for the Zakah due on plants, fruits, metals and natural resources. Zakah becomes due at the time of harvest or on discovering mineral and sea resources.
Determining and evaluating the various types of properties owned by a given person who is asked to pay Zakah, and determining what is included in Zakah and thus called "the properties liable to Zakah", or "the Zakah funds".
Determining and evaluating the commitments to be paid and deducted from the properties liable to Zakah.
Deducting due commitments from properties to determine those liable to Zakah.
Determining the minimum amount liable to Zakah according to the type of property or activity.
Comparing the value of property stated in Article No. four to the minimum amount liable to Zakah stated in Article No. 5, to decide whether the property will be liable to Zakah or not.
Determining the due quota for Zakah, which may be:
2.5% as in Zakah due on gold and silver, trade, used objects, work earnings, profits and minerals, according to the opinion held by the majority of scholars.
5% as in Zakah due on crops and fruits that are irrigated by tools and equipment (with irrigation costs).
10% as in Zakah due on crops and fruits that are irrigated by springs and rain (without irrigation costs).
20% as in Zakah due on mineral resources.
Calculating Zakah by multiplying its percentage by the total amount liable to Zakah.
Dividing the amount of Zakah as follows:
When an enterprise is owned by individuals, the owner of the enterprise is responsible for paying the whole amount of Zakah due.
When a firm is owned by partners, the amount of Zakah is divided among the partners according to their shares of the capital.
When firms are founded on different sources of funding, the amount of Zakah is to be divided among the number of shares that comprise the business in order to determine the Zakah due on each share. Then, the shares of every shareholder are calculated in order to know the amount due on each one of them.
Distribution of Zakah on its various channels in the light of Islamic Law.
Showing and revealing the amount of Zakah and its distribution using financial reports and accounts.
The Rules of Calculating and Distributing Zakah
There are rules that govern the processes of determining, measuring, showing and revealing Zakah. These rules are deduced from sources of Islamic Law or based upon common accounting.

