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AAP government delivers free water supply in Delhi

Nahi yar, nuke naam ki chidiya ke baare mein pta hi nahi tha. Thanks for reminding. So next time they finally decide to occupy ladakh/arunachal, we will just nuke them right. No need for conventional weapons. Oh by the way India has a no first use nuke policy.
That is precisely what Russia would do if the conventional attack fails. Do you see Chinese wagging their tails with Russia and occupying outer Mongolia which they still claim as their own? It's because India is reasonable, other countries take advantage of it. You be stern and strict with your deterrant policy. No country will risk land grabbing.
Delhi has a serious water problem. But the problem is not that consumers pay too much for water. It's the fact that consumers receive too little of a vital resource, not more than two hours a day even in the most affluent parts of the city. It's an issue serious enough to dominate an election campaign. A pity then that the Aam Aadmi Party opted for the administratively easy (but fiscally tough or should one say irresponsible?) option of offering to reduce water tariffs rather than the administratively harder (and fiscally easier) offer of ensuring 24x7 water supply to all the capital's residents. Representational image. PTI For Arvind Kejriwal, keeping the promise of 700 litres of free water (it is going to be 670 litres per day) was always going to be easy. It only needed the stroke of his pen and a slight alteration in the Delhi Jal Board's water bill calculations. Fulfilling the promise of 24x7 water supply to every household in Delhi would have tested Kejriwal. For a start, it would have meant providing connections to the 7 lakh households (or 20 percent of Delhi’s households) which are not linked to the water grid. It would have also meant thinking hard about how to increase the overall water supply in Delhi. It would have meant clamping down on theft. It would have meant thinking about water conservation strategies. It would have meant finding an appropriate price for water so that people valued the water they consumed, and not wasted it. But all of that may have been too complicated for the Aam Kejriwal. Careless populism pays off in the short run in electoral politics. But in the end, nothing is free. Someone has to pay the price for free water. After all, supplying water costs money — the physical infrastructure and the human resources at the least. If not consumers, then taxpayers must foot the bill. It's a folly to argue that only the rich pay taxes. The poor do too. Everyone who buys even basic commodities or buys a basic service pays a Value Added Tax or Service Tax. Indirect taxes are not progressive (the rich don’t pay extra) and they form the revenue base of a state Government like Delhi’s. So for "free" services like water, the poor without piped connections will end up paying a subsidy for the rich. Is that a pro-aam aadmi policy? Careless populism has graver consequences. The government can only provide free services as long as it has the revenue to pay for it. At some stage, careless populism means a busting of the fisc which necessitates a rise in tax rates or a cut in government expenditure, which will eventually mean the necessary reversal of populism. Freebies are not sustainable, not in a poor country like India, not in a rich country like the UK. Make no mistake. The AAP’s Delhi water policy is careless populism. At 670 litres per household per day, the AAP government is basically giving every individual the right to consume around 170 litres of water a day free. As the economist Surjit Bhalla points out in his article in The Indian Express, that threshold is well above the per capita consumption level in Western countries like Germany and Denmark. AAP’s decision to charge consumers for the entire amount consumed should they go even one litre above 670 a month will only encourage the manipulation of water meters on a gigantic scale, rather than rationalise consumption. If the AAP had cared to look around for role model case studies in how to manage water, they would have found them right here in India. In 2012, Isher Judge Ahluwalia, who chaired a High level Government Committee on Urban Infrastructure wrote an article in The Indian Express in which she documented in some detail how the local authorities in Amravati, in Maharashtra’s Vidarbha region, had ensured 24x7 water supply to 20 percent of their 7 lakh residents (they were scaling it up at the time she wrote) in rapid time by using technology, sophisticated data gathering, restoration of piping systems and the imposition of differential tariffs depending on how much water was consumed. Amravati was following the example of Malkapur (also in Maharashtra) which had used similar methods to provide 24x7 water ti its 40,000 residents. Now, if Malkapur and Amravati can deliver 24x7 water supply to their residents why cannot the Government of Delhi? If the residents of Malkapur and Amravati are happy to pay for their water (tariffs go up as people consume more, but nobody gets it free) why won’t Delhiites who are, on average, more prosperous? Why should the Aam Aadmi Party be allowed to fritter away the Rs 446 crore profit the Delhi Jal Board made in 2012-13 in subsidies to the middle class and rich when that money would be better used connecting the 7 lakh poorest households who are not getting any water at all, and who are at the mercy of the water tanker mafia which charges them several times the multiple of the average water tariff in Delhi? The middle class euphoria over not paying water bills is clouding over the reality that the AAP is implementing a regressive policy measure, which helps the middle class more than the poor. There are better role models for water management and supply in India. AAP needs to work harder at its policies if it doesn’t want to bankrupt the capital, and then rob itself of credibility.

Read more at: Why AAP’s Delhi water charade is careless populism | Firstpost
Hey why live in 20th century standards? We could save even more money if we all lived in caves!?

