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Abbottabad Operation MUST Be Reinvestigated & Pakistani Accomplices Brought To Book

'outbested'? The question of 'who is the moron who approved the harboring of this terrorist to start with' seems to be missing you completely. If they had not done that you wouldn't have had to face the embarassing consequences.
You're telling me....I was shocked myself when I heard the news about Abbottabad actually in the first place. I assumed FATA or Waziristan initially as that was filled with insurgency.

And I don't know by who do you mean by "you wouldn't have had to face the embarassing consequences."

Is that a personal attack because of where I am born ??
Really don't think anyone would buy your argument regarding Gen Kayani. His tenure was the worst ever for Pakistan. Few worth mentioning are:
One of the main architect of NRO to Zardari
OBL debacle Demoralization for Armed forces (National and international humiliation + Loss of public trust on Armed forces)
Reluctance to conduct operations in FATA
Failure to prevent daily bombings and major attacks on military bases
His Brother Kamran Kyani NAB cases
and most importantly Ramon Davis Fiasco.

After Yahya Khan, kiyani tenure was the worst time period for Pakistan.

his was the darkest period in our history, so overrated, he dropped the guards intentionally and let Blackwater seep into our cities, let rehman malik continue failure of preventing daily bombings
You're telling me....I was shocked myself when I heard the news about Abbottabad actually in the first place. I assumed FATA or Waziristan initially as that was filled with insurgency.

And I don't know by who do you mean by "you wouldn't have had to face the embarassing consequences."

Is that a personal attack because of where I am born ??

'you'= Pak state. Are you denying that the AMericans violating your airspace, carrying out a ground operation batrely minutes away from PMA Kakul and walking out like nothing happened isn't serious? Just imagine if something like this happened 5 mins from Westpoint or Sandhurst? It will be a perpetual blemish. No one can blame the americans- they had an open policy of killing Osama wherever in the world they find him. But the geniuses who harbored him in Abbotabad- let's face it almost certaily military/ ISI, they have brought upon a disgrace that can never be washed off.
'you'= Pak state. Are you denying that the AMericans violating your airspace, carrying out a ground operation batrely minutes away from PMA Kakul and walking out like nothing happened isn't serious? Just imagine if something like this happened 5 mins from Westpoint or Sandhurst? It will be a perpetual blemish. No one can blame the americans- they had an open policy of killing Osama wherever in the world they find him. But the geniuses who harbored him in Abbotabad- let's face it almost certaily military/ ISI, they have brought upon a disgrace that can never be washed off.
I ain't denying anything nor agreeing and please watch the tone there. Behave.

In terms of context related to what you meant, there is a lot of grey and I suggest check more material than commenting emotionally.
Either government/establishment was trying to hide their incompetence OR Uncle Sam told them to do so.
Lmao, we still haven’t had that for Kargil which was 20+ years ago, but yes we should also have one about OBL. The goons who were keeping him in custody, and then made a deal with the Americans which caused the state a lot of damage and loss of credibility with their actions and incompetence, should be held accountable.
What is there to investigate? It is obvious that Military was in on it along with civilian leadership which congratulated Obama for attack.
I have mentioned PAF Air Chief's statements at the time of OBL incident.
Those videos are now hard to see on Youtube.
Here Aftab Iqbal states the statement of PAF Air Chiefs to Pakistani journalists.
Iqbal said , his statement was ridiculous. He also says that General Kiyani's role was very suspicious.

This incident and Kiyani should be investigated and Pakistani nation is told the truth about it.
We know that Zardari is not a literate. He definitely is incapable to write articles of a standard that can be published in Washington Post. His article on the incident appeared next day in the Post. Which suggest that the article was ready to be published before the incident. It definitely was written by someone else.

This program should be watched in full for all interested.

I have written here, continuously since 2011, there are many aspects of OBL operations which stinks from Pakistan's security point of view.

Sadly, Pakistan is a country where there is no responsibility and accountability. Lack of these two essential requirements, it has open up Pakistan for constant attacks. Every country, even little country like UAE thinks that Pakistan is a walkover.

If anything , Pakistanis themselves are to be blamed.

In the video Kasana raises some valid questions, why these things are not investigated properly.
He points fingers firmly in the direction of General Kiyani and stated that why the extension was offered and accepted, there must be some quid pro quo involved.

I hope people started to take these things seriously and start reflecting on what had happened in last two decades with Pakistan. Unless we do it and open up to the ideas of having responsibility and accountability in their system, Pakistan would keep facing the threats and problem, which present it existential threats.

Threats which started with NRO negotiated and implemented by General Kiyani have not disappeared entirely.
The one party (read parties) are very unhappy that how Pakistani establishment change tacks and let Imran Khan become PM of Pakistan. Thus the current movement. No holds bar agitation with open proclamation that they are open to discussions/negotiations with the Establishment if they get rid of Imran Khan and let them rule over Pakistan again.
The agenda is still unfinished , because Pakistan is still standing. I hope people understand it in black and white, what is at stake.
Just out of curiosity, why do you use 2 British flags? Are you a native English man?

On topic, Pakistan has no credibility on the international stage because of the rampant contradictions within Pakistani identity, society, mindset and world view. It seems that Pakistanis determine what is appropriate based only on their shared fears and hatred for India, and the #1 priority in every decision is to marginalize India even if it means 90% of the most wanted terrorists in the world call Pakistan their home. To this end, Pakistanis are willing to eat grass so long as Pakistan army can project its muscle on LOC, keep sending infiltrators without heavy consequences and simply offending India on the world stage without any real gains on the ground (but heavy economic costs).