They include the following:
The completion of a full year:
Islamic jurisprudence considers the lunar year a sufficient period for increase. Therefore, a person who is legally required to pay Zakah must calculate all his properties according to their market value after a full year elapses. In Al-Sharh Al-Saghir, there is an authentic reference to that effect:
Your assets must be evaluated every year according to their market value. The one who undertakes this process of evaluation must be just.
The above-mentioned opinion cannot be applied to Zakah due on plants, fruits, and mineral resources. The Shafi`ites, for example, said: The completion of a whole year is a condition for Zakah to be obligatory. However, completion of the year is not observed for the Zakah due upon grains, and mineral resources. The Malikis said: Completion of the year is not a condition to be observed for the Zakah due upon mineral resources and plants.
Independence of fiscal years:
Based on the previous principle of the completion of the year, calculating Zakah also depends on the independence of the fiscal year. Ibn Rushd explained this by saying: If a given person spent some of his wealth before the completion of a whole year, even shortly before its close, or it was lost, no Zakah would be due on that particular amount. He must pay Zakah on the rest of the wealth if it reaches the minimum amount countable for Zakah and if the fiscal year elapses. But, if he spent some of his wealth upon which Zakah was due after completion of the year, even shortly, or it was lost by any means, he must pay Zakah on it.
Real or assumed increase:
The basis of Zakah calculation relies on the increase of the property liable to Zakah whether actual or estimated regardless of whether or not the property decreased in value from the minimum amount liable to Zakah at any time in the year or that the increase was not added to the capital.
This has been clearly defined and explained by Dr. Shauqi Isma`il Shihatah: Profit is an increase in wealth that takes place during the fiscal year. Thus, whether the wealth diminishes by being converted to cash or is kept in the form of inventory by not being sold, there is a profit in both cases, as selling is nothing but converting the inventory into cash, which clearly shows the real profit.
Financial ability:
The calculation of Zakah is contingent on the financial ability of the one who is required to pay Zakah, such that he should possess the minimum amount upon which Zakah then becomes due. Among the many Qur'anic verses related to this topic is: And they ask you what they should spend; say: What is superfluous. (Surah Al-Baqarah, Verse: 219) Al-Hasan Al-Basri interprets this by saying that one should not spend lavishly and squander all his property and then resort to begging. Also, this has been explained by the Prophet (peace be upon him) in saying to a man: Start with your own self and spend it on yourself, and if anything is left, it should be spent on your family, and if anything is left (after meeting the needs of the family) it should be spent on relatives, and if anything is left (after meeting the needs of the relatives), it should be spent like this; like this. And he was saying: in front of you, on your right and on your left. (Narrated by Muslim after Abu Hurairah.)
This great Islamic principle does not aim at overburdening Muslims. It also urges them to prosper. The criterion for this ability concerning Zakah calculations is one for all kinds of wealth as it is estimated up to 20 dinars or 200 Dirhams.
Zakah is due upon the net revenue or the total sum according to the kind of activity concerned:
In addition to the principle of ability, Zakah is also based on the principle of deducting current debts and other costs from the revenue or wealth in general. This is in order to make it easier for those who are required to pay Zakah. Proof for this principle is easily found, such as that stated by Abu `Ubaid after others: If Zakah becomes due upon you, consider what you have in cash and other assets; then evaluate these assets in terms of money. Total what others owe you and your debts to others and deduct them from the whole amount; and then pay Zakah on what is left. The point is to distinguish debts from wealth before identifying the Zakah base or the amount of wealth upon which Zakah is due. Also, one of the earlier jurists stated that: First pay your debts, and if the rest reaches five wasqs (a kind of dry measure) then, pay its Zakah due. (Yahia bin Adam Al-Qurashi - The Book of Kharaj [Zakah] - page 59). In addition, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) used to ask those who carry out the process of estimating and evaluating crops and fruits in order to determine the Zakah base to be kind and lenient with the people, as he used to say: If you were to estimate and evaluate (the fruits) you take and leave one-third, and if you did not leave one-third, then leave one-fourth. (Narrated by Ahmed)
It is evident from the previous points that the basis of Zakah calculation takes into consideration debts and costs that are necessary for earning a living, and the personal and family affairs of those who are required to pay Zakah.
Totaling property:
All properties liable to Zakah are to be totaled and accounted for after determining the owner's debts. This has been confirmed by what was said by Ibn Al-Qaiym: The value of the merchandise is to be considered according to the trade prices in the countries in which these goods are found. So, if a given person sent some sort of goods to another country and it was traded before the completion of the fiscal year, its value would be counted according to the prices of that particular country. Also, one should combine the different kinds of goods and inventory in the evaluation process and offer Zakah upon all of them.
Principles of evaluation according to the current rate of exchange (market value):
Islamic calculation of Zakah is based on evaluating the inventory before the end of the fiscal year in order to determine the Zakah due according to the current rate of exchange principle. Jabir bin Zaid said about inventory intended for speculation in trading: Evaluate and estimate it [your inventory] according to its market value on the day when Zakah falls due, then pay its Zakah. This was unanimously agreed upon by the majority of jurists. Maimun bin Mihran said: If Zakah falls due, consider what you have in cash and inventory, then, evaluate this inventory in terms of cash. Consider what others owe you and your debts to others and deduct all from the whole amount and then pay Zakah on what remains.
Dividing Money in Islamic Jurisprudence and its Relation to Calculating Zakah

In Islamic Jurisprudence, assets are divided into:
Currency: which is exchanged in buying and selling. It consists of two kinds:
* Free money:
gold and silver.
* Bound money:
banknotes and coins.
Other assets : meant to be utilized in a certain manner. They are of two kinds:
* Durable assets:
which are possessed for use in different activities e.g. machines and plow animals. This is equivalent to the modern term 'fixed assets'.
* Inventory:
which is prepared for sale and exchange, whether manufactured or bought to be exchanged in trade.
Animals: camels, cows, sheep and the like. There are three kinds
* Animals raised for milk and breeding. laboring animals possessed for work.
* Animals raised for trade.
Crops and fruits: the products of the land, divided into:

* Those irrigated by machines.
* Those irrigated by rain, springs or taking water from the earth by their roots.
If you are spending all your wealth and nothing is safe and you don't have some property other than your house than zakat is not due on you but if you are really earning well and wasting it than you are doing a sin no Sir no where it says that Sir don't quote wrongly Quran or understand they ayat and its background before telling it Sir you should have at least one year of saving to give zakat Sir 2.5 % is minimum and it is compulsory which governments have to take even if they have to use force Sir and how will you describe excessive things

