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A Syrian Mig-23 shot down today morning

We don't want Assad to step down and just leave like that. We want him taken by his feet and hanged by his appropriately made long neck especially for hanging and pay for his crimes.
And by the 'we' you mean who?those who are beheading Syrians randomly in the streets?Sure,a perfect democracy is coming out of it.
So now the terrorists have the anti aircraft missiles. I think Taliban should also have them so they can down US air force planes and helicopters. Why should one terrorist be treated differently from the other?

Because whenever 1 super power takes on something seriously, the other super power backs off. In this case the US has taken the Syrian issue seriously and has most likely provided anti air equipment to these rebels where as Russia could not do the same in Afghanistan.

The US would have been beaten back a long long time ago in Afghanistan if only Russia had mustered enough guts (like the US did in the 80's) and provided anti Armour and anti air equipment to freedom fighters in Afghanistan.

The US would have been beaten back a long long time ago in Afghanistan if only Russia had mustered enough guts (like the US did in the 80's) and provided anti Armour and anti air equipment to freedom fighters in Afghanistan.

Russia is making money providing supply routes to NATO.

Only Pakistani commie-fools are hoping against hope that Russia will go against NATO. Just foolish foolish thought.

Pakistanis could have taken over and made all the money by supporting NATO 100%. Instead so many of us are still living in fools's Jannat aka Commie era.

Even in Syria, Pakistanis should support the Syrian people, instead we are banking on the sinking ship of another commie leftie.

PäkPõwér;3305684 said:
Brother you don't look too well versed in international relations. The current Syrian regime is one of the most anti-Israel of them all.

> The Ain es Saheb airstrike (an Israeli Air Force mission against Palestinian militants inside Syria) in 2003.
> Operation Orchard (an Israeli air and commando mission against Syria's alleged nuclear program) in 2007.
> During the 2006 Lebanon War, Syria threatened to enter the war on Hezbollah's side, provided support to Hezbollah, and allowed Iran to ship supplies to Hezbollah through its territory.
> Syria withdrew from the Turkey-mediated peace talks with Israel after the 2008-09 Gaza War.
> In 2010, President Bashar al-Assad accused Israel of avoiding peace, and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem warned that in the event of a future war, Israeli cities would be targeted by Syrian missiles. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman responded by saying that the Syrian military would be defeated in a war with Israel, and Assad and his family would be forced from power.

Doesn't look like much of a puppet to me.

for some people sectarianism is more important and if it means siding with the Israelis then so be it.

worse part is he starts his sentence with a lol
he finds the deaths of Syrians as funny.
no doubt victory is for muslims wether today or tomorrow.

good job FSA.

i will not let it go, either support your claim or you are A BIG LIER.


well legend muslims are on the both sides so dont know what u are saying
And by the 'we' you mean who?those who are beheading Syrians randomly in the streets?Sure,a perfect democracy is coming out of it.

emotions are high and blood is boiling
the request for reason and patience is lost

people who recite the Kalema are openly disregarding Allah and the Holy Prophet PBUH by talking about blood and revenge and carnage.

may Allah Grant some sense & compassion among the people who claim to believe in Him


well legend muslims are on the both sides so dont know what u are saying

this is the ideology of Al Qaeda and Taliban.
Al Qaeda and Taliban consider everyone else as Murtad and Kafir. what a tragedy that something so wrong is adapted.
for some people sectarianism is more important and if it means siding with the Israelis then so be it.

worse part is he starts his sentence with a lol
he finds the deaths of Syrians as funny.

Mention the name "Israel" and then all bets are off. The problem with israel-bogey-man is that Syrian protestors do not care. The only thing they wanted was the freedom from the stranglehold of Bashar the butcher and his Bath-room Bhathist regime.

What did they get in return? Killing of 100s and 1000s of unarmed Syrian protestors.

Right now it is like One Bashar regime henchman killed, vs. 1000 Syrian protestors killed.

Well done Bashar the butcher, well done.

But your fate will be no different than the other butcher, Pakistan's favorite, the butcher of Libya the Qaddafi.

Pakistanis were wrong in supporting Qaddafi, and they are wrong now in supporting Bashaar the Butcher.

Israel has very little to do with this discussion except perhaps help inflaming the raw Pakistani emotions.

NOthing will happen to Asad as long as Russia and China back him up. The insurgency will die eventually.
NOthing will happen to Asad as long as Russia and China back him up. The insurgency will die eventually.

Yeah we can see that. Assad is getting stronger and stronger no major detections amd FSA numbers increasing greatly or anything. Or maybe you are just living in La La land.
NOthing will happen to Asad as long as Russia and China back him up. The insurgency will die eventually.

Assad lost the control of his country. Shia belt was cut by FSA in a few months. I am more worried about the future of Syria.

I even started to question: how strong is Iran?
Pakistanis were wrong in supporting Qaddafi, and they are wrong now in supporting Bashaar the Butcher.

Israel has very little to do with this discussion except perhaps help inflaming the raw Pakistani emotions.


Pakistanis were wrong in Supporting Sadam as well. Bashar 's "crimes" pale in comparison to what that "Palestine Liberator" did
Pakistanis were wrong in supporting Osama and Red Mosque Religious thugs as well. but Pakistani views are irrelevant
my comments are based on how West is playing it.

I agree with your bogeyman point though. it works wonders in Pakistan.
a person can get instantly lynched by a mob without a second thought if someone shouts that he disrespected religion or did something "immoral".

you have strong opinions and you have chosen your side already so I will leave you at peace

I really dont care about which Syrian heads Syria once the violence subsides.

my issue is purely the Syrian people and its minorities that would face the wrath of Al Qaeda and other religious fanatics. all the sponsors will want their payback once FSA destroys the Presidential palace and once the Euphoria and rhetoric subsides .. there will a large body count and everyone's hands are bloody in it.

I would love to see something like that in UAE, Bahrain and most importantly Saudi Arabia.

the same bleeding heart supporters pounced on the protesters and even doctors and medics were not spared

there has been a complete media blackout and silence from East to west while the uprising was brutally crushed

encouraged by the silence from the world, the people were witch hunted through twitter and facebook and never found again.

people say Assad is not Syria and I take that point.. but look at the imported royal family of Bahrain.. does the same rule not apply even more profoundly?

good bless the need to park the American navy Fleet
and god bless the hatred for shia's & Iran
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