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‘Admitting you are a secularist can get you killed in Pakistan’

Binary logic fails when there are multiple interpretations of scripture. For example, it's well known that Muhammed was a merchant, yet the fundamentalist interpretation of the Koran that dominated Islam centuries later was driven by the viewpoint of landlords and monarchs. So how can you possibly be confident that you've got it right rather than being a kufr yourself?

If you want to correctly understand to Quran you must see personal life of Rasoolullah (Sallah O Alaihe Wa Alaihi Wasallum) & his 4 caliphs as well as method of their governance ... Then I am sure you would accept that Islam can give you complete way of living ..
Jaziya was a discriminatory tax. Compared to zakat, Jaziya was more burdensome and taxpayers of Jaziya were often beaten-up by the tax-collecting clerics. That's why we Hindus admire Akbar the Great for abolishing Jaziya

Sources please?!
Which thing you couldn't find in Quran try to get it from Hadith ... Because is also words of Allah ... Rasullullah (Sallah O Alaihe Wa Aalehi Wassalam) said that he always talks with Allah's own ..

You have to check the credibility of Hadith with the guidance of Quran, Prophet (PBUH) himself said that if you find anything associated with me contradictory to Quran than reject that and follow Quran.
Kindly present some proofs to support the bold part. How the Mughals did with Non-Muslims is not being discussed here, although I don't believe people were beaten up for not paying tax. Anyways, topic is the Islamic tax of Jizya. Its true nature.

People were given 1-2 thrashes after paying jaziya, that is a historical fact
If you want to correctly understand to Quran you must see personal life of Rasoolullah (Sallah O Alaihe Wa Alaihi Wasallum) & his 4 caliphs as well as method of their governance ... Then I am sure you would accept that Islam can give you complete way of living ..

When God himself says "054:017 And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?" than why you think any-other thing is needed, Al-though that can supplement the learning process but same-time lot of twisting is done & associated with Prophet (PBUH) to justify the acts of different rulers. And these twisting of history and man made hadiths are the root cause of all problems.
Zorostatian history is is quite well documented along with archeological evidence, much of it was destroyed by Islamic invasion of Persia!

Perhaps it was influenced by Jewish and Christian scripture..Quran talks a about Figs and Olives - none of them grow in Mecca..Most likely Syrian landscape!

Analysis: Saudi Arabia's war between god and archaeology - Telegraph

There is no archaeological evidence that suggests that Mecca is an ancient town that existed before the Christian era, or even that it existed before about the 4th century A.D.
Try a Google like - archaeology of mecca - or other related searches.
Here's a Wikipedia article on Ancient Towns in Saudi Arabia. Mecca is not on the list because there is no evidence of Mecca being an ancient town.


Quran is not words of human .... This is word of Allah ... If you belief that Quran is influenced by jewish & christian scripture ... Then you must to tell your religion ... Because any Muslim couldn't say like this ..
You have to check the credibility of Hadith with the guidance of Quran, Prophet (PBUH) himself said that if you find anything associated with me contradictory to Quran than reject that and follow Quran.

Kindly give reference !!!
People were given 1-2 thrashes after paying jaziya, that is a historical fact

I think it is hearsay rather than a historical fact!

You have to check the credibility of Hadith with the guidance of Quran, Prophet (PBUH) himself said that if you find anything associated with me contradictory to Quran than reject that and follow Quran.

Prophet did not say it just the 4 imams who collected the hadith!
When God himself says "054:017 And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition?" than why you think any-other thing is needed, Al-though that can supplement the learning process but same-time lot of twisting is done & associated with Prophet (PBUH) to justify the acts of different rulers. And these twisting of history and man made hadiths are the root cause of all problems.

Without Hadith you never understand to Quran ... Sahih Ahadith are available in present era ..
Sources please?!

Jews and Copts were made to pay more than 10% of their income. In India, some medieval sources from Delhi Sultanate era say, ask a Hindu to pay as much tax, so that he becomes a beggar. There was tax even for keeping goats.

Zakat is 2.5% of income and not humiliating nor burdonsome like jaziya.
Secularism is fine as long as you don't use to influence or Islamic ideology which in unquestionable.

Conservative Muslims should refrain from using their ideology to ridicule, harass and force their views on others.

If you live in an Islamic majority nation or community then one should adopt values of moral and decency which have no religion affiliation thus respecting the sensitivity.
People were given 1-2 thrashes after paying jaziya, that is a historical fact

Don't tell me what's historical fact and what's not. Just answer my question. Provide me the proof that Jizya is more burdensome than zakat and is discriminatory to Non-Muslims. Hurry up, please. You quoted my post, now support your argument.
Jews and Copts were made to pay more than 10% of their income. In India, some medieval sources from Delhi Sultanate era say, ask a Hindu to pay as much tax, so that he becomes a beggar. There was tax even for keeping goats.

Zakat is 2.5% of income and not humiliating nor burdonsome like jaziya.

This is not of income ... whereas it is 2.5% of total assets ... Second thing you must quote reference regarding jiziya ..
Jews and Copts were made to pay more than 10% of their income. In India, some medieval sources from Delhi Sultanate era say, ask a Hindu to pay as much tax, so that he becomes a beggar. There was tax even for keeping goats.

Zakat is 2.5% of income and not humiliating nor burdonsome like jaziya.

I had a similar discussion with some Indian dude on PDF not long back!

sources? not hearsay stuff please!

There are historical documented facts that people were indeed thrashed after paying Jaziya.

THEY ARE hearsay things going on as FACTS just to show that ISLAM is bad! Besides I am more interested in JAZIYA not what people did!

The rule may be to drive on the road now if someone tries to fly the car, you can not blame neither the car nor the rule!
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