[6:141] He is the One who established gardens, trellised and untrellised, and palm trees, and crops with different tastes, and olives, and pomegranate —fruits that are similar, yet dissimilar. Eat from their fruits, and give the due alms on the day of harvest, and do not waste anything. He does not love the wasters

1. Day of harvest is day of income = for me it's the day when i receive my salary
2. Any thing extra i have which is not in my use is excesive and i am wasting it.
[6:141] He is the One who established gardens, trellised and untrellised, and palm trees, and crops with different tastes, and olives, and pomegranate —fruits that are similar, yet dissimilar. Eat from their fruits, and give the due alms on the day of harvest, and do not waste anything. He does not love the wasters

1. Day of harvest is day of income = for me it's the day when i receive my salary
2. Any thing extra i have which is not in my use is excesive and i am wasting it.
Sir first go and understand the ayat this ayat is not for that Sir you have to one years of savings to give Zakat sir
Those who believe and do deeds of righteousness and establish regular prayers and regular charity will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.
Surah 2 (Cow) verse 277
Third Pillar of Islam
Most of the time Zakat is mentioned joined with prayers, so much so that a companion of the prophet said, “no prayers are accepted without Zakat."
Zakat is frequently referred to in the Quran and Sunnah as "Sadaqatt" (meaning charity). One of the most important principles of Islam is that all things belong to God, and God entrusts that the wealth we have to us, and He prescribed certain rights to be given to different sources explained below. If the owner of the wealth is minor or insane, his guardian must pay the Zakat once it is due.
The literal meaning of the Zakat is both as purification and growth.
We read in Surah Tauba 9:103
“(O Mohammed) take out of their possessions Sadaqat so that you may cleanse and purify them thereby, and pray for them….
Allah has specified in Surah Tauba 9:60
Sadaqat are for:
the poor
the needy
those employed to administer the Zakat
those whose hearts are to be won over
freeing of human beings from bondage
those who are burdened with debt
for God’s cause
for the wayfarer
So we can say that:
Zakat is a prescribed tax on the wealth of the Muslim
It is the right of Allah (God) on the wealth entrusted to us
It is a specified and determined amount of tax
It is to be spent in specified avenues
It does cleanse and purify you
The proof from the Quran and Sunnah are very clear. There are more than 30 verses that talk about Zakat, as well as multiple Hadith of the prophet about Zakat.
Who Should Pay Zakat?
Every adult free Muslim person, whose wealth exceeds a certain amount known as Nisab.
Wealth Subject to Zakat
The Qur'an stipulates that all wealth is subject to Zakat. Some kinds were specifically mentioned therein. 9:35 , 2:267, and 6:141.
Gold and Silver (bank note and equivalent)
On the day when heat will be produced out of that (wealth) in the fire of hell and with it will be branded their foreheads, their flanks and their backs "this is the (treasure) which ye buried for yourselves: taste ye then the (treasures) ye buried!”
Surah 9 Tauba verse 35
Agriculture products
O you who have attained to faith! Spend on others out of the good things which you may have acquired, and out of that which We bring forth for you from the earth; and choose not for your spending the bad things which you yourselves would not accept without averting your eyes in disdain. And know that God is self-sufficient, ever to be praised
Surah 2 verse 267
It is He who produceth gardens with trellises and without and dates and tilth with produce of all kinds and olives and pomegranates similar (in kind) and different (in variety): eat of their fruit in their season but render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered. But waste not by excess: for Allah loveth not the wasters.

