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A year for the First Flotilla to Gaza: Turkey was found Guilty by UN

Well. we all know that the state of Israel advocates that it is the only democracy when in the other hand it claims that it risks losing its "jewish" state proclamation.

What if a European country said that it risks losing being a white state?? This is the same thing exactly. The very Israeli insistence on being only a "Jewish" state shows in clear day lights that there is a great deal of bigotry and racism going on in that hell hole.

Every country has the right to preserve its identity and character. Would you stay idle in light of a prospect of a millions of Chinese immigrate to KSA and changing completely its character and identity?

Israel is far from being "only a Jewish state" as you phrase it. 20% of its citizens are non-Jewish and include Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs, Druze, Cherkess, and some smaller minorities. All of them enjoy full citizenship, with emphasis on practising their religious beliefs.
And what exactly are the mistakes of your country, because so far you have been painting a picture of roses. So you are not responsible for the harsh conditions of the Palestinian people, but yet your government monitors the Gaza/Egytian Border and as a result people are starving and medical supplies are low.....and you don't consider this harsh, there is a certain limit of naiveness.

No one is starving in Gaza and they are not short of medical supply. Israel is not monitoring the border between Egypt and Gaza and it is the responsibility of Egypt to prevent smuggling arms and military equipment into Gaza.

My country made mistakes in its dealing with the Palestinians and the major one is building settlement within the West Bank in a way that would compromise the possibility of an agreement that would enable to create an independent Palestinian state. Nowadays, I am in the opinion that Israel should unilaterally withdraw from the Palestinians populated areas of the West Bank.

However, the Palestinian's harsh conditions are mainly their own responsibility and an outcome of their own mistakes. They rejected the partition plan of 1947 and declared war on Israel in a clear objective to destroy it. This decision caused the refugee problem of the one who fled during that war.

The Palestinian caused to the failure of the negotiation with Israel in 2000 by rejecting Israel's proposals and persisting on the right of return for the refugees (which means the end of Israel as a the nation state of the Jewish people). Similar proposal was rejected in 2009 and the PA refused to abandon its demand for the right of return.

Israel was ready to recognise the PLO as the Palestinian partner in 1993 and letting this organisation to return and control significant parts of the West Bank and Gaza as an interim stage. In return PLO avoided most of the time preventing terror attacks against Israel and continued to educate its children on martyrdom and glorifying terrorists who killed innocent civilians.

Following the failure of the negotiation in 2000 the Palestinian opened with a terror attack against Israel, including suicide attacks on Israel's cities. As a result Israel a military conflict was erupted which caused economic crisis to the Palestinians. Furthermore. Israel built the security fence and prevented any Palestinian to enter its territory without a security check and successfully halted suicide attacks on its civilians.

In 2005 Israel withdraw completely from Gaza, including returning all its soldiers and dismantling its military bases and villages and evacuating thousands of settlers. In return Hamas took control over Gaza and continue to fire rockets into Israeli territory and terrorise civilians in its villages and cities. In 2006, Hamas kidnapped without provocation an Israeli soldier from Israeli territory, and until today hold him and refuse to allow any access to him by the Red Cross to check his conditions.

Earlier, Hamas won the elections in the PA but refused to recognise Israel, to negotiate with it, and to stop using terror against it. After Hamas rebelled against the PA and murdered PLO people in Gaza, and used Gaza as a platform for rocket attacks on Israel, Israel closed its border with Gaza and imposed a maritime blockade in order to prevent any more military hardware entering Gaza that would eventually be use to attack Israeli citizens inside Israel. However, although Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction and continue to terrorise its people, Israel provide Gaza with Humanitarian aid, supply and also electricity and running water.

If you really want to help the Palestinians, pressurise Hamas to stop its terrorism and recognise Israel and avoid supporting all kind of provocations like this ridiculous flotilla that strengthen Hamas. Pressurise the Palestinians to abandon their demand for Israel to commit suicide by accepting millions of refugees who would turn Israel to another Arab state.
Every country has the right to preserve its identity and character. Would you stay idle in light of a prospect of a millions of Chinese immigrate to KSA and changing completely its character and identity?

Israel is far from being "only a Jewish state" as you phrase it. 20% of its citizens are non-Jewish and include Muslim Arabs, Christian Arabs, Druze, Cherkess, and some smaller minorities. All of them enjoy full citizenship, with emphasis on practising their religious beliefs.

Actually it is happening right now Chinese Muslims are moving into KSA in huuuuge numbers and it is not even their rightful homes. But guess what? It is okay if they want to live here and eventually become citizens I don't mind it. same is with African Muslims. You don't see us going OMG it is not going to be an Arab state anymore heeeelp KSA is dyiiing :'(

I liked how you admit that you committed and committing mistakes by taking west bank houses and water supply and building settlements there. A part of me is in favor of a Palastenian state on the 1967 borders with land swaps that ensures Gaza is connected to the west back with east jeruslam as its capital. I am willing to accept that. With no forms of any Israeli making the palastenians lives hell. or cutting off their livelihood source .

