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A War on DPRK is a war on Iran

I find nothing wrong in being anti-Israel,for maily your own actions. You can call me a fanatic yada yada, doesn't mean anything.

Tagging everything "a conspiracy theory" is the easiest way out when you cannot deter an argument with a better one. Denial is a bliss!


Iran already a Nuclear state: Ahmadinejad.

Iran's Already Got the Bomb? | The Weekly Standard

Iran is a confirmed nuclear state as far as i know. However even if they don't have high yield nuclear warheads,with their current capability of low yield nuclear warheads and Shehab-IIIA delivery systems they can carry out an EMP attack on Israel...you will starve to death.

KSA is an undeclared nuclear armed state...i know that for a fact. Also, we maintain a ballistic missile base of our own in the Kingdom.

We didn't transfer hard WMDs to Iran but we did help them in centrifuge tech. For KSA,its a different story altogether.

You can reassure yourself and drink some cold milk over that. We will not attack you unless you attack us. You are arming India, we are arming Turkey. We provided them tech for air launched cruise missiles and now going to provide, Land Attack Cruise Missile tech...which will provide them all aspect coverage over every inch of Israeli,Greek territory and Sea of Agean.

Insanity has its perks...doesn't it?

We won't launch any attack on anyone. We are an ancient culture,with a long history of co-existence and self rule. We haven't bombed you so far means we won't bomb you unless you decide to go back to God by attacking us or your attack on Iran causing harm to us. It will be considered a declaration of war. If you, screw with Pakistan more than you can afford to, all we have to do is to transfer cruise missile tech to Iran,they will do the rest.

Indeed, insanity is the bliss of many. Must be why Pakistan won each and every one of their wars; their military and strategic prowess. Also why they didn't lose half of their population, or the fact that they can control their own population from not massacring each other.

Yes, indeed, Israel has much to fear.

I'll agree with you on one thing - You mind your business and we will mind ours.
We Pakistanis,keep Indians an 8 times larger nation at the tip of the spear, because we speak the language they understand.
Lol. come again!! You keep us "at the tip of the spear"!! :omghaha: Is that the reason why pak army is not shifting it's troops from Indian border to the western border even as your soldiers are killed by talibans, ANA incursions etc something or the other is a daily routine on your western border. As you are busy keeping us "at the tip of the spear" by draining your resources, you country is slipping off from your govt/army control where army is struggling to regain control and even lost "elite" soldiers fighting a rag-tag militia and this is exactly what India wants and that too without firing a single shot!
but if we are attacked we have the willpower, the capability and the courage to knock down our enemy.
You were never attacked in history and your "willpower, the capability and the courage to knock down your enemy" is very evident by the results of all the wars you fought.
Just like your commander in Kashmir
If provoked ,we will retaliate :omghaha:
And we saw nothing :D
And remember...you will see nothing but continue to suffer. :lol:
Hint :angel:

India cannot step foot inside our territory,we will chop them into bits they know that quite well. You worry about what we will do to you,if your actions in Iran affect us.
Isnt it becoming too boring now...chopping them into bits, bleeding by thousand cuts etc etc! When was the last time something of that sort actually happened? History has ample proofs as to who chopped who and i'll save you the embarrassment by not going into it.
We Pakistanis,keep Indians an 8 times larger nation at the tip of the spear, because we speak the language they understand. Israelis wanted to,bomb our nuclear program with Indian help. They joined hands and we slapped both before they could carry out such a misadventure. We don't wish to be offensive against any nation, but if we are attacked we have the willpower, the capability and the courage to knock down our enemy.

LOL , at one point of time , India was 5-6 times the size of Pakistan.Now it's 8 times. Enough said I guess ;). Don't make up all these fantasies just to make yourselves feel better. No one wanted to bomb your nuclear program and there was nothing done about it. All these stories are made by wet dreamers just to keep you people happy. No doubt they make excellent bed time stories. When I was a kid , my mom used to tell me stories about how my dad knocked down 10 lions or 10 tigers with bare hands( which obviously never hapenned) . I used to feel great about myself after hearing it :lol:
The thread went from Iran backing of North Korea, to Arabs nuking Iran, to Israel nuking Iran, to Pakistan nuking Israel, to finally Pakistan nuking India and vice versa

Hail hail the human race :omghaha:
Look on the above simulation i posted. You and your family might die as a consequence of such an attack. Its not patriotism its a "reality". A nuclear or EMP attack on Iran or a conventional attack on Iran's reactors will result in a disaster for our region.

Your point is truely valid , but at the current stage we cannot afford so many diplomatic fronts for us . Instead of announcing a war we should tell them about our concerns with quiet politely . :P , After all we are not Kim jong-il . You understands the symptoms in wider terms . Once you give them a minor chance to criticize you , they will absolutely criticize you. better to let them forget about our Nukes and our concern must be given a higher priority.
Great, so the deluded Mullah's in Tehran are also supporting North Korea - the worst dictatorship in human history (probably). Just what the world needed.

Why don't we team up with the Jews (for real) and nuke Iran and North Korea to get over with it. The Iranians don't have the cojones to topple their Mullah's despite a number of them crying about them here when it suits them. Somebody else has to deal with the problem.

The Japanese were a similar bunch when ruled by their infallible Emperor (sounds similar to another regime who is meddling in the Arab world, right?) until the Americans nuked them twice. Since then they have never caused any problems to anybody. Maybe the same recipe is needed.

Who knows before we even realize it they might start nuking us first.

Typical Saudi fanatism.
Before I used to think that Israel was a country who in the long run could side with Iran and go against the peninsula Arabs together. However as time has gone by I see that is not a possibility. These Israelis are after our blood. They won't be satisfied until either they, or the Americans nuke us. Every single Iranian needs to be weary of the Israeli threat, there is no doubt in my mind they are the single greatest danger to Iran.
Before I used to think that Israel was a country who in the long run could side with Iran and go against the peninsula Arabs together. However as time has gone by I see that is not a possibility. These Israelis are after our blood. They won't be satisfied until either they, or the Americans nuke us. Every single Iranian needs to be weary of the Israeli threat, there is no doubt in my mind they are the single greatest danger to Iran.

Even Americans will not help them now. These Zionist are dying slowly.
They threaten Iran every day but every day Iran gets stronger. Israel vs Iran one on one will mean Israel will get wiped out.
They got their *** kicked by hezbollah and now they are big mouthing Iran.
Even Americans will not help them now. These Zionist are dying slowly.
They threaten Iran every day but every day Iran gets stronger. Israel vs Iran one on one will mean Israel will get wiped out.
They got their *** kicked by hezbollah and now they are big mouthing Iran.

They much rather get US to bomb us. But Obama isn't foolish enough (yet anyway) to get into another Middle Eastern war. A war that is much, much tougher then Afghanistan and Iraq combined. So maybe this Nutjobyahoo will decide to put his Looney Tunes cartoon he drew at the UN into action. I hope we are planning a nice response if they ever do dare to attack us.
They much rather get US to bomb us. But Obama isn't foolish enough (yet anyway) to get into another Middle Eastern war. A war that is much, much tougher then Afghanistan and Iraq combined. So maybe this Nutjobyahoo will decide to put his Looney Tunes cartoon he drew at the UN into action. I hope we are planning a nice response if they ever do dare to attack us.

Bro, If those pussies could have then they would have attacked Iran.
Iran will destroy world economy in cause of war.

During war with hezbollah, 500,000 zionist were displaced after few rockest were fired, imagine what thousands of missile will do to them. They will pack up and go live in Germany.
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