Wealth (Mal) is any economic goods having utility - a good that satisfies an economic need, or anything that has a market value and is possessed by a Muslim.
Surah 6 Cattles verse 141
Qualification of Wealth
A particular Muslim should possess it. Possession means acquisition and right of disposition and usage.
Any wealth possessed by a person as qualified above must pay Zakat, even if the title of possession is illegal. Stolen wealth is not exempted from Zakat.
The person who borrows money or a commodity and who is entitled to dispose of what he has borrowed at his own discretion must pay Zakat on what he borrowed. However, if the borrowed wealth is to meet the genuine requirement of livelihood, the wealth becomes exempt. Any person, in the categories who deserve a share of Zakat, is exempt from paying Zakat to meet his livelihood needs.
The wealth that is used to meet a requirement of livelihood is not subject to Zakat. Thus the house you live in, the car used by you, the jewelry usually adorning the woman, the stored food provisions for the consumption of the individual or his family, all of this is exempted even its value may exceed the limit (Nisab). However, if a Muslim woman buys jewels with the intension to save her money or to invest in Gold or any other precious metal or stone of value, or keep the wealth from devaluation or otherwise, she must pay Zakat on such jewels even if she puts them on from time to time for adornment.
Limit of Exemption (Nisab)
The verse 9:60, designating the avenues of spending Zakat, seeks to meet the dire need of the poor and requirements and the like. Then those categories are exempted from paying Zakat.
The authority of alkhudri, the prophet (pbuh) said, ”There is no Zakat on less than five Awaq (silver) and there is no Zakat on less than five Awsuq (measure of grains).”
There is consensus of opinion about the condition of Nisab. Yet there are some differences among the jurists about whether to subject the whole produce of earth to Zakat, or to subject the excess over the Nisab only.
Nowadays we have different kinds of wealth and some form of wealth that was not known at the old time. Can we equate the measure of dates is equivalent to pine nuts or cashews or corn?
The Hadith, on the authority of Saeed Ibn El Musiab, who heard from Abu Huraira, the Prophet, (pbuh), said, “ The best of Sadaqat is that which is paid out of richness, but start giving it to your dependents first.” And there is another Hadith in Bukhari and Ahmed, “No Zakat is due unless in case of affluence.”
Since Zakat is annual, it must be paid out of the excess of the original requirement for one year. We have to look at Nisab in our time based on the well known scholar and jurist, Shah Walyullah Dehalawi, who stated in his famous work ”Hujjatullah Al Baligha”.
The amount of five Awsuq of grain or dried dates was assessed on the ground that they would suffice the minimum requirements of a family for one year (husband, wife and one child).
Nisab should be the same in the same country, but it may differ from country to country based on the standard of living in a particular country. There is a very important rule in jurisprudence that is, “Fiqh changes in accordance with the change in circumstances while shari’a remains unchanged, thus the texts should be interpreted in the light of our actual life.” So based on that, Nisab would be the exempt amount of wealth which is considered, in a particular community, sufficient to sustain the family or the individual for one year.
To Calculate the Nisab
The western states determine the livelihood requirements of the individual and the families composed of different numbers. This implies the required food, clothing, rent, etc., sometimes they refer to it as consumption basket.
The value of the said basket is evaluated in terms of money at the time of paying Zakat.
Such value becomes the Nisab and that the amount to be deducted before calculating Zakat. In the USA this is known as poverty guidelines and is published yearly.
The Yearly Term
The wealth must remain a full year in the possession of the person before it becomes liable to Zakat. Wealth should be subject to Zakat once every year.
Due dates for paying Zakat depends on the nature of wealth subject to Zakat.
Zakat on liquid money and alike is levied on such funds that remain a full year.
Zakat pertaining to commerce, industry, real-estate development and professions is to be assessed at the end of the fiscal year.
Zakat on crops and agricultural products, salaries and regular wages and fixed incomes is to be paid on their receipt, in application of the verse: "and give its due on harvesting it." 6:141
Amount of Zakat
The jurist divides the wealth in the following categories:
Animal wealth
Gold and silver
Jewelry, gold articles and silver
Commercial wealth
Agricultural wealth
Honey and animal product
Mineral wealth
Investment & real estate
Labor and professional income
Shares and stocks
The Quran does not mentioned how much should be levied on wealth as due Zakat. But the Sunnah entails few Hadith dealing in some categories, which were common at that time.
From those Hadith, the jurist deducts some principle and differs on some kinds of wealth. I will talk tonight about Zakat of money and investments and shares and salaries and professionals income, which relate to our situation now.
Zakat on Money
There is unanimity among the companions and the jurists that both silver and gold, being the only currency at that time, are subject to Zakat.
The rate is 2.5%. Nowaday, we have paper and non-silver, non-gold coin, but that is our currency and we should pay Zakat on such currency. The cash balance of money plus its proceeds is subject to 2.5% per annum. Such tax on money is to encourage people to invest it and to help the welfare of the community and not to hoard the money. Read verse 9:34.
But, as for all who lay up treasures of gold and silver and do not spend them for the sake of God, give them the tiding of grievous suffering (in the life to come).
Zakat on Investment
Invested capitals are any wealth designated to an economic activity, which yields a return to the investor. (Amwal Mustghallah). Such investment falls in several wide categories:
Cash investment
Entrusting cash money to others for a period of time against a certain return. The money is secured and the owner has access to it all the time. Such money is subject to 2.5% on the capital plus the yield.
Risk Investment
The money is used in a productive process, which is expected to yield a profit. The modern "fiqh" considers the investment in industry and development analogous to agricultural investment and the yield should be subject to 10% if it exceeds the Nisab, and after deducting all expenses, including depreciation, dead debts and obsolescence.
Zakat of earned income
All salaried people and professionals; doctors and contractors and alike should calculate there total income per year and after deducting the Nisab should pay 2.5% on the balance.
Zakat of minerals
Mining is an activity that entails risk. It will be dealt with as industry and will be liable for Zakat for the net income at 10%.
Zakat of treasures (Rikaz)
The meaning here is any wealth fortuitously found under or above the surface of the earth. The finder is not supposed to be taking any risk nor having any significant cost. Such wealth is zakatable at 20%.

