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Aapas ki Baat 14th feb. Focus on Balochistan.

Can you provide a link on tamil insurgents over there...haven't found it...would like to know more about it.....are they renegade LTTE which RAW initially trained for srilanka?

No link.. just saw em myself...
Military hospital in peshawar..
Again.. I only state what I saw.. and seeing is believing.

Saw a guy that looked a lot like this in the morgue.. and no circumicision..but a beard that would put most JuD guys to shame.

Might have been a trainer.. might have been another "non-state" actor..after all it is quite possible what you state..LTTE assets.
Asalam o Alaykum!! I really think that one person cannot change the entire nation unless the nation is not ready for the change… Not only we need new people like Imran Khan but we also need new establishment. Establishment that includes people from all walk of life> Intelligent Youth, Professors, Engineers, Sociologists, Philosophers, Religious people, Ex Military men, Military men .. Think tanks from all walks of life and not just military. There is no doubt about the loyalty of the current establishment… but it lacks vision and input from experts of all sorts. The way i cannot be as competent as military person in war, same way a military man can never be as competent in understanding the West as the people who have lived among them.
Look at all Arab oil states what is so common in the division of Arabian peninsula .. You will also find in Baluchistan.. Small population with huge mineral resources but in our case a deprived population…Sitting at the gateway of Persian Gulf… A location that can be of huge benefit for China and can give all the access to China in Gulf.. Look from the eye of your Enemies and think won’t you exploit it.. Why we never developed Gawadar or more ports Wasn’t Karachi vulnerable strategically only 150 km from Indian border!!! All this 65 years our establishment has been engaged with nawabs and Sardars paying them royalties which were never shared with local population. Not even a single intelligence report suggested that sooner or later these nawabs will change their allegiance to some foreign interests and will use the condition of their people as a reason to start a freedom movement. First of all a State should treat its citizens uniformly.. For Example in Baluchistan you get royalty and in Potohar and Karak you get money for the harvest only!! So if you are more loyal to State ultimately you should expect nothing!!.. Royalty should have been for the people of Area in the form of Employment , any business developed in the area should share percentage of profit with people of the area just like in U.A.E where locals need to be involved in order to set up a business. I think current establishment has been unsuccessful in protecting and guarding our future. They lack strategic vision and multidimensional thinking and task handling. It’s high time to involve people from all walk of life and form a institute better than Pentagon.. I am not criticizing our established they way PPP and PML (N) criticizes them … I want them to think that their are millions of us who are ready to work and support the cause of Pakistan think of us as equal citizens and equally capable human beings … Still in this country there are people who will work for the country for minimum wage and will not sell their souls for dollars involve us Together we all of us as Pakistanis can defend protect and safeguard our interests nothing is lost yet… Best defense again i say is offense and it should be in the form of unity.. there is no establishment but only the forces working together for the integrity and survival of this State.. For Heaven’s Sake listen.. Or we will not forgive current Establishment if we lose a single inch of this State .. We will not forgive you General K or P for you got extensions to protect the interests of this State and if it ends up serving your own interests. Pakistan is more important than this shame democracy.. Lets say it together that ” We as Pakistanis will not tolerate another lost inch of this soil .. No more Sakoot e Dhaka will happen not again no more Siachin no more Kargil’s from now on Inshallah We will Only gain territory…. We will rise above and think above the thoughts of our enemies… We will not let our differences hurt our home land…..We will serve protect and die for our homeland… May God protect every inch of this state of Pakistan and may God add hundreds of thousands of miles to this state and May this State be The number one State and no State on this earth should be as powerful as Pakistan… Only God can decide our future and no more we will let shame less cunning and soul selling human beings decide our future!!!! Ameen
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