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About Bangladesh PDF members

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May be you need see the map. And now how many sides India surrounds Bangladesh from? And please don't start arguing which direction East is.


he has no idea! Does he!:fie:
Pakistanis on this thread have on the whole expressed appreciation of Bangladeshi posters while Indians have hurled abuse and thrown another tantrum about the content and style of posts by BD members. This is merely a reflection of the wider situation prevailing in South Asia. While Pakistanis have matured and gotten over 1971 the Indians remain backward in their attitude towards Bangladesh expecting laudatory and gratuitous comments at every turn even when it is not deserved. They expect Bangladesh to view Pakistan as the common enemy and a threat to its security even though it is more than a thousand miles away. That the new generation of Bangladeshis now see things beyond 1971 and realise that India is not a friend is something many Indians find impossible to accept. They want Bangladeshis on PDF to behave like good and faithful house servants and to be obedient and protect Indian prestige from the Pakistani members. Bangladeshis are aware of Indian malicious intent and will no longer accept Indian dictation and least so on PDF.

Excellent post.

Pakistan and Bangladesh have moved on. Its Indians who can't get over 1971.
Sometimes it seems there are more Indians on PDf than Pakistanis and Bangladeshis combined. That of course could not be the case but then the only answer is that Indians talk more and louder than all the other nationalities here and that is why it seems they are a majority. Every thread is almost like a race riot for the Indians.

Well there are over 1.2 billion Indians and 300 million Pakistanis and Bangladeshis. 4:1, so I guess there are 4 times as many Indians on this forum as there Pakistanis and Bangladeshis.
Bangladesh is vulnerable to India from All sides. Its almost surrounded on all sides (land) by India. The Bay of Bengal is infested with Indian Navy Eastern Command Ships like Shark infested water. And their only other Neighbour is not loving them either. Infact Myanmar - Bangladesh relationship is much worse then India-Bangladesh relationship. This situation leads to a lot of insecurity esp. in jamati bangladeshi who have a huge grudge against 'Hindu' India. And this is the main root cause for these tantrums from Bangladeshis trying to show themselves as all Macho on the outside to compensate for the insecurities on the inside. And there should be nothing surprising. If I was a Bangladeshi Rajakar/Jamati I will feel equally insecure.

Compared to Pakistan who are our enemy (i hope that changes) and they have genuine reason to be so esp because of 1971 (just imagine how much 1962 hurts us and compare that to 1971 and you will know what I am talking about), Bangladeshi's have no reason to hate us. Every neighbouring country has disputes. Even US - Mexico or US-Canada have disputes but people don't hate each other.

The only reason I can think of this behavior from Bangladeshi's (Jamatis et al.) is that they try to over compensation for this insecurity. Heck they can't really blame us if they and their politicians are so incompetent that RAW runs their country and their leaders needs to seek New Delhi's permission to form Govt.

Fool me once Shame on you. Fool me again and again Shame on me. Bangladeshis, you need some introspection. Peace!
Bangladesh is vulnerable to India from All sides. Its almost surrounded on all sides (land) by India. The Bay of Bengal is infested with Indian Navy Eastern Command Ships like Shark infested water. And their only other Neighbour is not loving them either. Infact Myanmar - Bangladesh relationship is much worse then India-Bangladesh relationship. This situation leads to a lot of insecurity esp. in jamati bangladeshi who have a huge grudge against 'Hindu' India. And this is the main root cause for these tantrums from Bangladeshis trying to show themselves as all Macho on the outside to compensate for the insecurities on the inside. And there should be nothing surprising. If I was a Bangladeshi Rajakar/Jamati I will feel equally insecure.

Compared to Pakistan who are our enemy (i hope that changes) and they have genuine reason to be so esp because of 1971 (just imagine how much 1962 hurts us and compare that to 1971 and you will know what I am talking about), Bangladeshi's have no reason to hate us. Every neighbouring country has disputes. Even US - Mexico or US-Canada have disputes but people don't hate each other.

The only reason I can think of this behavior from Bangladeshi's (Jamatis et al.) is that they try to over compensation for this insecurity. Heck they can't really blame us if they and their politicians are so incompetent that RAW runs their country and their leaders needs to seek New Delhi's permission to form Govt.

Fool me once Shame on you. Fool me again and again Shame on me. Bangladeshis, you need some introspection. Peace!

What was that rant all about ?
Bangladesh is vulnerable to India from All sides. Its almost surrounded on all sides (land) by India. The Bay of Bengal is infested with Indian Navy Eastern Command Ships like Shark infested water. And their only other Neighbour is not loving them either. Infact Myanmar - Bangladesh relationship is much worse then India-Bangladesh relationship. This situation leads to a lot of insecurity esp. in jamati bangladeshi who have a huge grudge against 'Hindu' India. And this is the main root cause for these tantrums from Bangladeshis trying to show themselves as all Macho on the outside to compensate for the insecurities on the inside. And there should be nothing surprising. If I was a Bangladeshi Rajakar/Jamati I will feel equally insecure.

Compared to Pakistan who are our enemy (i hope that changes) and they have genuine reason to be so esp because of 1971 (just imagine how much 1962 hurts us and compare that to 1971 and you will know what I am talking about), Bangladeshi's have no reason to hate us. Every neighbouring country has disputes. Even US - Mexico or US-Canada have disputes but people don't hate each other.

The only reason I can think of this behavior from Bangladeshi's (Jamatis et al.) is that they try to over compensation for this insecurity. Heck they can't really blame us if they and their politicians are so incompetent that RAW runs their country and their leaders needs to seek New Delhi's permission to form Govt.

Fool me once Shame on you. Fool me again and again Shame on me. Bangladeshis, you need some introspection. Peace!

In all honesty, Bangladesh is pretty much irrelevant in the great scheme of things in India.

I have heard Pakistan's name mentioned many times in Indian Movies, but never have I seen a Bangladeshi portrayed in an Indian movie.
In all honesty, Bangladesh is pretty much irrelevant in the great scheme of things in India.

I have heard Pakistan's name mentioned many times in Indian Movies, but never have I seen a Bangladeshi portrayed in an Indian movie.

Actually with their illegal immigration, I consider them to be a bigger threat to India. There was a debate about this a couple years back in Indian Media.

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It looks like most BDs here belong to the Jamaat, seeing their extreme anti India views. I wonder why is that? Why are BD posters so pissed off against India?
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