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AC 130 spooky application for counter insurgency and Terrorism operations for Pak army

Sir why don't you understand cheap helicopter and attack Helis will be at risk been destroyed by shoulder fired stinger missiles at low level flying in mountains

If not today then definitely 10 years from now. Need to think long term...and it aint a pretty picture for investing in anything manned.
Can't put all eggs on one basket no matter how superior is artificial intelligence but there is no match for human intelligence and decision making

Remember best artificial intelligence has human mind behind it unreplaceable

It was a rhetorical question 🤦‍♂️

Why do we need that much payload for our coin wars? Terrorists in Pakistan do not occupy areas. Their more sleeper cells or the ones openly in areas are cuz they were allowed back in. You gonna use a C295 in waziristan to level a whole village because of some ttp? C295 will ensure many generations of ttp come after. C295 wouldn’t even be that successful in Afghanistan for us because it will go against our objective. Precise attacks are better then levelling a who area ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR FIGHTING IN YOUR OWN TERRITORY AGAINST YOUR OWN PEOPLE. Even with bla, go take a C295 gunship and use it in a city against bla you’ll see the whole city will become bla. I’m pretty sure one of the reasons why we aren’t using fighter jets and drones more especially in Balochistan is because of the backlash it will cause. Yes you will kill your enemy but at what cost? At producing a whole new generation of terrorists?
Usa lost the war in Afghanistan in major part due to its recklessness and that making even the anti Taliban people into Talib’s.
A coin war is so much more than just the amount of firepower you can bring to the table. A coin war especially one fought in your own territory by your own people is mostly ideological. We have to eliminate ttp and bla ideology or else the insurgencies will never end. You simply just can’t kill them all. There’s always gonna be a few that survive. Coin war is about destroying their ideology. Army in coin wars have only a small share of the work. They’re only suppose to maintain order if things get too out of hand. Rest of the job is government to counter insurgents ideology and back it up with development to counter poverty with goes hand in hand with insurgency.
We’ve done many operations against terrorists and recently did major operation Zarb e Azb. What did we get? Only temporary benefits. The terrorists came back with a stronger and more refined ideological to spread. Our lack of developing the war torn areas and not coming up with a counter ideology has led the situation in many places go back to pre Zarb e Azb levels. We can do an Zarb e Azb every year but that won’t achieve any permanent gain rather it will further alienate people living in waziristan etc and make them rebel against the state.

This is what we need. Not levelling whole areas. People seem to forget we are fighting this war inside Pakistani territory against mostly our own people. There’s a lot more factors we have to consider. If firepower alone achieved results we would have not needed that many army ops and zarb e Azb would have been the end for all insurgents in Pakistan.
M talking about hitting targets in Afghanistan hills not inside pak
I think you can do COIN stuff with lot smaller platforms, like the Brazilian super Tucano which costs around $18 Million a pop. US Army gave it to the Afghans and apparently the platform has been useful. These can be equipped with flares to fool stingers.

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Each wing can be loaded with 200 rounds for the FN Herstal M3P 12.7 mm (.50 in) machine gun, which has a firing rate of up to 1,100 rounds per minute.

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Or you can bring out medium firepower and use the Mi-171SH assault gunships. I don't know how much these cost. Mi-35 Hinds may be overkill for COIN Ops but may be necessary for TTP and BLA.
View attachment 891261
These are easiest platforms to be hit by stingers

If not today then definitely 10 years from now. Need to think long term...and it aint a pretty picture for investing in anything manned.
Than who will operate man in no manned

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