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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

So now when the kite high nationalist have calmned down, let me ask this... Did you guys test MIRV capable missile or MIRV itself. Bcoz the video just shows the missile not the MIRV downrange. If it is really an MIRV test then what kind of bus was used? which type of warheads where used?

Also to some learned members out here, how wide will be the MIRV throw considering the missile has range of 2000Km? (ie, the altitude achived by a 2000km balistic projectile is way less than 13000km missile, hence the warheads will be released at a lower altitude and hence a lower glide range)
So now when the kite high nationalist have calmned down, let me ask this... Did you guys test MIRV capable missile or MIRV itself. Bcoz the video just shows the missile not the MIRV downrange. If it is really an MIRV test then what kind of bus was used? which type of warheads where used?

Also to some learned members out here, how wide will be the MIRV throw considering the missile has range of 2000Km? (ie, the altitude achived by a 2000km balistic projectile is way less than 13000km missile, hence the warheads will be released at a lower altitude and hence a lower glide range)

Ask @The Deterrent
Hi first of all NO TROLLING PLEASE if you have the answer then reply

Pak already has Shaheen 2 capable of 2000 km and shaheen 3 capable of 2750 km so why test a completly new platform with MIRV why not shaheen 2 or a modified Shaeen 3 would make a lot more sense to test with new technologies ?
If China would have helped Pakistan with MIRV technology, it would have taken a year or two to develop it not 10 years, since China already mastered the technology a long while ago..
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ok ... I don't actually... but I think there was confusion ... since I was using mobile and don't see country flags... usually its not an issue... but last night messaging at fast pace.... I may have offended some people ... for which I dearly apologise.....
It's the part where u were calling me an idiot even though I provided proof of what I was saying.
Hi first of all NO TROLLING PLEASE if you have the answer then reply

Pak already has Shaheen 2 capable of 2000 km and shaheen 3 capable of 2750 km so why test a completly new platform with MIRV why not shaheen 2 or a modified Shaeen 3 would make a lot more sense to test with new technologies ?
Could be any number of things. For one thing, I noticed that the new missile has side thrusters as well and is a 3 stage missile with MiRVs. Looks like a completely new missile that is possibly a heck of a lot faster than the current Shaheen series (which are travel at the maximum speed that is ridiculous to begin with). And keeping true to their traditions, the military will remain extremely tight lipped about every little detail surrounding the missile. They may never disclose the details and keep everyone guessing and panicking. The whole reason for this missile test was two fold:

1. to give confidence to the nation that is generals, scientists and engineers are silent, but not asleep.
2. to give modi, doval and company the following message: apni auqaat may reh!
a certian anonymous twitter handler @raj indian kumar confirms that this test was indeed a bogus test
footage was taken from 1960s lunar launch and was pasted, an excellent blend of Photoshop was used to make this cover. the whole world is now laughing on Pakistan. this is also confirmed by seeing how the missile exhaust too much flames but still moves slow
yar yeah RAJ bhi koi bohat hi beysharam type ka insan hay itna zalil honey kay bad phir a gya hay
@Zibago @The Sandman @django @Moonlight @Chauvinist
yar yeah RAJ bhi koi bohat hi beysharam type ka insan hay
@Zibago @The Sandman @django @Moonlight @Chauvinist
Yay is bandar ko insaan to na kaho! :lol:

Interesting a country which have the technology to launch multiple satellite to orbit don't have the MIRV is unbelievable. They might hiding their capability .
indians love to show off and don't have the technology they claim to have. The fact is that they just purchase Russian SLVs, assemble them, give it some bajrangi hindi name and then launch satellites. That's all it is.
Pakistan relies heavily on missiles and considers it basic punch from the beginning (since start of our nuke program)...

& this is the most dangerous thing ..... as mush the difference in conventional capabilities b/w India & Pakistan will increase the dependency of Pakistan on non-conventional means & False Sense of security in India will also increase

Further the increase gap in conventional capabilities with false sense of security in India will present a situation which may induce the Indian political class for misadventure just for the INTERNAL POLITICAL GAINS, so South Asia is trapped in a viscous circle .....

