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About a Single Arab State

There is a potential of uniting not just the Arabian Peninsula and Jordan but the Arab world as a whole. It was once united for centuries so why not again?

We share blood, culture, language, religion, an ancient, ancient Semitic past and we are connected by land and geography. But the Arab world is HUGE and we are talking about land stretching from Mauritania in the West near the Atlantic Ocean to Oman in the East near the Arabian Sea and from Syria in the North to Yemen in the South.

The world powers would not allow it since it would become a superpower and sit on most of the natural riches in the world.

More cooperation is the way forward and the realistic option. Maybe merging the Arab world into 3-4 main states based on geography could also be an idea. With federalism of course so each Arab country would still have its own unique characteristics and government and self-rule. There are already regional blocs and cooperations.

I think that growing cooperation like seen in Europe after WW1 and WW2 that killed 80 million people is inevitable. People will have to learn to live with each other and cooperate.

But to answer your question then the GCC is already working towards that aim and I am sure that the small Arab states on the Arabian Peninsula are not going to survive long on their own. They need to belong to a bigger bloc.

But let us see.

I hope that answered your question 7abibi @Nishan_101

But it's funny how culture and language are such fluid barriers. Iraq was part of Iran/Persia for a long time. Yet, today, Iraqis and Iranians cannot find much in common between themselves.

Iraq is an ancient Semitic and Arab country. It's history is far older than that of Iran and Iraqis are not Iranians and never were. Spain and Portugal was controlled by Arabs for nearly 1000 years. Does not make it Arab land.
Totally different people. Besides relations with Iraq and Iran are not bad. But not the topic.

History of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please delete your off-topic posts since you are about to start a troll war with ignorants and outsiders. We are not interested in that on this section.
If Arabia is to be united, it should be united through pan-Arabism and nationalism rather than Islamism which I see as much more divisive.
Iraq is an ancient Semitic and Arab country. It's history is far older than that of Iran and Iraqis are not Iranians and never were. Totally different people. Besides relations with Iraq and Iran are not bad. But not the topic. Please delete your off-topic posts since you are about to start a troll war with ignorants. We are not interested in that on this section.

Done. You need to check the maps of the earlier Persian empires mate. Iraq was under their sphere of influence for a long long time(at least large parts of it were). Anyways, as you said, I won't broach it any further here.
If Arabia is to be united, it should be united through pan-Arabism and nationalism rather than Islamism which I see as much more divisive.
where is egypt in the list, they were quite enthusiastic about this pan arabism.
Done. You need to check the maps of the earlier Persian empires mate. Iraq was under their sphere of influence for a long long time(at least large parts of it were). Anyways, as you said, I won't broach it any further here.

So what? Current day Iran was under the Arab sphere for a long time as well and under that of other foreigners. Iraqis as a people and country are still not Iranian, Persian or whatever and NEVER were. They have their own ANCIENT and NATIVE Semitic and Arab history that far proceeds anything Iranian in age and influence.

Now please delete your off-topic posts so we can return to the topic.

Consult this link below

History of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or ask @doritos . He will explain to you the same that I have explained as will every other Iraqi. I have ancestral ties to Iraq on my father's side so I know what I am talking about or at least I should know!

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So what? Current day Iran was under the Arab sphere for a long time as well and under that of other foreigners. Iraqis as a people and country is still not Iranian, Persian or whatever and NEVER were. They have their own ANCIENT and NATIVE Semitic and Arab history that far proceeds anything Iranian in age and influence.

Now please delete your off-topic posts so we can return to the topic.

Consult this link below

History of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or ask @Doritos11 He will explain to you the same that I have explained as will every other Iraqi. I have ancestral ties to Iraq on my father's side so I know what I am talking about or at least should know!


:mad: Why are you quoting me and forcing me to talk further on this subject! Let's talk about it elsewhere mate. I'd like to see good a good discussion about the prospects of a new Arab Super-Amirat.:)
There is a potential of uniting not just the Arabian Peninsula and Jordan but the Arab world as a whole. It was once united for centuries so why not again?

