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Admiral Gorshkov aircraft carrier-Lemon?

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Can someone be kind enough to list the indigeneous and joint venture projects in Pakistan?
Wake up from your fantacy world, and read this.

Indigeneous efforts:

ADS- Indigeneous Aircraft Carrier in development. Desppite already having one
and an order for Admiral Gorshkov.
Indigeneous Nuclear Submarine- To be launched by 2009.
Astra-Indieneous BVR missile, in development stage.
BMD- To be ready by 2010.
ALH Dhruv- Already developed. Combat version is in the testing stage.
LCH- Development stage.
LCA- To be in service by 2012.
Arjun- In testing stage.
Akash- SAM ready to be deployed.
INSAS- Already deployed.
6000 Km Missile- In development stage.
AWACS- In development stage.

Joint Efforts:
PAK-FA- Fifth generation aircraft.
MRTA- Military transport aircraft.
Brahmos- Already deployed.

I might have missed many others.

Grow up child ...

The link you posted is saying that 30% is developed by India...

ADS- May be in 2015 but donot count it with present capabilities

Indigeneous Nuclear Submarine --- Tell me when it is launched..

Astra-Indieneous BVR missile, ---- R-77 lisence production

BMD- To be ready by 2010 --- LOL
ALH Dhruv- Already developed. Combat version is in the testing stage.
LCH- Development stage.
LCA- Have been under developement since you were Born.
Arjun- Have been under developement since you were Born
Akash- Agreed
INSAS- Agreed
6000 Km Missile- -- In developement Stage only.. Takes 5 years to test Agni-III again... how long this will take ?
AWACS- Phalcon mockup

Joint Efforts:
PAK-FA- Fifth generation aircraft --- Not yet started
MRTA- Military transport aircraft --- Not yet started
Brahmos- Already deployed --- Russian Yakhont ...

But wait why am i replying to your childish response....

Is all the above in count to 30% reliability in components and Military Hardware.... In what fools world are you living.
Donot reply in emotional frame of Mind which you have as you are Indian....

Consider that all you have mentioned is not Self Reliability but a step towards it.
That is the argument that only in missile developement India is self reliant in production but not components.... In military hardware no where it is 30% self reliant at this stage.
Donot reply in emotional frame of Mind which you have as you are Indian....

Consider that all you have mentioned is not Self Reliability but a step towards it.
That is the argument that only in missile developement India is self reliant in production but not components.... In military hardware no where it is 30% self reliant at this stage.

Are you questioning the reliability of the statistics taken by the news article?
How does the presentation of actual facts seem emotional to you?
Could you be kind enough to post some Pakistani indigeneous / joint efforts in self reliance. Reality shows India is in the track to self reliance, your opioion does not matter.
Are you questioning the reliability of the statistics taken by the news article?
How does the presentation of actual facts seem emotional to you?
Could you be kind enough to post some Pakistani indigeneous / joint efforts in self reliance. Reality shows India is in the track to self reliance, your opioion does not matter.

Actual Facts for the future developements...........

Did in any post I mentioned Pakistan is self reliant in Military Fields...

In track and self reliant are different things dude... If you state that India is on road to self reliance, it means some sense but if you state that India is self reliant 30% then provide the justification that Indian Industry produces at exiting time 30% of all its Military Hardware...

All you come up with are ongoing R&D stuffs and say that they are Military Productions........... :rofl:

Your hyper thinking attitude is not going to change the facts that It is not self reliant ........ not even 30%
May be you wanted to say India is self reliant in Joint Productions and R&D prototypes..

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe the guy in the News article meant the same, since India produces no major Hardware locally , components are being produced in India locally, I agree.

30% self reliance will be reached by 2010....No?.

1. Main Battle Tanks ---Buys T-90 from Russia, Upgrading of T-72 being done with Russian Support and for lots offer awaited from Israel, Poland and France. Arjun -- Not under production hence no self reliance in MBTs

2. Artillery and SP artillery -- Buys Bofors and other artillery equipment, Anti Tank Weapons procured from Russia, other than mortors and Shells no production. hence no self reliance

3. Nag ATGM not under production -- Hence no self reliance in ATGMs

4. APCs -- BMPs 1 & 2 , Russian origin .. Hence no self reliance

5. MRLs --- All russian made - pinaka not in production -- hence no self reliance.

6. Air Defence --- All Russian equipement and none of Indian Indigineous, Akash or Tirshul are in Production to date... hence no Self Reliance..

7. Surface to Surface Missiles(SSMs)--- Other than Brahmos (Yakhont) Russina made... India is increasingly becoming self reliant in Missile field.

Doesn't Give a pretty self reliance picture........... I wonder how this guy stated 30% self reliance at the moment...

This is Just the Indian Army............
ALH Dhruv is complete.
Ballistic Missile Defence is Tested.
Akash SAM- Fully tested recently.
INSAS- Already Deployed..

Ok ..

ALH - Not in production Yet
BMD - I agree but its full functional deployement will take a decade as it is with DRDO
Akash SAM - Not much to say for Akash since it seems only modification of SA-6A
INSAS - I posted dude that India is already self sufficient in small arms

Regd your question about 30 % self reliance, please put your query to the news reporter of the website The Earth Times Online Newspaper, Serving the Planet, if you have any questions.

Will do!
Good, I know you can't even think of mentioning it.

But Pakistan in Military Equipment is becoming increasingly developing...

MBTs, APCs, AFV and lots others are being made in Pakistan........ but not all components ............. That is the point in self reliance......... If you can put up a thing with components from market you are not self reliant ... You need a big infrustructure for saying that you are self reliant in that field from the first Nut to the last Bolt.
But Pakistan in Military Equipment is becoming increasingly developing...

MBTs, APCs, AFV and lots others are being made in Pakistan........ but not all components ............. That is the point in self reliance......... If you can put up a thing with components from market you are not self reliant ... You need a big infrustructure for saying that you are self reliant in that field from the first Nut to the last Bolt.

This is exactly what I expected you to say.
I did manage well to get it out of you.
I asked for Indigeneous projects!
You call AK MBT as indigenous? But Brahmos looks russian!!. The fact is both are joint ventures.

No country except US and Russia are 100% self reliant. I say again, 30%, please please read again. I never said we manufacture to the last bolt.
This is exactly what I expected you to say.
I did manage well to get it out of you.
I asked for Indigeneous projects!
You call AK MBT as indigenous? But Brahmos looks russian!!. The fact is both are joint ventures.

No country except US and Russia are 100% self reliant. I say again, 30%, please please read again. I never said we manufacture to the last bolt.

Lets keep the discussion healthy what you say :cheers:

Take pakistan out of the loop and all the indigineous works / Joint ventures by Pakistan and India Out..

I donot agree that we both countries are 10% self reliant in Military hardware..

India has a big Industrial Infrustructure and is producing more components of military requirements on large scale, I agree, but lack of production has put all to bay of bengal ....

Efforts are being done to get 30% self reliant in decade or so is what i will understand ....
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