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Abu Dhabi Police wing helps arrest criminals in US

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
November 24, 2014


Team participated in locating and monitoring suspect in drug case

Abu Dhabi Police wing helps arrest criminals in US
Security Support Section of Abu Dhabi Police supports LA Police Department's Air Support Division

The Security Support Section of Abu Dhabi Police has supported Los Angeles Police Department's Air Support Division in several surveillance missions that has led to the arrest of wanted criminals.

In one such air mission, the team participated in locating and monitoring a suspect in a drug case. The suspect’s whereabout was identified and monitored from the sky of Los Angeles. The gathered tactical intelligence was later passed to the ground police forces, which resulted in the arrest of the suspect in hiding.

The United States’ Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) praised the high-level of the ADP Security Support members’ professional performance in utilising advanced and modern crime-fighting methods.

The delegation of the Security Support Section is visiting the US for a two-week mission, aiming to exchange expertise with the US Police and enhancing the capacities provided by the Section in carrying out unconventional security tasks.

The delegation included Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Saeed Al Shamesi, Chief of the Security Support Section; Major Mohammed Mubarak Al Masa’bi, Security Support Patrols Branch Manager; Captain Mohammed Ibrahim Al Balas, Operations Planning Branch Manager; along with a number of other officers and experts from the section.

Lt. Col. Al Shamesi said: “As part of our detailed agenda, this participation was to identify and learn about the latest international standards and practices. The Security Support members gained modern policing tactics and innovative ideas within the context of following-up developments in police and security work.”

The delegation visited the LAPD, and learned about the most advanced training methods and training in firearms. They took part in simulation force training, which included vehicle chases. The also toured a simulated city that trains members through real-life crime fighting situations.

The delegation attended a seminar on training and the rules of using force and participated in the Force Option Simulator Exercise.

During the visit, the Security Support team presented the strategies and the best techniques of the Abu Dhabi Police in fighting crime and in enhancing the security and safety of the society. They also highlighted the process of development and the current crime-fighting mission of the Security Support Section.

The Security Support Section is scheduled to visit other police departments in the US during the remainder of their two-week tour.

Abu Dhabi Police wing helps arrest criminals in US - Emirates 24/7
May 24, 2015


The Security Support Department at the Abu Dhabi Police participated in the daily operations of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) throughout the streets of Los Angeles.




UAE police help LAPD arrest criminals
Security Support Department of Abu Dhabi Police participates in daily operations of LAPD

The Security Support Department at the Abu Dhabi Police participated in the daily operations of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) throughout the streets of Los Angeles.

Captain Mohammed Ibrahim Al Balas, Operations Planning Branch Manager at the Security Support Department, explained that the department’s team was divided into groups and each group participated in the field operations of LAPD patrols at various locations in the streets of the city. He continued by saying that once reports were received, the patrols headed to the scenes of the crime and the Security Support teams participated in arresting wanted criminals. He noted that the groups additionally participated in ongoing LAPD investigations for training purposes and for the benefit of both parties.

“During a meeting with Captain Martin A. Baeza, the Chief of the Hollenbeck Division, we discussed a number of issues and ways to further enhance mutual cooperation in the field of police work between both parties,” said Captain Al Balas.

For his part, Captain Martin A. Baeza praised the efforts made by the Security Support team during their participation in the work of LAPD patrols and in aiding in the arrest of suspects, as per the reports received. He noted that the personnel of the Security Support team reflected the highest levels of professionalism, response and readiness in their performances. He said that these characteristics reflect the level of development and efficiency enjoyed by the security and police forces in the UAE, which have led to quantum leaps in performance and expertise, making them one of the most renowned police and security forces in the world.

Upon receiving critical reports, the Security Support Department team at the Abu Dhabi Police participated in exchanging ideas between air wing patrols and support ground patrols during the daily activities. In this regard, Captain Gary W. Walters, Chief of the Air Support Division (ASD), provided a detailed explanation regarding the role of air support in supporting ground patrols. When receiving critical reports, the ASD utilises helicopters to assist the ground patrols by detecting the movement of suspects on the ground and aiding in their arrest.

UAE police help LAPD arrest criminals - Emirates 24|7
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