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A teenager has beheaded a teacher in northern Paris for showing pictures of Prophet Mohammed in class

@jamahir Sorry for the late reply was playing Blasphemous then went to bed (no pun intended to the OP I legit completed the game last night)

Yes, TJ is banned in Russia and the Central Asian stan countries. But this young man was probably influenced by a TJ in France or via internet from Britain.

Jamahiru senpai what you said there is Interesting but it's highly unlikely and improbable coz TJ is scarcely vocal online and specifically in france and barely has any influence despite some efforts it's still very minim, the killer was an 18 yr old kid most probably born there and most probably used to french social media only, like most french teenagers....all extremist propaganda i find online especially on Twitter and exclusively french social media platforms which I'm part of are salafi which is corroborated by a well known 2018 study about online extremism in France titled "La Fabrique de l'islamisme" which links most french social media propaganda accounts to Ikhwaan or simply being salafi in nature. One more important point about a possible salafi connection is that Saudi funded salafi mosques are a sizably voluminous thing in france and all mosques (20 or more) which were closed by the government for extremist preaching since the past few years were salafi and had ties to Saudi Arabia, the real problem is many salafi hate preachers operate mostly outside the mosques targetting youngsters. Tl:dr there are various much more probable theories potentially closer to reality

Tariq Ali should be more active in intellectually responding to Islam-haters like Christopher Hitchens.

I thought he was an atheist, Wasn't he always a pro-reformist in the first place? Wouldn't be much of a debate or "response" wouldn't it coz both fundamentally agree that Islam needs reforms...? Whenever i watch a discussion or debate between reformists and atheists I find them agreeing more than they disagree for reasons known to both of us
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I have seen enough videos of that joker....and I don't need to listen to anyone to know abt islam as i am intelligent to read and understand it...i know more about islam than 99 percent of muslims as i have read extensively on it.
Anyway let's leave it at that
You are an infestation of nonsense and spouting crap on this forum.
You wake up every morning and try to find something on the internet portraying Muslims or Pakistanis in a bad light - if you succeed - froth are the mouth and post it like this thread.
If you knew 1% about Islam - you would know that almost 2 billion people follow it and live peacefully and blissfully. Don’t come on here with your hatred enraged 500 posts showing a negative rating to every 25 posts and say you know more about Islam than Muslims.
Back on topic this kid committing this crime does not represent all Muslims .
Your head must be so big it probably gets stuck in the door opening. If you knew about Islam then you would be practicing it.

If he knows so much about Islam then he probably doesn't have enough time to learn about his own religion of hinduism........ :lol:
indians on PDF worrying about Islam, Muslims, France and tough Chechen Muslim youth whilst india remains the biggest recipient of american aid and has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world........... :disagree::

Mot to mention the Chinese conquering swathes of indian territory..........:azn::

But despite the above reality of india and the indian race they continue to focus on tough Chechen youth in France, Muslims, Islam and Europe...........:disagree:.........Must be the low racial IQ of indians:

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The teacher can't be more stupid...he knows how violently muslims react to things that are against Mohammad....he need not have displayed those insulting cartoons to teach freedom of expression...
such stupid childish acts will only bring animosity.
Muslims should leave countries like France .It's clear the more muslims engage in violence the more French are going to engage in more demeaning acts against Mohammad..
It's better to ignore these things if they want a peaceful life in France.
But in this case I don't have much sympathy for the teacher as displaying such things and insulting a religion in a classroom where muslim children are there sends wrong signals to those muslim children..they feel they are being discriminated..they are being targetted....no teacher should ever discuss anything bad about any religion in a class where children of different religions are there(this applies more to pakistani teachers and lecturers who talk badly about hindus in classrooms)
You don’t know the French well then. The ideology of Islam goes against their national ethos, it is a flashpoint and will continue to be so. The onus is on the immigrant to integrate or not come to France if it doesn’t hold up to the standards defined by Islam
No one reply to this troll above my post.

Muslims have been living in France before Indians even began getting visas and immigration to Western countries. There are native French Muslims as well, who are not immigrants.
No one reply to this troll above my post.

Muslims have been living in France before Indians even began getting visas and immigration to Western countries. There are native French Muslims as well, who are not immigrants.
These Hindus can’t understand our mindset. They think: white masters rule so we have to worship them and take all their BS. Alhamdulillah for the dignity Islam gave us. There some people on this planet who think that the purpose of life is to be a good submissive slave. You can have it, but leave us Muslims alone!
These Hindus can’t understand our mindset. They think: white masters rule so we have to worship them and take all their BS. Alhamdulillah for the dignity Islam gave us. There some people on this planet who think that the purpose of life is to be a good submissive slave. You can have it, but leave us Muslims alone!

