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Add Pakistan to list of terrorist states, Afghan MPs urge United Nations

They want Pakistan. They want all the benefits, goodies and provisions of Pakistan all to themselves. I've heard ridiculous comments by Afghans who say that Pakistan belongs to Afghanistan and that the success of the Pakistani nation and military is thanks to Afghan people. They actually believe that. A lot of them are completely deluded and ignorant to the core. The majority leave in a fantasy world.
Jealousy is a terrible thing.
Needless to say bro, we are going to get the blame for this. They'll connect it to us somehow. According to many Afghans, anything bad that happens in the universe is because of Pakistan. I'm surprised the Afghans havn't accused Darth Vader of being Pakistani.

They wont. Laskar Gah is like 200KM away from Pakistani border. Its not like TTP hit and run tactic where they will use Afghan territory to run and hide. There is some serious sh|t happening in Helmand, Afghan police and Army is on the run. And if they out of their stupidity blame Pakistan for this, they better handover Afghanistan to Pakistan.

First they talk to Afghan Taliban for peace talks and right bang in the middle of talks, kill their leader, what do they expect in return? Its like Abdullah Abdullah is eliminated right in the middle of talks by Taliban, would the Kabul regime come to talks with Afghan Taliban afterwards?

They have shoot themselves in the foot and the cost I am afraid will be paid immensely by Afghans who got nothing to do with this internal conflict between Afghan Taliban and northern Alliance Kabul regime.
Afghans are playing the same game that Pakistan plays i.e. The high stakes game. Pakistan has pursued the policy that it's too big to fail and one up on war mongering.

The problem here is even Afghanistan now is playing the same game but ethically. They are playing that if they sink then they will take Pakistan with them. With the jist of it afghans are really in a very bad spot with respect to survival. Pakistan has over promised them with a lot to appease but it's all bark no bite. Ghani who some of you thought God sent is now talking pakistan to backlash.

My opinion :
I fail to understand when the people have double standards especially Pakistani supporters just to justify. Even talibans have more balls to protect the OBL. Then I will get the rhetoric of back to Stone Age so we rolled. Five comments down they will be Muslim brothers. They don't have either say, knowledge or policy that is being followed by Military or government. They are here to justify post action. I am not saying they should not be nationalist but sanity should prevail.

P.S. I am here to listen to the other side of the story.
They wont. Laskar Gah is like 200KM away from Pakistani border. Its not like TTP hit and run tactic where they will use Afghan territory to run and hide. There is some serious sh|t happening in Helmand, Afghan police and Army is on the run. And if they out of their stupidity blame Pakistan for this, they better handover Afghanistan to Pakistan.

First they talk to Afghan Taliban for peace talks and right bang in the middle of talks, kill their leader, what do they expect in return? Its like Abdullah Abdullah is eliminated right in the middle of talks by Taliban, would the Kabul regime come to talks with Afghan Taliban afterwards?

They have shoot themselves in the foot and the cost I am afraid will be paid immensely by Afghans who got nothing to do with this internal conflict between Afghan Taliban and northern Alliance Kabul regime.

You're right bro. They seem to be fighting amongst themselves veciferiously at the moment.
They wont. Laskar Gah is like 200KM away from Pakistani border. Its not like TTP hit and run tactic where they will use Afghan territory to run and hide. There is some serious sh|t happening in Helmand, Afghan police and Army is on the run. And if they out of their stupidity blame Pakistan for this, they better handover Afghanistan to Pakistan.

First they talk to Afghan Taliban for peace talks and right bang in the middle of talks, kill their leader, what do they expect in return? Its like Abdullah Abdullah is eliminated right in the middle of talks by Taliban, would the Kabul regime come to talks with Afghan Taliban afterwards?

They have shoot themselves in the foot and the cost I am afraid will be paid immensely by Afghans who got nothing to do with this internal conflict between Afghan Taliban and northern Alliance Kabul regime.
Where do you acquire this info on the serious happenings in Helmand? I am curious. Thanks.
Afghans are playing the same game that Pakistan plays i.e. The high stakes game.

Listen 'buddy', Afghanistan played and lost that game a long time ago when they decided to support Pashtunistan separatists in the country and tried to invade us decades ago. I think it's best for them to stop playing such games.

The problem here is even Afghanistan now is playing the same game but ethically. .

Ethical? You're only looking at their rants in parliament. Take a look at how the Afghan government is facilitating TTP operatives outside the parliament and you'll understand the 'ethics' in their game.