Mr Einstien, there are people around you who are much poorer to even afford a bucket full of water for each member their family, along with basic food and shelter with their daily wages. In case you haven't noticed THIS IS A FUCKIN DEVELOPING COUNTRY. If you are going to waste water in shower for your luxury, and deprive other people of their basic necessity then you better pay up!!
Mr Einstien, there are people around you who are much poorer to even afford a bucket full of water for each member their family, along with basic food and shelter with their daily wages. In case you haven't noticed THIS IS A FUCKIN DEVELOPING COUNTRY. If you are going to waste water in shower for your luxury, and deprive other people of their basic necessity then you better pay up!!

You realise what you're talking about is in effect, socialism. Cos that worked SO well from 1947-1990s

Let's bring the poor up, by bringing the middle class down.

Thank the holy lord that my parents got out of that country. Otherwise we'd be stuck bathing out of buckets and shitting in holes.
Mr Einstien, there are people around you who are much poorer to even afford a bucket full of water for each member their family, along with basic food and shelter with their daily wages. In case you haven't noticed THIS IS A FUCKIN DEVELOPING COUNTRY. If you are going to waste water in shower for your luxury, and deprive other people of their basic necessity then you better pay up!!

Don't you understand sir, the poor wont get a drop coz they don't have meters. While people like you and me who actually can afford to pay will get water for free :rofl:. Gareeb aadmi jayega tanker se paani kharidne

All of this money could have been used to lay down pipes and increase efficiency of water supply. And this guy was supposed to be an IITan, hadd hai
Mr Einstien, there are people around you who are much poorer to even afford a bucket full of water for each member their family, along with basic food and shelter with their daily wages. In case you haven't noticed THIS IS A FUCKIN DEVELOPING COUNTRY. If you are going to waste water in shower for your luxury, and deprive other people of their basic necessity then you better pay up!!

I think tariff for the people who have shower for luxury should be triple, to overcome the losses because of free water.
You realise what you're talking about is in effect, socialism. Cos that worked SO well from 1947-1990s

Let's bring the poor up, by bringing the middle class down.

Thank the holy lord that my parents got out of that country. Otherwise we'd be stuck bathing out of buckets and shitting in holes.
Giving people their basic survival needs which is being denied by a greedy system is not socialism, its common sense and humanity. Western countries may be carefree about their poor homeless people dying on their streets every winter, but I wont let this country go down that same path of rigid greedy capitalistic shit hole.

Don't you understand sir, the poor wont get a drop coz they don't have meters. While people like you and me who actually can afford to pay will get water for free :rofl:. Gareeb aadmi jayega tanker se paani kharidne

All of this money could have been used to lay down pipes and increase efficiency of water supply. And this guy was supposed to be an IITan, hadd hai
There are poor people packed like sardines in housing boards and mansion type housings in case you don't know. It will greatly benefit them.

I do hope aap finds some solution for poor people who dont even have connections. But this is a step in the right direction, lifting the very basic of living standards of the people.
Giving people their basic survival needs which is being denied by a greedy system is not socialism, its common sense and humanity. Western countries may be carefree about their poor homeless people dying on their streets every winter, but I wont let this country go down that same path of rigid greedy capitalistic shit hole.

Yeah cos socialist countries are the epitome of heaven. India has done so well in uplifting its 'poor homeless people dying on their streets every winter'.

So so well, that's its close to the bottom of just about every ranking related to human development.
Yeah cos socialist countries are the epitome of heaven. India has done so well in uplifting its 'poor homeless people dying on their streets every winter'.

So so well, that's its close to the bottom of just about every ranking related to human development.
Here the country at least tries to save as many lives as it can given its capability, which is in sharp contrast to a western souless capitalistic system which knowingly lets its people suffer and die just because those people are poor. Even animals have more morals than that and share their food.
Here the country at least tries to save as many lives as it can given its capability, which is in sharp contrast to a western souless capitalistic system which knowingly lets its people suffer and die just because those people are poor. Even animals have more morals than that and share their food.

You really are a dumb shit.


Get back to me when India has something like the above.

The fact that India doesn't have the capabilities to provide that to it's people is a failure of its political class.

The political class which have followed your socialist bullshit since 1947. South Korea and China were equally as poor if not worse off and look at them today.

Heaven compared to India.
You really are a dumb shit.


Get back to me when India has something like the above.

The fact that India doesn't have the capabilities to provide that to it's people is a failure of its political class.

The political class which have followed your socialist bullshit since 1947. South Korea and China were equally as poor if not worse off and look at them today.

Heaven compared to India.
Lol.. so you finally posted. Getting trapped in your own shit. how do you feel? Freebies to those people from tax payer money, while you are paying for everything. Even your country practices 'socialism' in a smaller scale. lol How do you think government gets the money for that?
Heaven compared to India? People who walk by when people are dying infront of them, because they have to work for 13 hours a day. Building a beautiful society in China and south korea. Keep it up.
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