Maybe then and only then will I find it deep in my heart to accept an Israeli State the moment you start respecting your neighbors and not treat every and single arab as an enemy.
Actually it is happening right now Chinese Muslims are moving into KSA in huuuuge numbers and it is not even their rightful homes. But guess what? It is okay if they want to live here and eventually become citizens I don't mind it. same is with African Muslims. You don't see us going OMG it is not going to be an Arab state anymore heeeelp KSA is dyiiing :'(

I liked how you admit that you committed and committing mistakes by taking west bank houses and water supply and building settlements there. A part of me is in favor of a Palastenian state on the 1967 borders with land swaps that ensures Gaza is connected to the west back with east jeruslam as its capital. I am willing to accept that. With no forms of any Israeli making the palastenians lives hell. or cutting off their livelihood source .

Maybe then and only then will I find it deep in my heart to accept an Israeli State the moment you start respecting your neighbors and not treat every and single arab as an enemy.

Is it OK for you that 100 million non-Muslim Chinese would flock into KSA and change it into a Chinese country? If you do, good for you, but I want to live in a country of my own people. Others could live here too as respectful citizens, but I want that my country will be the country of my People with the cultural and social characteristics which are unique to them.

We do not wish to be a minority again in our own country after all that we have been through as a scattered minority all around the world. Is it so difficult to understand?

I can accept the general principle of your plan for a permanent agreement, although there is nothing sacred in the 1967 borders which were only a cease fire lines between Israel, Egypt and Jordan. As you can recall, the changes in the borders of 1967 were caused by Arab hostility, so I do not see why Israel should withdraw from all the territory, while between 1948 and 1967 when this territories were under Arab control no one offered to establish a Palestinian state there. Even the famous 242 UNSC resolution refrain from demanding that Israel's withdraw to the 1967 border. However, Israel should withdraw from the Palestinians areas which consist around 75% of the West Bank. Regarding East Jerusalem, the Palestinians could have their capital there.

All these issues could be discussed and creative ideas for solution are most welcome. However, on one subject there would not be any compromise and that is the return of the refugees into Israel (they would by allowed to return to the Palestinian state).

Regarding the Palestinian suffering, while ignoring the historical perspective, Israel strong interest is that the Palestinians will have a prosperous country which guarantee its stability and its avoidance from terror activity.

And this positions that I just presented are enjoying the support of the majority of the people in Israel.
Is it OK for you that 100 million non-Muslim Chinese would flock into KSA and change it into a Chinese country? If you do, good for you, but I want to live in a country of my own people. Others could live here too as respectful citizens, but I want that my country will be the country of my People with the cultural and social characteristics which are unique to them.

We do not wish to be a minority again in our own country after all that we have been through as a scattered minority all around the world. Is it so difficult to understand?

I can accept the general principle of your plan for a permanent agreement, although there is nothing sacred in the 1967 borders which were only a cease fire lines between Israel, Egypt and Jordan. As you can recall, the changes in the borders of 1967 were caused by Arab hostility, so I do not see why Israel should withdraw from all the territory, while between 1948 and 1967 when this territories were under Arab control no one offered to establish a Palestinian state there. Even the famous 242 UNSC resolution refrain from demanding that Israel's withdraw to the 1967 border. However, Israel should withdraw from the Palestinians areas which consist around 75% of the West Bank. Regarding East Jerusalem, the Palestinians could have their capital there.

All these issues could be discussed and creative ideas for solution are most welcome. However, on one subject there would not be any compromise and that is the return of the refugees into Israel (they would by allowed to return to the Palestinian state).

Regarding the Palestinian suffering, while ignoring the historical perspective, Israel strong interest is that the Palestinians will have a prosperous country which guarantee its stability and its avoidance from terror activity.

And this positions that I just presented are enjoying the support of the majority of the people in Israel.

Then why is your government building settlements and demolishing houses and building walls that go God knows how many kilos deep inside palastenian lines?? Why is your government is in a campaign against establishing a palastenian state and you blame the palastenians for not talking but lets see these three points:
1-you say they moved away but in reality they moved away cuz you broke the promise of stopping settlement building which really gives no reason to talk anymore.
2-When they were divided you said that you do not know who to talk to because they are not united.
3-once they did get united you guys said you can't talk to Hamas. which is hypocrisy of how do you want peace with someone when you even refuse to talk to them especially since Hamas announced that it is ready to talk to Israel.
So it is very clear to us that your government does not and will not seek peace and only wants to exterminate the Palastenian people.

