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Ababeel SSM - Pakistan gains MIRV technology.

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This is amazing, super capability! I don't get whats the difference between this new missile and the Shaheen 3..
Shaheen is a longer range from what i remember, so whats the point in going back to a shorter range?
This is very interesting, and we are very Proud!!:pakistan::yahoo:
Well buddy a single missile hitting multiple targets or hitting a target with multiple warheads so what you gotta say now
Congratulations to Pakistan especially to our scientists. It is because of their untiring efforts, sacrifices and skills that we have achieved such a success...An excellent timing by Pakistan, on India's republic day thus flushing all their haughty bravado into the toilet. And sending a clear message that we are committed to our defence and your ABM is a futile crap now...whether you keep wasting money on it or spend something on the poor dalits and untouchables, is your call.

So guys this is first of our MIRVs and be ready to see some longer ranges

Good Job but which Missile is this or have they changed name of the Missile ?
Ababeel and I think it will be a different series ..not Hatf
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There are MIRV-killer warheads too, Falcon. Like the American Multi-Object Kill Vehicle, designed to fit an SM-3 interceptor. This is an older version. The new version is still classified:


Penetration aids like kilometer long chaff spools, decoy or dummy warheads, Mylar balloons, radar jammers... they're all tried and test methods and they work, but they aren't fool proof and advanced intercepts have the means to discriminate between live warheads and dummies via various metrics such as heat, weight or filling.

That said, most interceptors designed to knock out MIRV missiles try to do so before separation, to make an interception and total destruction of the missile easier and more complete. GBI tries to do this at ranges upwards of 3000km and beyond.

MIRVs and MaRVs, as found on the retired Pershing II:

Complicate the process, but don't make the missile infallible either. There are countermeasures and tactics available to a nation to defeat MIRVs.

Thanks for the detailed post. With the cancellation of the multi-object kill vehicle, it's safe to say there's no technology that can take out MIRV?
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Another thing which is sure is that pakistan cannot intercept anything as of now.

Who told you that ? So far Pakistan has 3 HQ-16 Batteries and 5 more are on order , rumors suggest that we are operating HQ-9 as well ,and after the recent turn of event I will take any Rumor Pakistan has more seriously, few months back no one expected a SLCM and no in their wildest dreams expected MIRV's that soon.... along with FM-90 , SPADA .. If i am not wrong Hq-16 and Hq-9 can intercept CM and BM's too ..
@Beast @Chinese-Dragon @The Deterrent ?
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