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Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi finally revealed his face in the Grand Mosque of Mosul

looks 100% like him

Maybe his twin brother or lookalike.

Caliph Ibrahim is well and safe.

You must obey him as a compatriot. Give bay'ah. In this case I should too.
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don't ask why they don't attack Israel, it's bc they r khawarij , they kill muslims n leave kuffars at peace, so all muslims who believe in Israel - US - Iran -Qatar conspiracy theories r all ignoring the fact that the khawarij have been a problem since the time of the first khulafa n the Prophet SAW said that they will return n there will be 20 horns of them, n that they will cause great fitna in the Arab peninsula n the last one of them will fight with the Antichrist

<MOD EDIT> Extremely graphic pictures removed <MOD EDIT>
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Maybe his twin brother or lookalike.

Caliph Ibrahim is well and safe.

You must obey him as a compatriot. Give bay'ah.

I don't join this follower of Ibn Salul.

khawarij IS of Europe using the religion for criminal behavior

They killed the leaders of Nusra
I don't join this follower of Ibn Salul.

khawarij IS of Europe using the religion for criminal behavior

They killed the leaders of Nusra

Insha'Allah ISIS will rule the entire world. Also that gingers ***.
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why would the Jews or the Christies attack the khawarij when they killed more than 3000 mujahedines in few months ?


these criminals are not for the west to kill, through out our Islamic History it has always been the responsibility of the muslims to wipe the khawarij out n kill them, that is why I think they won't be defeated by other than the true authentic mujahedines of Syria such as IF and Nusra, no matter how bad the situation may look for them now, the problem is that the funders of Islamic Front are making the unification with Al Qaeda impossible, also the leaders of IF betrayed Nusra a great betrayal in Deer Ezzour, they also have weak propaganda n they should act more brutally with ISIS khwarij just like Imam Ali did in Nahrawan battle when he killed 15990 out of 16000 khariji .

the only hope to break this horn of khawarij called ISIS is the union of the mujahedines in the Islamic Front n Al Qaeda ...
They should have told me , it was a great pleasure to participate in Friday prayer when such a great man is Imam .... how could I say my Oath of allegiance?
I might be leaving for Iraq right now, I'm impressed.

Here I come Caliph Ibrahim, you have my bay'ah, I shall behead thousands for you, I shall spill blood for you.

@islamrules You might want to put a graphic alert for those pics. it's against forum rules.
Well the self proclaimed caliph certainly has a drab wardrobe. A black robe and that's it. I thought streaks of white and blue might give him the added likeable factor.

Filthy, disgusting, Kwarij filth.

By the way please delete those graphic photos.

CIA agent.

No Mossad. Get with the latest info.
i want to ask a question....
is there something important about fridays... i hv seen in many places mentioning of friday with islam...
why not monday, tuesday ...etc..
Like Sunday is for Christians and Saturday is for the Jewish people...Friday is the day when 1 of the last verses of the Quran was revealed...It was revealed on the Day of `Arafah, the ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah

Surah Al.Mai'dah verse 3 :

Prohibited to you are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and that which has been dedicated to other than Allah , and [those animals] killed by strangling or by a violent blow or by a head-long fall or by the goring of horns, and those from which a wild animal has eaten, except what you [are able to] slaughter [before its death], and those which are sacrificed on stone altars, and [prohibited is] that you seek decision through divining arrows. That is grave disobedience. This day those who disbelieve have despaired of [defeating] your religion; so fear them not, but fear Me. This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion. But whoever is forced by severe hunger with no inclination to sin - then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Imaam Ahmad recorded that Tariq bin Shihab said, “A Jewish man said to `Umar bin Al Khattab, `O Leader of the Believers! There is a verse in your Book, which is read by all of you (Muslimoon), and had it been revealed to us, we would have taken that day (on which it was revealed) as a day of celebration.’ `Umar bin Al-Khattab asked, `Which is that verse’ The Jew replied, الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِى

“This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you…” `Umar replied, `By Allah! I know when and where this verse was revealed to Allah’s Messenger, it was the evening on the Day of `Arafah on a Friday.’ Al-Bukhari recorded this Hadeeth through Al-Hasan bin As-Sabbah from Ja`far bin `Awn.

Muslim, At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa’i also recorded it.

{Source: Tafseer Ibn Katheer Soorah al Maa-idah 5:3}
Muslims of all denominations got along at my school, i never heard one bit of sectarianism EVER.

the generalising statements and level of hatred that religious fanatics have in our beautiful middle east for each other and for other people who want to simply live a life makes me wish them all a swift death (I have nothing personal against them but they seem to like hating and killing each and every person who is not like them).
Qaradawi says IS caliphate violates Shariah

DOHA, Qatar: Prominent Sunni Muslim scholar Yusef Al-Qaradawi said on Saturday that the declaration of an Islamic caliphate by jihadists fighting the governments in Syria and Iraq violates Shariah law.
Last Sunday, the jihadists of the Islamic State (IS) group declared a caliphate in areas they control in Iraq and Syria and ordered Muslims worldwide to pledge allegiance to their leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, under the name “caliph Ibrahim.”
Qatar-based Qaradawi, seen as a spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood in his native Egypt, said in a statement that the declaration “is void under shariah.”
We look forward to the coming, as soon as possible, of the caliphate,” Qaradawi said, of the form of pan-Muslim government last seen under the Ottoman Empire.
But the declaration issued by the Islamic State is void under Sharia and has dangerous consequences for the Sunnis in Iraq and for the revolt in Syria,” he added.
The influential cleric said the declaration and nomination of Baghdadi by a jihadist group “known for its atrocities and radical views” fail to meet strict conditions dictated by Sharia.

The title of caliph, he said, can “only be given by the entire Muslim nation” not by a single group.

Since last Sunday, other leading Muslim figures have denounced the announcement by the Islamic State, which was previously known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

A caliphate is fundamentally a universal Islamic state ruled by a single leader with both political and religious authority.
Many Sunnis associate the caliphate with a golden age of Islam, but the declaration made by the Islamic State has triggered indignation among those who see it as heresy.

Al-Azhar, the top authority of Sunni Islam, “believes that all those who are today speaking of an Islamic State are terrorists,” senior representative Sheikh Abbas Shuman told AFP earlier this week.

The Islamic caliphate can’t be restored by force. Occupying a country and killing half of its population... this is not an Islamic state, this is terrorism,” he said.
Rebels in Syria, who have been battling the jihadists who have infuriated many by their brutality, have branded the caliphate announcement as “null and void.”
Jordanian Al-Qaeda cleric Issam Barqawi, known as Abu Mohammed Al-Maqdessi, also denounced it, warning it will lead to more bloodshed.

Qaradawi says IS caliphate violates Shariah | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.
Hafiz Saeed who? The guy who was in Indian prison without a lawyer and trial for 8+ years? That is contrary to India's claim on being world's largest democracy
I'm talking about this character...


Hafiz Muhammad Saeed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's been banned by the US and the UN and so is his so called 'charity' organization, Jamaat ud Dawah which has been named as a terrorist organization and he also has a $10 million bounty on his empty head. But yet he's a free man in Pakistan as he is the spokesman and on the payroll of the Establishment.
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