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Abe's Strategy: Rearrange Region's Power Balance

China must show respect to their smaller neighbours.Vietnam already proved when they defeat USA and its allies that economy ,military and diplomatic clout alone cant win a war.Comparing to USA at that time China dont have a credible allies wing .Your only power is your economy .
It is the larger countries responsibility to show respects to their smaller neighbours .Look in SA BD did a lot of irreponsible mentality against us ,SL also in earlier times.But we dont intimidate them for that.We only aiming for cooperation.
Your egoistic attitude will be dangerous to yourself in long term.
Just give us what we need and we will stop any military power regardless of their size.
We were successful to defeat China even when they reached the height of their empire: the Ming and Qing.

Chicom today is much smaller. Only their arrogance remains unchanged.
Is it your application for help from Japan? such "strong" country need help, very interesting, hehe!

LMAO, we are just territorially smaller than the Qing, but we are still territorially as large as USA or Canada, do you think we are really 'small' by your definition?
Seems they are used to beg, hehe.
I mean China today is smaller than Qing´s territory.
Sure, China has always been multiple times bigger than Vietnam, in size and population.

Your country's name was given by the Qing Emperor, and do you think that they didn't dominate you?
The situation in East Asia has become restive and an aggressive China has proven it will not back down in terms of territorial challenges ; disrespecting the national borders of its neighbors and partners. This is seen with the Indians in regards to Arunachal Pradesh, Sikim; with South Korea, with Japan, and ASEAN countries as well.

I believe that 6 decades of pacifism is enough. It is time that Japan remove the limitations on our military growth and development. This is why I really like PM Shinzo Abe for his leaning towards greater military responsibility. A resurgent Japan , i believe, will cooperate with our American partners in balancing Asia-Pacific and to maintain the status quo.


TOKYO—Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took a significant step toward removing six-decade-old constraints on Japan's military, a move that could enable Tokyo to play a greater security role in an increasingly tense East Asia.

Citing the recent standoff in disputed South China Sea waters between China and Vietnam, Mr. Abe said Japan needed more freedom of action in overseas conflicts, despite its pacifist constitution.

"In the South China Sea, even as we speak, confrontations between countries are continuing because of unilateral action backed by force," he said at a news conference Thursday. "It could very well be our problem."

Mr. Abe said his government would kick off discussions to determine whether to change the interpretation of the constitution to permit the use of "collective self-defense." The shift would allow Japanese troops, known as the Self-Defense Forces, to aid its allies even if Japan itself isn't attacked.

To illustrate the need for collective self-defense, Mr. Abe pointed to a panel depicting a U.S. ship carrying Japanese children being attacked by an unidentified continental country west of Japan labeled "the aggressor." In such a scenario, he said, the government couldn't send forces to help the children—unless it changed a policy that dates to the founding of Japan's modern military in the early 1950s.

The U.S. and some Southeast Asian nations have welcomed Mr. Abe's plans, .

Leaders of the New Komeito Party, a junior partner in the ruling coalition led by Mr. Abe's Liberal Democratic Party, have expressed caution over the change. They say Japan's 1947 constitution, written by U.S. authorities during the postwar occupation, already permits Japanese forces to come to America's aid even without the concept of collective self-defense.

"Lifting the limits on the right for self-defense will bring us right back to the concept before the last war that led us to destruction," said Katsumasa Suzuki, an opposition lawmaker, earlier this year.

Separately, China, which was invaded by Japan in the 1930s, has warned about what it calls a return of Japanese militarism. Beijing says the U.S.-Japan alliance is improperly targeting China. Mr. Abe said Japan would never wage an aggressive war and called his moves a way to ensure peace.

China's Foreign Ministry said the country was wary about changes in Tokyo's defense policy owing to "historical issues"—a reference to the invasion and occupation beginning in the 1930s.

"Due to various negative directions on historical issues that have been arising in Japan, Asian countries, including China, and the international community, have full reason to be highly vigilant over Japan's true intention and its future development," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily briefing in Beijing.

South Korea said it would keep a close watch on Japan's proposed constitutional reform.

"The South Korean government once again stresses that defense and security-related discussions in Japan must take place in a way that uphold the spirit of Japan's pacifist constitution, maintains transparency and contributes to stability and peace in the region," South Korean Foreign Ministry spokesman Cho Tai-young said in a statement.