From the OP down to now, every page has been littered with Indian trolls trying to change the topic of this thread to Pakistan or Islam.

The fact is that an injustice was committed against Muslims, one man took matters into his own hands for revenge.

Neither are 2 billion Muslims were responsible,, and neither are we sad that the Islamophobe was killed.

Furthermore, Pakistan is nowhere in this conversation, even though I am sure Indian trolls wish it were so.

They are so desperate for some ammo to stave off the beating they are taking from Imran Khan at the UN and every international forum, repeated failures of their government and military, and great losses against China.
Prophet Mohammed PBUH is more respectful to us Muslims than any world belonging or relationship. This must be clear to the French. They keep on disrespecting our Prophet again and again.

Our liberal class should not lament this as 'terrorism'. This is not. You cant insult me and expect me to respect you.
You don’t know the French well then. The ideology of Islam goes against their national ethos, it is a flashpoint and will continue to be so. The onus is on the immigrant to integrate or not come to France if it doesn’t hold up to the standards defined by Islam
I am against killings and violence man...I know about French values too...all i am saying is the teacher should have been a bit wise and careful if he loved his life ..if he valued his values more than his life that's a different matter...moreoever classroom is not the place to display indecent pictures of any kind let alone religious figures.

I am in no way condoning the murder.....the violence by muslims will alienate them even more and do more harm to them(I mean in europe where people are still liberal and open unlike countries like India and myanmmar where people have run out of patience because of violence by muslims)...To be honest on one side am glad muslims are behaving the way they are doing as it exposes islam and muslims more and more...but on the other side it is sad that innocents are being killed by these zealots and fanatics.
The French president termed this attack as islamic terrorist attack.

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The French president termed this attack as islamic terrorist attack

Halfwit he said "Islamist", there's a big difference between what they categorize as Islamic on one side and "Islamist" on the other, the latter term is reserved for radicals striving to impose sharia (law and some controversial conflicting values) or sympathetic with the idea of imposing it be it through terrorism, through soft-rebellion against the law or politically like Ikhwaan
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I am against killings and violence man...I know about French values too...all i am saying is the teacher should have been a bit wise and careful if he loved his life ..if he valued his values more than his life that's a different matter...moreoever classroom is not the place to display indecent pictures of any kind let alone religious figures.

I am in no way condoning the murder.....the violence by muslims will alienate them even more and do more harm to them(I mean in europe where people are still liberal and open unlike countries like India and myanmmar where people have run out of patience because of violence by muslims)...To be honest on one side am glad muslims are behaving the way they are doing as it exposes islam and muslims more and more...but on the other side it is sad that innocents are being killed by these zealots and fanatics.
The French president termed this attack as islamic terrorist attack.

Contradicting your own post. Are you a goldfish that you forget what you have written a few seconds ago?

1 minute you say the teacher should have been mindful what he displayed in the class - insinuating he had it coming. A disgraceful suggestion but thats what we have now come to accept from your latest ID.

Then predictably you go on the "all Muslims are represented by the acts of this act". Yet again you attempt to tarnish and expect all Muslims to accept responsibility for the act of this kid? There were several rapes in Delhi last night - random Muslims attacked for being Muslims - random Dalits persecuted for being Dalits. Do you want to take responsibility for these acts? Thats the stupidity level of your retard argument.

You cant have it both ways - you cant say the teacher should have been more careful by displaying indecent pictures then say you are glad he got attacked. This is quite a disgraceful lack of respect for the laws of the land. Your trolling is clear for all to now see.

@WebMaster @AgNoStiC MuSliM

You both correctly want citizens to be law abiding and condone this hideous act and i see all on this thread doing so - however please see through the intent in this poster and decide the agenda he has.
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I am against killings and violence man...I know about French values too...all i am saying is the teacher should have been a bit wise and careful if he loved his life ..if he valued his values more than his life that's a different matter...moreoever classroom is not the place to display indecent pictures of any kind let alone religious figures.

I am in no way condoning the murder.....the violence by muslims will alienate them even more and do more harm to them(I mean in europe where people are still liberal and open unlike countries like India and myanmmar where people have run out of patience because of violence by muslims)...To be honest on one side am glad muslims are behaving the way they are doing as it exposes islam and muslims more and more...but on the other side it is sad that innocents are being killed by these zealots and fanatics.
The French president termed this attack as islamic terrorist attack.

What do you mean by it exposes Islam and Muslims more and more?

Depictions of Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a forbidden practice in Islam as a safeguard against SHIRK (intentional; unintentional). However, Islamophobes have this newfound urge to do it (not with scholarly intent but in questionable ways) and they assume that Muslims will find this practice acceptable?

What is the point of disrespecting Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the first place?
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