A lot of Pakistanis I met in China, Europe & US try to hide their identities and camoflage into whatever comes first to the observer. Saudi money has kept Pakistan afloat all these years and today Imran Khan has the audacity to point fingers at Saudi which is leading to the loss of revenue and opportunities for millions of Pakistani workers.. and Pakistanis on this forum are saying "Mashallah very nice now they will come back to Pakistan and contribute to our economy!".. Please tell me brother, woh berozgaar jinko aata naseeb nahi hai kya contribute kar rahe hai aapki economy me? (Those unemployed who cannot afford wheat, what are they contributing to Pakistani economy?)

You are living in a liberal white country which deems OBL one of the greatest terrorists of our times, you take the benefits of opportunities the liberal white man has provided you and migrate your entire families under the guise of secularim and modern values but at the same time you secretly hate the people who are accomodating you in their country. You/ Imran Khan hails OBL a hero, a marytry and celebrate his accomplishments in creating massive fears and insecurities in our world.

If you want accountability, please start with yourself and examine the contradictions in your own sense of self and world view. Pakistan is just a reflection of chaos, confusion, contradictions all fueled by fears, animosity and authoratarian thought/media control by the military establishment. Inside Pakistan, Pakistanis seem to believe they have outwitted the whole world into believing that Pakistan is a victim of terrorism.. For the rest of the world, it is akin to Pamela Anderson proclaiming that she is a virgin or Imran Khan saying he doesn't know how to play Cricket.

Before trying to bring accomplices who helped OBL raid to the book, please examine why OBL was living lavishly there in the first place and how many % of Pakistanis still believe that it was a false flag operation, how many % believe that OBL never existed, how many believe the raid never happened and bring yourselves to the book about your own twisted narratives.
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many/most of you are beating your chest about ISI's intelligence failure, army/paf's incompetence, leadership's indecision etc. All of this is true but there is a more fundamental failure - ie the moral failure of Pakistani strategy. Why the heck would you give shelter to obl particularly after taking money from us to assist in hunting that nut? No amount of improvement in weaponry, training, practice and control can make good lack of morals and mis-directed strategic mission.

there is this consistent ignorance with Pak military - they define studpid missions and then when they fail they start blaming whoever is the least path of resistance. Kargil for example, they have convinced themselves (or atleast brainwashed many youngsters) into thinking it was a military genius plot that failed due to political leadership. Bangladesh, I still hear some people from Pakistani origin call it due to terrorist mukti bahini & ill-design by India! when I show them video of Pak military lining up students and professors in Dacca school grounds and shooting them, they are absoultely shocked that they have been living ignorant on that all their lives!
many/most of you are beating your chest about ISI's intelligence failure, army/paf's incompetence, leadership's indecision etc. All of this is true but there is a more fundamental failure - ie the moral failure of Pakistani strategy. Why the heck would you give shelter to obl particularly after taking money from us to assist in hunting that nut? No amount of improvement in weaponry, training, practice and control can make good lack of morals and mis-directed strategic mission.

there is this consistent ignorance with Pak military - they define studpid missions and then when they fail they start blaming whoever is the least path of resistance. Kargil for example, they have convinced themselves (or atleast brainwashed many youngsters) into thinking it was a military genius plot that failed due to political leadership. Bangladesh, I still hear some people from Pakistani origin call it due to terrorist mukti bahini & ill-design by India! when I show them video of Pak military lining up students and professors in Dacca school grounds and shooting them, they are absoultely shocked that they have been living ignorant on that all their lives!
They seem to derive pride from their ability to play/get benefits from all sides at the same time without realizing this game cannot be played indefinitely and also very proud of being a decadely trouble maker with India while still somehow surviving as an entity and staying afloat economically.
Just out of curiosity, why do you use 2 British flags? Are you a native English man?

Well, I had a Pakistani flag in my ID. When I mentioned the fact that I am British National not Pakistani national, I was told that I should change the flag to indicate that fact.

There are millions of us Native "English" men.
That doesn't means that you are native "White English man".
I hope you understand the distinction.

On other waffle by you, a typical Indian response.

I will just add, there are plenty of evidence available that whole of OBL saga is more than what meets the eyes. Even Trump recently said that it was a fake raid and OBL wasn't there.

I have just added a video of Aftab, where he has mentioned the complicity of General Kiyani and PAF Chief at the time.

I am proud of my Pakistani heritage. Most of Pakistani origin people i know in the UK or USA are proud of their heritage. They don't hide their identities.
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Really don't think anyone would buy your argument regarding Gen Kayani. His tenure was the worst ever for Pakistan. Few worth mentioning are:
One of the main architect of NRO to Zardari
OBL debacle Demoralization for Armed forces (National and international humiliation + Loss of public trust on Armed forces)
Reluctance to conduct operations in FATA
Failure to prevent daily bombings and major attacks on military bases
His Brother Kamran Kyani NAB cases
and most importantly Ramon Davis Fiasco.

After Yahya Khan, kiyani tenure was the worst time period for Pakistan.
Kiyani worst crime was reinstatement of Iftikhar Chaudry ... the father of wokla gardi ... election manipulation.
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this is an eye opener for many of the forum members here, who are politically biased.
I will just add, there are plenty of evidence available that whole of OBL saga is more than what meets the eyes. Even Trump recently said that it was a fake raid and OBL wasn't there.

Finally I find someone who believes in what Trump says.

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