The escalating tensions in the South China Sea, where Vietnam is trying to force China to remove a large oil platform, have fueled worries in Japan about its own territorial feud with Beijing involving a group of East China Sea islands.

Before Mr. Abe spoke to the nation, a government advisory panel recommended allowing Japan's military to aid the defense of "foreign nations with close relationships" in certain circumstances. The panel cited threats from China and North Korea.

Japan's constitution renounces the "right of belligerency." Many in Mr. Abe's ruling conservative party have long called for it to be rewritten, but that requires the support of two-thirds of parliament and a majority of the public. The panel endorsed a reinterpretation, which Mr. Abe could do on his own.

Once a cabinet decision on collective self-defense is made—which officials say they hope to complete by late summer—Tokyo plans to implement by the end of the year a cascade of changes to its defense-related laws to reflect the new interpretation.

Japanese officials say lifting the ban on collective self-defense is mainly aimed at equalizing the alliance with the U.S., which requires U.S. forces to defend Japan if it is attacked but not necessarily vice versa. President Obama affirmed on a visit to Tokyo last month that the U.S. commitment to repel invaders includes the Japan-held islands claimed by China.

Mr. Abe's move could also pave the way for Tokyo to work more closely with regional allies such as Australia and India and members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations such as the Philippines and Vietnam. The latter two are seeking to counter China's growing military presence.

"I would like to see Japan say to the Asean countries, 'We want to support you. How can we empower these countries?' " said former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg, who now teaches at Syracuse University, during a visit to Tokyo this week.

Since taking office in late 2012, Mr. Abe has made significant efforts to strengthen Japan's security ties with "like-minded nations" in the western Pacific to counter China's rapid military buildup. Responding to a request from Hanoi, Japan in March said it would consider giving Vietnam patrol ships. A Japanese Foreign Ministry official said the timing hasn't been decided but the current South China Sea conflict could accelerate the plans.

"Actively establishing close ties with Southeast Asian nations allows Japan to become a full-fledged member of the security partnership for the entire region," said Narushige Michishita, professor of strategic studies at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies.

Japan's Abe is no doubt representing the right-wing mindset of Japan being a victim of WWII. After his election Abe behaved like a new coming hooker selling the charm of a new version of the Great East Asia Coprosperity Sphere, to a few of brainless whores. Let's close our fingers to see how you tango together till the end of melody. Remember that China deals only with your master on security issues in Asia.
Your country's name was given by the Qing Emperor, and do you think that they didn't dominate you?
that is not exactly correct. China did not dominate Vietnam. We only paid tributes one a year or in every two years. You can call it as gift. That´s all. Vietnam had been an independent country. Chinese emperors had no say in politics at all.

as for the name, Vietnam emperor Nguyen wanted to change the country name from Dai Viet to NamViet (Nanyue), the ancient name of our country when the history of Vietnam begins. He sought the permission at Chinese court.

But the Qing emperor rejected as he feared Vietnam could claim Southern China in one day. As a compromise, the name Vietnam (Yuenan) was found.
that is not exactly correct. China did not dominate Vietnam. We only paid tributes one a year or in every two years. You can call it as gift. That´s all. Vietnam had been an independent country. Chinese emperors had no say in politics at all.

as for the name, Vietnam emperor Nguyen wanted to change the country name from Dai Viet to NamViet (Nanyue), the ancient name of our country when the history of Vietnam begins. He sought the permission at Chinese court.

But the Qing emperor rejected as he feared Vietnam could claim Southern China in one day. As a compromise, the name Vietnam (Yuenan) was found.
And in return China always give Vietnam gifts which has several times more valuable than the tribute Vietnam gave to China.

The Emperor was actually pretty smart, if nowadays Vietnam is named NamViet, it would be another "Outer Mongolia" of China, which always claim Chinese Yuan Dynasty.
that is not exactly correct. China did not dominate Vietnam. We only paid tributes one a year or in every two years. You can call it as gift. That´s all. Vietnam had been an independent country. Chinese emperors had no say in politics at all.

as for the name, Vietnam emperor Nguyen wanted to change the country name from Dai Viet to NamViet (Nanyue), the ancient name of our country when the history of Vietnam begins. He sought the permission at Chinese court.

