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Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

LOL China is the only one rearranging the region's power balance. After so much Vietnamese boasting, nobody came to save them from Chinese spanking. Not Russia not Japan and definitely not India! :rofl:

Rest your mind, the Japanese and Americans will take care of you. Just you still crave their Senkaku.
We also have strong relations with USA. But our nature of relation with them is different. Chinese are relatively safer to engage them because they are a single party state. We are a democracy which means Americans now and then tend to weaken the ruling governments in our country now and then through 'influence', which creates problems with us.

Think about it: USA's best partner is a brutal autocracy in the MIddle East while India, the world's largest democracy's biggest partners are non-democratic in terms of trust.

Trade is trade, with everyone. But trust is on a very few countries.

Embracing is one thing; becoming a side kick is another.

Chinese didn't embrace USA, they smartly used them to their benefit.

Those who embraced USA, were Pakistan, Iraq, Iran and Libya. And see where they are today.

Iran managed to recover fast but others are nowhere today.
100 % agree with you !
What do you have to offer?

Give us 1 trillion USD, then we maybe think about it.
Peace and friendship ?

China has 10 million km2 of territory, why don't China give back the Paracel as a sign of goodwill? The islands are miniscule to China but big to us. Don't China aspire to be a superpower who can project her navy to the other side of the world to fight the European or the American that you really loath? Why don't China build a better relation with Vietnam (and Japan) instead of having to keep 1/3 of your navy/fleet in the South China Pond for potential conflict with us? You can free up 1/3 of your navy from any conflict with Vietnam to project that force to anywhere around the world that you want.

China already occupied the Eastern part of the Paracel island prior to 1974 so it's not like you have nothing in the Paracels. I think it's reasonable that Vietnam asks China to return those 12 islands of the Western part of the Paracels that you robbed from us at gunpoint in 1974. China and Vietnam already signed the land border agreement, the Gulf of Tonkin/Beibu agreement. The only last territority agreement that has not been signed is the South China Sea thing and the sole reason is that China does not want give back those Paracel islands to us; not because Vietnam is not willing to negotiate on the Spratlys.

Your price of at least $1 trillion is way over the top, my friend. If we had $1 trillion, we might spend $200 billion to take the Paracel back by force instead. $100 billon would be for developing suitcase nuke and $100 billion for buying stealth fighters. Give us a discount, man.
Peace and friendship ?

China has 10 million km2 of territory, why don't China give back the Paracel as a sign of goodwill? The islands are miniscule to China but big to us. Don't China aspire to be a superpower who can project her navy to the other side of the world to fight the European or the American that you really loath? Why don't China build a better relation with Vietnam (and Japan) instead of having to keep 1/3 of your navy/fleet in the South China Pond for potential conflict with us? You can free up 1/3 of your navy from any conflict with Vietnam to project that force to anywhere around the world that you want.

China already occupied the Eastern part of the Paracel island prior to 1974 so it's not like you have nothing in the Paracels. I think it's reasonable that Vietnam asks China to return those 12 islands of the Western part of the Paracels that you robbed from us at gunpoint in 1974. China and Vietnam already signed the land border agreement, the Gulf of Tonkin/Beibu agreement. The only last territority agreement that has not been signed is the South China Sea thing and the sole reason is that China does not want give back those Paracel islands to us; not because Vietnam is not willing to negotiate on the Spratlys.

Your price of at least $1 trillion is way over the top, my friend. If we had $1 trillion, we might spend $200 billion to take the Paracel back by force instead. $100 billon would be for developing suitcase nuke and $100 billion for buying stealth fighters. Give us a discount, man.
are u begging now? LOL
Peace and friendship ?

China has 10 million km2 of territory, why don't China give back the Paracel as a sign of goodwill? The islands are miniscule to China but big to us. Don't China aspire to be a superpower who can project her navy to the other side of the world to fight the European or the American that you really loath? Why don't China build a better relation with Vietnam (and Japan) instead of having to keep 1/3 of your navy/fleet in the South China Pond for potential conflict with us? You can free up 1/3 of your navy from any conflict with Vietnam to project that force to anywhere around the world that you want.

