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Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

Power is indeed rebalancing in this region. But it's rebalancing towards China. Not towards a washed-up island full of geriatric geezers suffering from radiation poisoning. Nor is it rebalancing towards countries whose economies depend on harvesting bananas and coconuts. :rofl:
you low IQ idiot should at least understand that one should avoid making fun over other country´s natural disaster or poverty.

is China a communist paradise?

should we laugh at your earth quakes and terrorism?
should we laugh at your dirty air and water?
should we laugh at your pains under Mao Zedong and CCP rule: poverty, famine, genocide and destruction of cultural heritage?

Are you living in child's world, US has bases because its financial and military power, not of it is good at making friend.
When we become powerful, there will be lots of friends swarming to us. you naive viets will never understand our strategy. this is game for big countries. keep quite and watch
I don´t need to convince you.

by the way, VN government is preparing the lawsuit against China. More fun is indeed coming.
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In geopolitical game, it is the same as social status game. There is big country syndrome and there is inferiority complex small country syndrome. The big country like USA, China, and Russia are in a different league and they don't regard smaller states as equal even though for political correctness, they strive for equality. The US can said whatever they want. They publicly support Japan military buildup but secretly scare the living shit out of them that they will lose their prestige status in Asia, as Japan's puppet master. This is why the US will never allow Japan to build up. They will allow small build up but not a complete build up because they know they can't put a tight lease on Japan. Japan, on the other hand, don't have the ball to face us one on one and depend on the US for protection. If they build up, they rid alienating the US and the US will abandon them. This is why the current relationship between US-Japan is at a dead lock. Both want to increase military relation but both have a different idea of what exactly is an appropriate buildup.

We win regardless. If US push us too hard, Sino-Russia's East alliance will grow stronger. Our fate is decided by ourselves. We already declared a military arm race with Japan. We want Japan to choose a hard path, either face alienating the US or accept our supreme dominance on the Asia continent. There is no way Japan can keep up with us. We are talking about now. In the future, we will grow too powerful to be contain.
you low IQ idiot should at least understand that one should avoid making fun over other country´s natural disaster or poverty.

is China a communist paradise?

should we laugh at your earth quakes and terrorism?
should we laugh at your dirty air and water?
should we laugh at your pains under Mao Zedong and CCP rule: poverty, famine, genocide and destruction of cultural heritage?

Lol, stop your fake outrage, nobody here is fooled. Making light of tragedies is the PDF standard - in fact, I remember you and several of your compatriots being very gleeful about VN mob violence and Xinjiang terror bombings that left people dead. But I don't really care, and if you have a problem, you should grow thicker skin.

BTW, I didn't make fun of their tragedy. I think it's very sad that the only country victimized by nuclear weapons is once again hit by a karmic catastrophe gone nuclear. But between that and their stagnant economy, they are clearly in no position to throw their weight around as their imperialist forefathers had done. So I find it hilarious that there are still desperate bit-players who are looking to kiss their (irradiated) feet, for some free patrol boats :cheesy:. That's the real punchline :rofl:.
I must say that the chinese are very wise when they embraced Americans, against Soviet Union from the years of 197x. This has brought them prosperity due to they opened door for business with the West rather isolated.
Today, when they are relatively prosperous, they need power to power-sharing with the US, they embrace Russia.

And you, you do not want to embrace anyone, which is why a giant country of south asia who is being left behind?


We also have strong relations with USA. But our nature of relation with them is different. Chinese are relatively safer to engage them because they are a single party state. We are a democracy which means Americans now and then tend to weaken the ruling governments in our country now and then through 'influence', which creates problems with us.

Think about it: USA's best partner is a brutal autocracy in the MIddle East while India, the world's largest democracy's biggest partners are non-democratic in terms of trust.

Trade is trade, with everyone. But trust is on a very few countries.

Embracing is one thing; becoming a side kick is another.

Chinese didn't embrace USA, they smartly used them to their benefit.

Those who embraced USA, were Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and Libya. And see where they are today.

Iran managed to recover fast but others are nowhere today.
We also have strong relations with USA. But our nature of relation with them is different. Chinese are relatively safer to engage them because they are a single party state. We are a democracy which means Americans now and then tend to weaken the ruling governments in our country now and then through 'influence', which creates problems with us.

Think about it: USA's best partner is a brutal autocracy in the MIddle East while India, the world's largest democracy's biggest partners are non-democratic in terms of trust.

Trade is trade, with everyone. But trust is on a very few countries.

Embracing is one thing; becoming a side kick is another.

Chinese didn't embrace USA, they smartly used them to their benefit.

Those who embraced USA, were Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and Libya. And see where they are today.

Iran managed to recover fast but others are nowhere today.

No, at the time of the years 197x, trade was not for everyone.

For Americans at that time, trade was political-commercial.

I see very few US allies is a poor country, except PH.

But must saying that PH would be not bullied by china as today if they did not push US military out of Subic Bay.

Other countries as you said, they are not US allies, which are temporary tools.
"Regarding the visit to Japan by President Putin, I agreed with the president that we should carry it out in autumn of this year," Mr. Abe said. The two leaders have agreed to accelerate talks over a long-elusive peace treaty from World War II. Mr. Abe hopes to win return of Japanese islands seized at the end of the war, get further access to Russian energy and win a new partner in his bid to contain China.

seems abe wants cheaper gas too instead paying for overpriced american/australian gas
Russia returning the 2 islands & lock Japan into another mega billion $ gas/oil deal for 30 or 50 years would be a good way to irritate the US.
Russia returning the 2 islands & lock Japan into another mega billion $ gas/oil deal for 30 or 50 years would be a good way to irritate the US.
How about China returning the Paracel island to Vietnam?
LOL China is the only one rearranging the region's power balance. After so much Vietnamese boasting, nobody came to save them from Chinese spanking. Not Russia not Japan and definitely not India! :rofl:
What China doing is to de-westernization in Pacific-Asia,"power balance' has been broken for centries.We need a true multi-polarization world.

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