http://abuhudzaifahhoney.blogspot.com/2012/03/zakah-according-to-quran-sunnah.html Read this book this will also help you @LoveIcon
http://kinzulemaan.blogspot.com/2011/05/qanoon-e-shariat-zakat-alms-to-poor.html This link will also help you
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@Zarvan Zakat is different than charity, Zakat is obligatory and every Muslim must give. You have to understand the message in Qur^an, this verse have clear message that whenever i receive any income (crop), i have to give due share. Purpose of Zakat is to help deserved people {deserved people are not deserved Muslims only} - if i give Zakat once a year than those deserved people have to wait for one year to get their due share which is injustice. And calculation method is also incorrect - if we calculate Zakat only on amount which remains for whole year or in possession at the time of Zakat calculation than majority of Pakistanis are exempted from Zakat - which is cheating.

Zakat is not new thing in Islam, It existed and was obligatory since the time of Abraham and in case of Zakat Judaism is better and as per Quran & Sunnah than Your Sharia ("Mind it yours not Prophet (PBUH's)" because Jews have to give 1/10 of their net income as Zakat (called Tzedakah in Judaism) and it's mandatory for every Jew (which is mandatory for every Muslim as well).
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No one can argue with @Zarvan. He is indomitable... how can you argue with a person who believes he is on a holy mission by Allah to promote Islam and its superiority and be the mullah of the forum. Its exactly the problem with the Islamist. The mindset is the issue.

I will come to you for my nikah maulvi sahab. In fact @Zakii should have called you to parhofy his nikah.
The good thing about Zarvan is that he is very polite despite everyone bullying him on the forum for being a mullah.

There can be no debate on secularism unless the equation and myth that Islam is not equal to secularism is removed from our minds. We are not an Islamic republic anyway. A country that fails to be after 60 years of trying should reconsider what it is really. :D
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Sir those who don't stand up against system of kufr and trying to change it are indirectly being part of it but their are millions of Muslims who in all these countries are trying their best to change their kufr systems Sir and I love them and will love to help them in any way possible

@Zarvan, 1st tell me aap ko koi takleef tou nai Quran pernay mein? Koi problems atti hain kiya? Kuch samajh nai atta? Aap 1 translation say partay hain ya 3-4 translations ya sirf tafsir jo kissi nay likhi hai based on uski soch kay us zamanay mein yeh hora tha tou SHAIHID isliyea yeh likha hai an yeh kaha giyea hai...agar koi tafseer likh sakta hai apni soch say tou koi banda bhi likh sakta hai...ab jitnay log likhain gay utni differences aain gay....yeh sirf quran ki baat hori hai...jo kay 1 kitab hai

ab hadith jo thousands mein hain....uska sochain.....

farz kerain aap 1 topic partay hain

"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts from sin and not show of their adornment except only that which is apparent, and draw their headcovers over their necks and bosoms and not reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers, or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women (i.e., their sisters in Islam), or their female slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants free of physical desires, or small children who have no sense of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah altogether, O you Believers, in order that you may attain success.[An-Nur, 24:31]

O Prophet, Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their outer garments about themselves (when they go out). That is better so that they may be recognised and not molested. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [Al-Ahzaab, 33:59]

Ab issi ayat par aap dekh lain kitnay mukhtaleef tareekoun say hadith mojud hain...Nai yeh mat batain kon sahi hai kay galat...Abhi sirff itna batain kay kafi hadith moujood hain kay nai?

