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A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

The story is in dispute. But it does not mean Israel didnt try.
And Israel was absolutely crushed by PAF in 1967 war. Dont forget your place. You are not superior in any sense of the word. Get this through your thick skull.
Pakistan is stronger than Israel conventionally. This has been proven time and again, so I dont know what you are doing riding that high horse and flapping your small d.ick, which you think is so big. Its not.
The story is in dispute. But it does not mean Israel didnt try.
And Israel was absolutely crushed by PAF in 1967 war. Dont forget your place. You are not superior in any sense of the word. Get this through your thick skull.
Pakistan is stronger than Israel conventionally. This has been proven time and again, so I dont know what you are doing riding that high horse and flapping your small d.ick, which you think is so big. Its not.
Lets see what will happen with Iran ,I'm sure things will get ugly. Everyday we hear about an Israeli official urging the " INTL community about the danger of Iran" LoL :D
Lets see what will happen with Iran ,I'm sure things will get ugly. Everyday we hear about an Israeli official urging the " INTL community about the danger of Iran" LoL :D

Nothing will happen. At least not from Israel. Which is why they are begging their sugar daddy US to do all the work for them.
And men do not lie, of course. Like the Ben Gurion speech against Pakistan, correct?

I,don't care if BG's speech was real or fake. However i do know for a fact what Israel and India had in store for us Pakistanis. We were prepared as we always are, and we made you both bite the bullet. The documents regarding the planned attack on our nation, will be declassified some time from now and i will have my hands on them.

Iran already has a bomb, or to say the least the capability to retaliate, with oblivious consequences to you as a response to any unilateral strike. If a state like yours can have nukes,Iran can have too. Let me tell you a fact that you will have to live with a nuclear armed Iran, a nuclear armed Pakistan and a nuclear armed Saudi Arabia....yes we gave it to them exactly how Americans gave it to you. You would have to live with the fact that we Pakistanis have a missile base in Saudi territory and its not to respond to India but someone else.

We Pakistanis have little offensive designs against Israel because we payback on the spot, as we paid your spy D.Peal on the spot, we are aware of your little game in India,your support in Kargil,arming India with weapons that you know will be used against Pakistan.We know who's training BLA terrorists in Kandahar and Nooristan, we know which Pakistani terror outfit has a command and control center in Haifa. Its your nation poking us to a limit where we will hit back...and you won't recover.
I,don't care if BG's speech was real or fake. However i do know for a fact what Israel and India had in store for us Pakistanis. We were prepared as we always are, and we made you both bite the bullet. The documents regarding the planned attack on our nation, will be declassified some time from now and i will have my hands on them.

Iran already has a bomb, or to say the least the capability to retaliate, with oblivious consequences to you as a response to any unilateral strike. If a state like yours can have nukes,Iran can have too. Let me tell you a fact that you will have to live with a nuclear armed Iran, a nuclear armed Pakistan and a nuclear armed Saudi Arabia....yes we gave it to them exactly how Americans gave it to you. You would have to live with the fact that we Pakistanis have a missile base in Saudi territory and its not to respond to India but someone else.

We Pakistanis have little offensive designs against Israel because we payback on the spot, as we paid your spy D.Peal on the spot, we are aware of your little game in India,your support in Kargil,arming India with weapons that you know will be used against Pakistan.We know who's training BLA terrorists in Kandahar and Nooristan, we know which Pakistani terror outfit has a command and control center in Haifa. Its your nation poking us to a limit where we will hit back...and you won't recover.

I would take what you wrote more seriously but i know you to be a biased anti-Israel fanatic. Your support for terrorists is nothing new, nor your appreciation of every conspiracy theory with regards to Israeli animosity towards Pakistan.
No, there are no nukes in Iran or KSA. No, you will not get the chance to transfer such weapons to them. No, your weapons will not reach Israel even if you ever did decide to commit suicide.

You know who those nukes will reach? Your own population and your neighbors.

The day you launch a nuclear attack against Israel or India is the day Pakistan ends.
LoL Saudi has been a nuclear-armed State since the late 80s :rofl:, your Govt wanted to bomb us ,but the US told them not to do it. And Yes America knows about it. Deal with it! ,we don't openly admit it though as we are an NBT signatory ;)
First world problem :omghaha:
Also I forgot
Go back to the 2005 Knesset intelligence committee hearing and see 4 yourself :police:
I would take what you wrote more seriously but i know you to be a biased anti-Israel fanatic.

I find nothing wrong in being anti-Israel,for maily your own actions. You can call me a fanatic yada yada, doesn't mean anything.