We share blood, culture, language, religion, an ancient, ancient Semitic past and we are connected by land and geography. But the Arab world is HUGE and we are talking about land stretching from Mauritania in the West near the Atlantic Ocean to Oman in the East near the Arabian Sea and from Syria in the North to Yemen in the South.

The world powers would not allow it since it would become a superpower and sit on most of the natural riches in the world.

More cooperation is the way forward and the realistic option. Maybe merging the Arab world into 3-4 main states based on geography could also be an idea. With federalism of course so each Arab country would still have its own unique characteristics and government and self-rule. There are already regional blocs and cooperations.

I think that growing cooperation like seen in Europe after WW1 and WW2 that killed 80 million people is inevitable. People will have to learn to live with each other and cooperate.

But to answer your question then the GCC is already working towards that aim and I am sure that the small Arab states on the Arabian Peninsula are not going to survive long on their own. They need to belong to a bigger bloc.

But let us see.

I hope that answered your question 7abibi @Nishan_101

If the Arab states united into a single entity, it would be a superpower.

Together they control the majority of the world's oil resources already.
Well the Arab world was kind of united under the Ottoman empire
Bu the real question is who will rule that united country???
For starters, I'd like to see Saudi Arabia join with Bahrain or Qatar. Would the rulers of these tiny oil-rich emirates ever think beyond personal power, gains and share their wealth for the sake of Pan-Arabism?Or will the Saudis be magnanimous enough to forego their power and allow someone else to rule the new federation? @al-Hasani , what are you thoughts on this mate?
Can't happen till oil runs out,oil rich states will not consent to voluntary surrender and sharing of their wealth amongst all.Only when all are in the same economic boat can such a movement be contemplated.

Our vision is a United Gulf Union.

I don't think it is all about wealth sharing, but the only thing we have in common with the rest of the Arab nations - barring to the GCC - is langauge.
For starters, I'd like to see Saudi Arabia join with Bahrain or Qatar. Would the rulers of these tiny oil-rich emirates ever think beyond personal power, gains and share their wealth for the sake of Pan-Arabism?Or will the Saudis be magnanimous enough to forego their power and allow someone else to rule the new federation? @al-Hasani , what are you thoughts on this mate?

Please read my post below here.

There is a potential of uniting not just the Arabian Peninsula and Jordan but the Arab world as a whole. It was once united for centuries so why not again?

We share blood, culture, language, religion, an ancient, ancient Semitic past and we are connected by land and geography. But the Arab world is HUGE and we are talking about land stretching from Mauritania in the West near the Atlantic Ocean to Oman in the East near the Arabian Sea and from Syria in the North to Yemen in the South.

The world powers would not allow it since it would become a superpower and sit on most of the natural riches in the world.

More cooperation is the way forward and the realistic option. Maybe merging the Arab world into 3-4 main states based on geography could also be an idea. With federalism of course so each Arab country would still have its own unique characteristics and government and self-rule. There are already regional blocs and cooperations.

I think that growing cooperation like seen in Europe after WW1 and WW2 that killed 80 million people is inevitable. People will have to learn to live with each other and cooperate.

But to answer your question then the GCC is already working towards that aim and I am sure that the small Arab states on the Arabian Peninsula are not going to survive long on their own. They need to belong to a bigger bloc.

But let us see.

I hope that answered your question 7abibi @Nishan_101

It does not need to be shared on Pan-Arabism necessarily. Every Arab has Pan-Arabism in him in that sense that he wises unity for his people. Forget about the Pan-Arabism of the modern-age. The one that got mixed with socialism and authoritarianism and other nonsense.

It can be based on shared blood, culture, language, religion, an ancient, ancient Semitic past and the fact that we are all connected by land and geography.

Or the simple fact that we are neighbors and have to work together.

Federalism does not stop smaller states from dealing with their own affairs and ruling their own entities. KSA is the dominant force in the GCC but that does not prevent the other members from raising their voice.
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