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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

The maximum range of Pakistan's ballistic missiles has been capped at 2750km (Shaheen-III). As per former DG SPD Gen (R) Khalid Kidwai, Pakistan does not intend on exceeding this range. There is no intent for developing an ICBM, which would be an overkill for credible minimum deterrence (CMD) posture. Without launch platforms capable of launching SLBM it is difficult to state that Pakistan would invest in such a capability. At best, PN would be equipped with long-range cruise missiles.
U r referring to credible minimum deterrence whereas I'm talking about a true second strike capability that is next to impossible to counter/prevent.

An ICBM would only be an overkill to launch towards India if it was land based. For an SLBM...it's different. SLCM have their own advantages but generally compared to SLBMs they have a smaller range and smaller payload. The benefit that the range of a submarine launch ICBM is that the submarine can be lurking about anywhere in the world and still be able to strike its intended target. The other advantage of an SLBM over an SLCM is more payload...meaning u can MIRV it. With multiple warheads(or potentially some decoys) it increases the chances of getting through missile defenses.

In any case rn Pak doesn't have the economy to go down such a path...but Pak can(and in some cases has been) work on some parts that can later come together to have that true second strike capability.
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Pak wouldn't call it a MIRV if it wasn't a MIRV...Pak does plenty of missile tests(some conducted even after Ababeel's test) and doesn't just call them a MIRV missile if they are not MIRV. If a missile test was done for MIRV testing...then it must be for MIRV testing.
It doesn't take much to demonstrate the capability despite being the lowest range BM with MIRV in the world and a country having no experience launching a sat. You're a country who faked Nuke test with HEU implosion warhead to look like plutonium warhead so... MIRV is too good to be true. Props to you if you did, after all, you're the only country in the world with a 100% success rate in missile tests.
It doesn't take much to demonstrate the capability despite being the lowest range BM with MIRV in the world and a country having no experience launching a sat. You're a country who faked Nuke test with HEU implosion warhead to look like plutonium warhead so... MIRV is too good to be true. Props to you if you did, after all, you're the only country in the world with a 100% success rate in missile tests.

And you have been making a fighter aircraft and a tank for half a century without success

Look who's talking scenario
It doesn't take much to demonstrate the capability despite being the lowest range BM with MIRV in the world and a country having no experience launching a sat. You're a country who faked Nuke test with HEU implosion warhead to look like plutonium warhead so... MIRV is too good to be true. Props to you if you did, after all, you're the only country in the world with a 100% success rate in missile tests.

Is that jealously I sense? :sarcastic:
It doesn't take much to demonstrate the capability despite being the lowest range BM with MIRV in the world and a country having no experience launching a sat. You're a country who faked Nuke test with HEU implosion warhead to look like plutonium warhead so... MIRV is too good to be true. Props to you if you did, after all, you're the only country in the world with a 100% success rate in missile tests.
Yes yes we know all about these "expert" reviews from ur side..."experts" like u r dime a dozen. Anything Pakistan develops or tests is mocked and ridiculed...but that's okay we don't mind. In the real world results matter and not some self proclaimed expert's words.

When it comes to results it is Pakistan that has not only inducted the JF17 in hundreds but has also had export success and used that jet in ops against India during Feb last year...while ur Tejas that's been in development for decades was riding around on trucks. Same goes for ur other projects like Rustom drone...all of which have crashed. Nirbhay cruise missile that still has yet to be inducted after all this time...it's laughable to see a nation which claims to have developed a hypersonic cruise missile Brahmos(Russia just gave u their P800), struggle with a subsonic cruise missile :lol:

So u can invent all sorts of excuses if that helps...all u r doing is trying to make up for ur inadequacies. Out of sheer hatred and jealousy u just cannot accept how a nation smaller than u with fewer resources can develop things that remain on the drawing board for u. Keep at it...it's good for us...it's precisely bcuz of this underestimation that u were slapped so hard in Feb that u didn't dare to respond. U got outmatched and outplayed by a nation that according to u can't develop anything.
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U r referring to credible minimum deterrence whereas I'm talking about a true second strike capability that is next to impossible to counter/prevent.

An ICBM would only be an overkill to launch towards India if it was land based. For an SLBM...it's different. SLCM have their own advantages but generally compared to SLBMs they have a smaller range and smaller payload. The benefit that the range of a submarine launch ICBM is that the submarine can be lurking about anywhere in the world and still be able to strike its intended target. The other advantage of an SLBM over an SLCM is more payload...meaning u can MIRV it. With multiple warheads(or potentially some decoys) it increases the chances of getting through missile defenses.

In any case rn Pak doesn't have the economy to go down such a path...but Pak can(and in some cases has been) work on some parts that can later come together to have that true second strike capability.

My dear,

This discussion will only lurk between desirable and doable, without going into what is actually happening or will happen.

MIRVed intercontinental SLBM would require larger submarines with VLS. We do not have such a boat and we cannot bet on the Chinese boats until we see what they are. The Chinese Qing-Class submarine is designed to launch SLBM but the boat is just a testbed for testing newer technologies and there is only one example of it. I doubt the Qing is on our plate.

As you pointed, our economy is sluggish, and we also need to consider if we have the capacity to develop and operate both the intercontinental-SLBM and the launch platform. Our second-strike capability is likely to be limited to SLCM. It is, however, likely that Pakistan would develop a long-range SLCM (possibly 1000km-1500km) in the future but I do not expect anything beyond that, not unless the threat environment changes drastically.
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