I believe that the common Israeli realizes that his government is not handling the situation the way it should.
Then why is your government building settlements and demolishing houses and building walls that go God knows how many kilos deep inside palastenian lines?? Why is your government is in a campaign against establishing a palastenian state and you blame the palastenians for not talking but lets see these three points:
1-you say they moved away but in reality they moved away cuz you broke the promise of stopping settlement building which really gives no reason to talk anymore.
2-When they were divided you said that you do not know who to talk to because they are not united.
3-once they did get united you guys said you can't talk to Hamas. which is hypocrisy of how do you want peace with someone when you even refuse to talk to them especially since Hamas announced that it is ready to talk to Israel.
So it is very clear to us that your government does not and will not seek peace and only wants to exterminate the Palastenian people.

I believe that the common Israeli realizes that his government is not handling the situation the way it should.

the current Israeli government declared on its support in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Did you hear any acceptance of the Palestinian in Jewish state living next to them?!

Regarding the settlements, if there be an agreement they would be evacuated, like Israel evacuated its people from Sinai following to its peace agreement with Egypt and from Gaza in 2005.

Regarding the fence, as I said, it was mainly built to prevent suicide terrorists to kill innocent civilians in Israel.

Regarding the unity government with Hamas, with all due respect, Israel would look ridiculous if it sit and talk with Hamas which is dedicated to its destruction. What we should negotiate? The time and place of our elimination???

Why you do not have any complaints to the Palestinians? Are they a sort of saints who never do anything wrong or make any mistake?
I can't believe the Turks are actually buying this crap from UN and Israel.

But then again, if it wasn't for Uncle SAM, Israel would have been an interesting read in the history books.
the current Israeli government declared on its support in the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Did you hear any acceptance of the Palestinian in Jewish state living next to them?!

Regarding the settlements, if there be an agreement they would be evacuated, like Israel evacuated its people from Sinai following to its peace agreement with Egypt and from Gaza in 2005.

Regarding the fence, as I said, it was mainly built to prevent suicide terrorists to kill innocent civilians in Israel.

Regarding the unity government with Hamas, with all due respect, Israel would look ridiculous if it sit and talk with Hamas which is dedicated to its destruction. What we should negotiate? The time and place of our elimination???

Why you do not have any complaints to the Palestinians? Are they a sort of saints who never do anything wrong or make any mistake?

How will you hold peace with anyone if you not by talking with them and hear what they have to say?
Or do you suggest the best coarse of action is to execute all Hamas members and dump them in a mass grave??
I can't believe the Turks are actually buying this crap from UN and Israel.

But then again, if it wasn't for Uncle SAM, Israel would have been an interesting read in the history books.

It is still an interesting read in history books,the victories, the might of Israel, you buffoon...
It is still an interesting read in history books,the victories, the might of Israel, you buffoon...

As the American Empire falls so will Israel fall with it. don't believe you will stay there forever. Just sit tight. We are coming to getcha.
And what exactly are the mistakes of your country, because so far you have been painting a picture of roses. So you are not responsible for the harsh conditions of the Palestinian people, but yet your government monitors the Gaza/Egytian Border and as a result people are starving and medical supplies are low.....and you don't consider this harsh, there is a certain limit of naiveness.

Israelis complain vociferously about Palestinian attacks, but fail to investigate or prosecute their own wrong doings against Palestinians. If it involves Israeli or Jewish violence on Arabs, they close their eyes, ears and mouths. However, if it involves any hardship for Israelis, they ensure they get mass media coverage and also harass, arrest and prosecute the Arab Muslims and seek revenge many times over.
As the American Empire falls so will Israel fall with it. don't believe you will stay there forever. Just sit tight. We are coming to getcha.

Forever? what an idiot you are... You are definitely will last shorter than Israel
Forever? what an idiot you are... You are definitely will last shorter than Israel

Saudi Arabia Egypt Syria Iran all of them will last shorter than Israel perhaps. But Israel never fought against Muslims true Muslims. Egypt and syria when fighting you were fighting as Arabs and not Muslims. Arabs will lose to Israel But muslims will never lose anywhere.
And if you mean Israel will last shorter than Islam. Then I say you are the one making the jokes here.

Arabs will lose against anyone they fight but Muslims will lose to none. Remember that Home boy. Iran fighting as Persian will face the same result.
And I don't expect you to understand what I just wrote here Archdemon. But I know a lot of people here will.
Saudi Arabia Egypt Syria Iran all of them will last shorter than Israel perhaps. But Israel never fought against Muslims true Muslims. Egypt and syria when fighting you were fighting as Arabs and not Muslims. Arabs will lose to Israel But muslims will never lose anywhere.
And if you mean Israel will last shorter than Islam. Then I say you are the one making the jokes here.

Arabs will lose against anyone they fight but Muslims will lose to none. Remember that Home boy. Iran fighting as Persian will face the same result.
And I don't expect you to understand what I just wrote here Archdemon. But I know a lot of people here will.

Oh i understand you perfectly babe, you are an idiot, it is quite simple concept to comprehend :)
"Muslims will never lose anywhere" :lol:
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