They are playing that if they sink then they will take Pakistan with them.

How are they going to accomplish that? By getting a bunch of ex-Jihadis and Al Qaeda associates to barge into the UN and demand that Pakistan be declared a terrorist state? :lol:
In completely unrelated news, Afghanistan requests Pakistan to let Afghans stay in Pakistan for another 4 years.
Afghan stupidity has no limits. Millions of them have been provided with refuge and jobs in Pakistan, we helped them when the Soviets invaded and now they are bitching on about us. Namak haram qaum indeed.
In other words we ( Afghan india iran ) have failed our mission to destabilize Pakistan and we are begging to attack them

And yes i agree we should send all Afghans to india and other countries who have sympathy towards Afghans saw they can do terrorism their

so you call what Pakistan has been for the past 10, 5, 3 years s t a b l e?
If destabilization is what AII were attempting they seem to have succeeded going by your security, economic and international affairs situation
In completely unrelated news, Afghanistan requests Pakistan to let Afghans stay in Pakistan for another 4 years.
Pakistan has more distinction of knowing civilians from terrorists than Kabul

1. I am not sure of any direct conflict between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Except the interference by Pakistan. Please provide the link.

2. Ethically, since the asked you nicely. Ghana made several visits so the process can move forward.

Pakistan was also at the big seat (again thanks to ghani) and promised a lot to offer but nothing delivered. Taliban just shrugged them off.

If there is evidence of TTP in sync with Afgan government then expose it. I think or at least thought of ISI as competent even playing devils card.

3. Good question. They have the warlords on their side who nodoubtly are corrupt but would have to save the system otherwise they will collapse with it (Just like the Pakistan army). In addition they can simply give space and protection to TTP. Moreover, They will voice their much heard opinion to the world including the UN and international arena. Ohhh.... No need to say that it's already done.

The least acceptable passport is that of Afghanistan. Guess who's next.
Thankless people. It would sound weird but at this point, I would say that we are fortunate to have a neighbour like India and unfortunate to have a neighbour like Afghanistan.

Chasing, India Pakistan has become a nuclear power.

On the other hand our country's whole image has changed because of two Afghan wars. The guns, drugs refuges are their gift for us.

People who make this and other stupid banners like this.
and people who support this

can go and live in Afghan with your muslim brothers.

Leave the Kafirs of Pakistan alone, in our Kafiristan ; you pious muslims have made our country hell on earth.
Afghans are playing the same game that Pakistan plays i.e. The high stakes game. Pakistan has pursued the policy that it's too big to fail and one up on war mongering.

The problem here is even Afghanistan now is playing the same game but ethically. They are playing that if they sink then they will take Pakistan with them. With the jist of it afghans are really in a very bad spot with respect to survival. Pakistan has over promised them with a lot to appease but it's all bark no bite. Ghani who some of you thought God sent is now talking pakistan to backlash.

My opinion :
I fail to understand when the people have double standards especially Pakistani supporters just to justify. Even talibans have more balls to protect the OBL. Then I will get the rhetoric of back to Stone Age so we rolled. Five comments down they will be Muslim brothers. They don't have either say, knowledge or policy that is being followed by Military or government. They are here to justify post action. I am not saying they should not be nationalist but sanity should prevail.

P.S. I am here to listen to the other side of the story.

Oh please the war mongering state of America is pointing fingers at others for war mongering really, you have been at war 222 out of 239 years of your existence, that's a 93% of war years while only 7% of peace and you have the audacity to accuse others for war mongering?, you who have recently in the past decade waged war over the Muslim world on the false flag of 911, the greatest blunder Pakistan ever made was to side with your hypocritical and a backstabbing state against the USSR, this world needs another power to contain yours.

There were three American aircraft carriers present just outside the coast of Karachi in 2001 ready to bomb Pakistan to oblivion, the fate of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Vietnam and Syria would have been Pakistan's fate but we used and outwitted you to survive, the only state in the middle-east that possess the third largest stockpile of nukes in the world is the apartheid state of Israel, did your hypocritical state put sanctions on them? no you armed them and continues to arm them with even more WMD's, right now you want Pakistan to give up our nukes while simultaneously arming India with more nukes and military hardware, making them stronger militarily while trying weaken us why so you can convert us into another Iraq or Syria?

We nullified your justification for war over 911 on the Afghan war, now go do another 911 to wage more wars across the world.
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