Welcome to Hell
you all ....
Ababeel to ‘neutralise India’s defence shield’
By Kamran Yousaf
Published: January 25, 2017

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan conducted on Tuesday its first successful test of Ababeel missile, using the Multi Independent Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology which, officials say, is a landmark achievement to neutralise India’s ballistic missile defence shield.

The surface-to-surface ballistic missile can reach targets at a range of 2,200 kilometres, over three times the distance between Islamabad and New Delhi, according to an official statement released by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).

Pakistan conducts first flight test of surface-to-surface Ababeel missile

What is significant about this missile is that it is capable of delivering multiple warheads, using the MIRV technology. Ababeel is capable of delivering nuclear warheads and has the capability to engage multiple targets with high precision, defeating the enemy’s hostile radars, the ISPR said.

The test flight was aimed at validating various design and technical parameters of the weapon system, said the military’s media wing.

India last year tested a ‘locally designed’ anti-ballistic missile system, according to media reports, which could in theory intercept a nuclear-carrying ballistic missile.

A senior official working in the nuclear establishment told The Express Tribune that development of Ababeel was critical given India’s rapid development of the missile defence shield.

“We took minimal measures to restore deterrence equation,” said the official, who requested not to be quoted on the record because he was not authorised to speak to the media.

The official said the MIRV system has been developed to defeat India’s ballistic missile defence shield. Acquiring this technology, the official said, was critical to restoring deterrence stability, which he termed as critical for regional peace.

“Development of the Ababeel weapon system is aimed at ensuring survivability of Pakistan’s ballistic missiles in the growing regional Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) environment. This will further reinforce deterrence,” the ISPR said.

Last year, India claimed to have successfully tested the ballistic missile defence shield system, an expansive and complicated technology that seeks to prevent a missile attack from Pakistan.

Independent observers, however, are wary of Indian claims and say it is too early for the South Asian country to acquire a technology that at present only a handful of countries possess.

Pakistan fires ‘first submarine-launched nuclear-capable missile

The successful testing of Ababeel came days after Pakistan conducted the first-ever submarine-launched cruise missile Babur- III, which gives the country ‘credible second strike capability’.

Pakistan has now effectively acquired the capability to launch a missile from land, air and sea. The development of submarine-launched missile system will make Pakistan retain the ability to hit back at enemy in case its first strike capability is destroyed.

The upgrading of the missile programme is meant to counter India’s Cold Start Doctrine that seeks swift military action before Pakistan reacts.

The country’s civil and military leadership, including President Mamnoon Hussain, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the three services chiefs congratulated the scientists and engineers on the successful conduct of the missile test.

The president and the prime minister conveyed their appreciation to the team involved and the country’s armed forces on this ‘landmark achievement’.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 25th, 2017.
Could be any number of things. For one thing, I noticed that the new missile has side thrusters as well and is a 3 stage missile with MiRVs. Looks like a completely new missile that is possibly a heck of a lot faster than the current Shaheen series (which are travel at the maximum speed that is ridiculous to begin with). And keeping true to their traditions, the military will remain extremely tight lipped about every little detail surrounding the missile. They may never disclose the details and keep everyone guessing and panicking. The whole reason for this missile test was two fold:

1. to give confidence to the nation that is generals, scientists and engineers are silent, but not asleep.
2. to give modi, doval and company the following message: apni auqaat may reh!

agreed your two concluding points are valid but still
1. read about Shaheen 3 its a 3 stage solid fuelled missile with a longer range, and more bulkier making it capable of carrying more MIRVs with greater yield.
2. Yes this new missile might be faster (not sure on it though) but missiles deploy MIRVs at a gluiding range that is just above or on the edge of BMD shield so a little difference in speed is not gonna matter much
3. As quoted by some members it might be a contender for SLBM ok yes it can be but then again you have to make changes in its design which could be made on either of Shaheen 2 or Shaheen 3 , I am just not able to relate the cut down range in the missile with a completly new missile because neither of Shaheen 2 or 3 are obsolute in terms of technology
What is SSM? Surface-surface missile?
A surface-to-surface missile (SSM) or ground-to-ground missile (GGM) is a missile designed to be launched from the ground or the sea and strike targets on land or at sea. They may be fired from hand-held or vehicle mounted devices, from fixed installations, or from a ship.
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