China already occupied the Eastern part of the Paracel island prior to 1974 so it's not like you have nothing in the Paracels. I think it's reasonable that Vietnam asks China to return those 12 islands of the Western part of the Paracels that you robbed from us at gunpoint in 1974. China and Vietnam already signed the land border agreement, the Gulf of Tonkin/Beibu agreement. The only last territority agreement that has not been signed is the South China Sea thing and the sole reason is that China does not want give back those Paracel islands to us; not because Vietnam is not willing to negotiate on the Spratlys.

Your price of at least $1 trillion is way over the top, my friend. If we had $1 trillion, we might spend $200 billion to take the Paracel back by force instead. $100 billon would be for developing suitcase nuke and $100 billion for buying stealth fighters. Give us a discount, man.

No one would think its territory is too much. :coffee:

PS, it is our territory at our administration right now, and you should be happy that China is willing to maintain the status quo, since you are still holding many of our Spratly Islands.
are u begging now? LOL
Negotiate, my friend. If negotiation does not work, we will use force one day. Vietnam itself is the living proof that Vietnamese will use force to take back our territority even if we lost them to China for over 1000 years, let alone the Paracels for 40 years.
Negotiate, my friend. If negotiation does not work, we will use force one day. Vietnam itself is the living proof that Vietnamese will use force to take back our territority even if we lost them to China for over 1000 years, let alone the Paracels for 40 years.

What territory are you talking about?
In geopolitical game, it is the same as social status game. There is big country syndrome and there is inferiority complex small country syndrome. The big country like USA, China, and Russia are in a different league and they don't regard smaller states as equal even though for political correctness, they strive for equality. The US can said whatever they want. They publicly support Japan military buildup but secretly scare the living shit out of them that they will lose their prestige status in Asia, as Japan's puppet master. This is why the US will never allow Japan to build up. They will allow small build up but not a complete build up because they know they can't put a tight lease on Japan. Japan, on the other hand, don't have the ball to face us one on one and depend on the US for protection. If they build up, they rid alienating the US and the US will abandon them. This is why the current relationship between US-Japan is at a dead lock. Both want to increase military relation but both have a different idea of what exactly is an appropriate buildup.

We win regardless. If US push us too hard, Sino-Russia's East alliance will grow stronger. Our fate is decided by ourselves. We already declared a military arm race with Japan. We want Japan to choose a hard path, either face alienating the US or accept our supreme dominance on the Asia continent. There is no way Japan can keep up with us. We are talking about now. In the future, we will grow too powerful to be contain.
there is no such thing: Sino-Russia's East alliance.
the Russians are smart enough not to fall into your trap. the basic of alliance is trust. But there is no mutual trust between your two´s.

Do you read the article?
Putin will visit Japan later this year.

your foreign policy sucks. your aggression sucks. So America is keen to protect its allies in East Asia. What makes you think the US will not allow Japan military build-up? Because you think so? Japan is US ally, not slave.
there is no such thing: Sino-Russia's East alliance.
the Russians are smart enough not to fall into your trap. the basic of alliance is trust. But there is no mutual trust between your two´s.

Do you read the article?
Putin will visit Japan later this year.

your foreign policy sucks. your aggression sucks. So America is keen to protect its allies in East Asia. What makes you think the US will not allow Japan military build-up? Because you think so? Japan is US ally, not slave.

Japan is not in our radar, Russia to normalize the relationship with Japan is totally fine.

But when against the US, China and Russia have many things in common, that's enough.
I am talking of gas price.
US companies just pay a third of the price what German companies pay.

LOL China is the only one rearranging the region's power balance. After so much Vietnamese boasting, nobody came to save them from Chinese spanking. Not Russia not Japan and definitely not India! :rofl:
read the article, rearranging the region's power balance is Japan intention, not Vietnam´s.
Not that we don´t want to do, but we lack of means :D

as for spanking, we will see who spanks whom :coffee:

Japan is not in our radar, Russia to normalize the relationship with Japan is totally fine.

But when against the US, China and Russia have many things in common, that's enough.
exactly, you have no say. it is a wishful thinking if you think you can misuse Russia for your egoistic interests in East Asia.
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