But the Qing emperor rejected as he feared Vietnam could claim Southern China in one day. As a compromise, the name Vietnam (Yuenan) was found.

VN could claim South China by fantacy. In reality, the major genetic haplotypes of so called Jin people are actually less related to O1a (baiyue) nor O2a (Baipu). The Viet natives two thousand years ago were possibly dominant with C (Mongolian) and D (Old Asians) . Jin is a mixed folk group as much as Han. It's ridiculous to fabricate the history of your ancestry or ethnicity or your connection with the Yue people in the Southern China.
China is the growth engine of the world. China is the largest market for Japanese exports. Japanese economy is heavily dependent on net exports for growth as investment and consumption is falling. Japanese industrial output fell too. Japanese growth has collapsed and now inflation has risen. Japanese inflation is rising above 3% and wages are rising only 1% which means consumers are losing purchasing power because of the massive QE of Abe. Japan isn't slowing, its got stagflation which is the worst of both worlds. Now to contain inflation, they have to raise interest rates but they can't do that without destroying Japan completely as the only way they can finance their debt is through low interest rates. The Japanese budget is already constrained from the pensions and the last thing they need is higher interest payments.

Japan is already bust and its only getting worse for them.
Abenomics is about keep printing Japanese yen to keep economy and living standards high in Japan. This may work in short term but not long term. Japan think they are the US which is a good joke. US can keep printing indefinitely but not Japan. China is keeping Japan them afloat for now.

Japan is the most indebted developed nation at 214% of external debt to GDP .

List of countries by public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And in return China always give Vietnam gifts which has several times more valuable than the tribute Vietnam gave to China.

The Emperor was actually pretty smart, if nowadays Vietnam is named NamViet, it would be another "Outer Mongolia" of China, which always claim Chinese Yuan Dynasty.

Viet Kings had to have authorization of Qing emperors to be rightful. In the late Qing dynasty the control of China were gradually ceding away to foreign powers.
VN could claim South China by fantacy. In reality, the major genetic haplotypes of so called Jin people are actually less related to O1a (baiyue) nor O2a (Baipu). The Viet natives two thousand years ago were possibly dominant with C (Mongolian) and D (Old Asians) . Jin is a mixed folk group as much as Han. It's ridiculous to fabricate the history of your ancestry or ethnicity or your connection with the Yue people in the Southern China.
well, not all Viets, me included, claim to derive from Baiyue, nor belonged southern China to our ancient land. Just a minority does. it is more or less an academic discussion.
A strong Japanese military today that is definitely interest of Vietnam.

We strongly support Japan's military buildup and Japan role in Asia and World.
Viet Kings had to have authorization of Qing emperors to be rightful. In the late Qing dynasty the control of China were gradually ceding away to foreign powers.
not true

actually Viet rulers needed to call themselves as emperors. the Viet people never accepted a ruler who saw himself as inferior to China.

And in return China always give Vietnam gifts which has several times more valuable than the tribute Vietnam gave to China.

The Emperor was actually pretty smart, if nowadays Vietnam is named NamViet, it would be another "Outer Mongolia" of China, which always claim Chinese Yuan Dynasty.
No, Vietnam wanted peace with China in return. Nothing else.

I believe that in the future there will be increased cooperation between Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam.

A strong Japanese military today that is definitely interest of Vietnam.

We strongly support Japan's military buildup and Japan role in Asia and World.

Thank you for your support of my nation's aspiration to apply balance in Asia and in the world.

The shackles of the old war must be removed, and only through a resurgent Japan, one in which our military can be utilized to maintain the status quo in the world. China will learn her place.

Thank you for your support of my nation's aspiration to apply balance in Asia and in the world.

The shackles of the old war must be removed, and only through a resurgent Japan, one in which our military can be utilized to maintain the status quo in the world. China will learn her place.

Hi, Welcome to the forum.

You seriously do not think that Japan and any allies is any match for China do you?

China has more than ten times the population of Japan and is already the most powerful country in Asia and will extend their lead even more into the future.
Hi @UKBengali , thanks for the warm welcome.

The strength of a nation depends on the national will, as well as the close ties one has with neighbors and the caliber of its strategic partnerships. Brute force alone does not equate. Its in my firm belief that with a strong and vibrant partnership with the united states, and with regional partners, the status quo will be maintained.
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