Your support for terrorists is nothing new, nor your appreciation of every conspiracy theory with regards to Israeli animosity towards Pakistan.

Tagging everything "a conspiracy theory" is the easiest way out when you cannot deter an argument with a better one. Denial is a bliss!

No, there are no nukes in Iran


Iran already a Nuclear state: Ahmadinejad.

Iran's Already Got the Bomb? | The Weekly Standard

Iran is a confirmed nuclear state as far as i know. However even if they don't have high yield nuclear warheads,with their current capability of low yield nuclear warheads and Shehab-IIIA delivery systems they can carry out an EMP attack on Israel...you will starve to death.

KSA is an undeclared nuclear armed state...i know that for a fact. Also, we maintain a ballistic missile base of our own in the Kingdom.

No, you will not get the chance to transfer such weapons to them.

We didn't transfer hard WMDs to Iran but we did help them in centrifuge tech. For KSA,its a different story altogether.

No, your weapons will not reach Israel even if you ever did decide to commit suicide.

You can reassure yourself and drink some cold milk over that. We will not attack you unless you attack us. You are arming India, we are arming Turkey. We provided them tech for air launched cruise missiles and now going to provide, Land Attack Cruise Missile tech...which will provide them all aspect coverage over every inch of Israeli,Greek territory and Sea of Agean.

You know who those nukes will reach? Your own population and your neighbors.

Insanity has its perks...doesn't it?

The day you launch a nuclear attack against Israel or India is the day Pakistan ends.

We won't launch any attack on anyone. We are an ancient culture,with a long history of co-existence and self rule. We haven't bombed you so far means we won't bomb you unless you decide to go back to God by attacking us or your attack on Iran causing harm to us. It will be considered a declaration of war. If you, screw with Pakistan more than you can afford to, all we have to do is to transfer cruise missile tech to Iran,they will do the rest.
You mean like when the Israeli fighter jets try to take out (and failed) the Pakistani nuclear weapons program, and were utterly CRUSHED by Pakistans air force?
Enough with your misplaced sense of superiority. You're pathetic.

Did Israel dry to raid Pakistani nuclear installations?
LoL Saudi has been a nuclear-armed State since the late 80s :rofl:, your Govt wanted to bomb us ,but the US told them not to do it. And Yes America knows about it. Deal with it! ,we don't openly admit it though as we are an NBT signatory ;)
First world problem :omghaha:
Also I forgot
Go back to the 2005 Knesset intelligence committee hearing and see 4 yourself :police:

511:D ;)........
I would take what you wrote more seriously but i know you to be a biased anti-Israel fanatic. Your support for terrorists is nothing new, nor your appreciation of every conspiracy theory with regards to Israeli animosity towards Pakistan.
No, there are no nukes in Iran or KSA. No, you will not get the chance to transfer such weapons to them. No, your weapons will not reach Israel even if you ever did decide to commit suicide.

You know who those nukes will reach? Your own population and your neighbors.

The day you launch a nuclear attack against Israel or India is the day Pakistan ends.
it's hilarious to see a moderator writing all that stuff.
we kept india at spear an enemy 8 times larger then you and bla bla bla.
we kill israel,we kill west then we kill hindus bla bla bla.
about the bold part-no they won't launch it because it means radiation fallout in whole indian sub continent(and you know what countries are the part of sub continent.right?) and not to forget few parts of china and in same way india can't nuke pak-stan.
also if israel or any other western power nuke pak-stan or iran then some parts of india will be affected by the radiation and trust me no politician in the world likes radiated voters :lol: and that includes india.

so nobody is nuking nobody

What is this suppose to mean?

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Your fellow countrymen are being bombed by US drones daily and you say that you are not Iranians? Pakistani bluffing? If I see one country bombing Israel, it is Iran. Not Pakistan or any other Islamic country.

For the past 1400 years Arabs fought against Jewish tribes, were Persia involved? The Arab conquest throughout the Middle East and the East, were Persia involved? 1948 Arabs fought Israhell, did Iran? 1956 Arabs fought Israhell, did Iran? 1962 Arabs fought Israhell, did Iran? 1967 Arabs fought Israhell, did Iran? 1973 the biggest 20th century victory from Egypt to retake Sinai, did Iran fought? No, a thousand times a no. It's funny when the Iranians are saying "death to Israel" but intefereing the Gulf region and Northern Africa all the time and why is that? It's hilarious, those slogans against the Jews are empty and useless and there is no confict between Persia and Israhell.

Saudi and the Gulf upgraded expensive anti air toys u mad? Building Gulf Missile Defenses One Small Win at a Time - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

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