Agar hain, aap konsi correct mantay hain? Mein aap ko example dayri houn yeh nai pooch ri asl mein kiya hai woh sub jaan tay hain...example sirf isliyea aap ko dikhanay kay liyea kay 1 cheez mein kitnay possibilities nikal saktay hain!

Koi naqaab ko farz mein daal dayta hai, koi kahta hai woh sirf Nabi ki biwioun kay liyea farz tha aur baqi aurtoun ko encourage kiya giyea koi kahta hai naqab nai sirf purdah kafi hai and so many other cases...AUR HAR koi aap ko HADITH MEIN say hi yeh sabit kerday ga woh sahi hai!

SAHI HAI KAY NAI? It nay possibilities hain kay nai?

Issi baat ko hum show keray hain kay yeh hakikat hai kay islam aysay bata jara hai!

Now taking this,

1 aurat jo kay nikaab nai kerti kissi ilaqay mein mari jati hai us pay ilzaam lagai jatay hain...

1 aurat jo aysay France mein pehnay phir usko parnay nai daytay...

1 aurtat aysay UK/ USA mein pehn sakti hai par aur log usko tang kerain gay...Uk kafi jagaoun par aysa libaaz jaiz hai tou this shows it has nothing to do with THEIR LAWS! It is just a form of thinking

Whain laybaaz bus different thinking!

aik aur example:

Hanafi mein aurtay agar socks nai pehnay tou namaaz ho jati hai par shafii kehtay hain nai pehni tou namaaz nai hoti! dounoun taraf say aap ko hadith mil sakti hai!

Kahin jaga likha hai rafadain ka kahin log nai kertay aur woh bhi aap ko hadith dikha saktay hain kay Nabi nay kabhi kabhi nai kiya...and many more examples...No do not tell me who they are...i know...I am giving you DIVERSITY of Muslims

another examples Koi log Shafii ki sect say maantay hain kay wudhu kay waqt agar pani ziada bahatay hain tou gunah jharjatay hain woh aap ko hadith bhi dikha dain gay....Magar jo Africa mein rahtay hain unkay paas itna pani bahanay ko nai hai balkay woh minimum pani use kertay hain wudhu kay liyea....and woh aap ko iski bhi hadith dikhanay kay liyea tiyar hain! I am giving you DIVERSITY of Muslims

Now Kiya aap mantay hain Islam har zamanay kay liyea hai? Har insaaan kay liyea hai?

Agar haan....tou yeh is zamanay mein kiyun nai fit hora?

Kiyun kay hum bhool giyea hain Islam ko...Hum bhool giyea hain uski asliaat ko...Hum quran kum aur hadith ziada follow kertay hain...Mein yeh nai kehri HADITH GALAT HAIN...yeh keh ri houn QURAN KO BARHAAWA diyea jai!

Jub apna damagh band rakhna hai then QURAN MEIN baar baar kiyun kaha hai koi hai jo sochay samjhay? Iska kiya matlab hai?

Now all I can say is
woh insaan jo pani baha sakta hai aur sirf isliyea ker ra hai kiyun kay apnay ghuna jhar nay kay liyea aur usnay hadith pari hai balkaida tou woh sahi hi kera hoga...

jo Africans nai itna baha saktay BHI sahi keray hain unki fault nai hai kay unkay paas pani nai hai itna...

Jo nikaab kera hai woh bhi sahi hai aur jo nai kera takay university mein ja sakay woh bhi sahi hai...

Jo rafadain kera hai woh bhi sahi hai aur jahan masjid itni bahari wi hoti hain rafadain kernay ki jagah nai hoti tou wahan kay log nai kertay tou unki bhi naaaz asahi hai....

Itni jaldi kissi ko kafir nai keh tay...
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Sir I didn't gave him any title I just want to know his views I last remember he wrote about this when he first came to this group from where I found out

I never wrote about Qadyani! Please do not accuse! I do not know much about their belief ONLY what I have read....That too was from a person who hated the group so I am not sure if what I read was authentic! :blink:
@Zarvan another example

If someone tells me it is ok to eat chicken from ahle kitaab (I know people who are from Saudi eat at Mc.donalds and KFC in UK because they say their sheikh said it is ok)...I oppose because 1stly ahle kitaab is disputed...

some say it is Jews and Christian

Some say it is the people who EXISTED at that time

Some say who follow the REAL TORAH AND INJEEL

so since I do not know I do not eat at KFC or Mc.Donal here 2 reason

1 I can not define ahle kitaab too many hadith and mullahs in the process...

2 Being a scientist I do not think that stunning and animal and then killing is healthy!
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Furthermore, if someone tells me it is ok to drink ALCOHOL and show me a hadith where prophet did not mind or it is ok as medicine I oppose because 2 reasons

Quran said NO so NO

I am scientist I know why Quran said no...some research can be used to oppose...

So you see hadith kahin say bhi nikal atti hain and har fikkay ka yahin rona hai kay woh sach hain baqi sub jhoot!

SHUT UP the lot of you ! :lol:
@Armstrong side pay ho jao....we need to get this out because honestly speaking too much maligning Islam....at least for once I want to show ISLAM is not something outdated and is VERY PRACTICAL!
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@Zarvan- most things you say i agree with- but please dont declare any one Kafir so blatantly-
The word Kafir to some automatically plagues your other arguments- no matter how much true they are-

Ibn Umar (peace be upon him) said:
The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said,
"When a person calls his brother (in Islam) a disbeliever, one of them will certainly deserve the title, If the addressee is so as he has asserted, the disbelief of the man is confirmed, but if it is untrue, then it will revert to him."
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]]

Prophet Muhammad (Salalaho alehe wasalam) has warned us that if a person calls another KAFIR and the person called that is not one, then the individual who made the accusation is a KAFIR. And he/she has to perform TAJDEED-E-IMAAN and TAJDEED-E-NIKAH (if married).

So be careful-
If Allah find the other person a Muslim then you are the one who is Kafir-
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@Armstrong side pay ho jao....we need to get this out because honestly speaking too much maligning Islam....at least for once I want to show ISLAM is not something outdated and is VERY PRACTICAL!

What really is your argument all about ? :what:

And what is the other side saying ?
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What really is your argument all about ? :what:

And what is the other side saying ?

My argument is HADITH is not written in stone! Many people have misused it and 1 hadith can have sooo many interpretations that it can boggle ANYONE! So one should always go to the original source and not be just HADITH madness!

I believe in hadith but Quran is not rocket science that you can not sit down have your basics sorted....once that is clear than you can jump around in Hadith but bare in mind that hadith are not all that is ....there are more than 1 hadith in each case and every hadith seems to have a condition....like for the wudhu, nikaab and so on....
My argument is HADITH is not written in stone! Many people have misused it and 1 hadith can have sooo many interpretations that it can boggle ANYONE! So one should always go to the original source and not be just HADITH madness!

I believe in hadith but Quran is not rocket science that you can not sit down have your basics sorted....once that is clear than you can jump around in Hadith but bare in mind that hadith are not all that is ....there are more than 1 hadith in each case and every hadith seems to have a condition....like for the wudhu, nikaab and so on....

There are books called "Saha e Sita"-
These are the authentic collection of Hadith-

When ever you see a hadith verify the hadith from there-
The imams have done rhe hardwork for us-
My argument is HADITH is not written in stone! Many people have misused it and 1 hadith can have sooo many interpretations that it can boggle ANYONE! So one should always go to the original source and not be just HADITH madness!

I believe in hadith but Quran is not rocket science that you can not sit down have your basics sorted....once that is clear than you can jump around in Hadith but bare in mind that hadith are not all that is ....there are more than 1 hadith in each case and every hadith seems to have a condition....like for the wudhu, nikaab and so on....

I agree so whats the fuss about ! :what:
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