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A Statue for A Pakistani Punjabi Hero.....Porus

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Pakicetids or Pakicetidae are a carnivorous mammal family of the suborder Archaeoceti which lived during the Early Eocene to Middle Eocene (55.8 mya—40.4 mya) in Pakistan and existed for approximately 15.4 million years.[1]
As Cetacea, Pakicetidae precede the whales and dolphins in transition from land. Because their fossils were found near bodies of water, they are presumed to have spent part of their life in water.
Pakicetus was the first discovered in 1983 by Philip Gingerich, Neil Wells, Donald Russell, and S. M. Ibrahim Shah, and all species are known only from a few sites in Pakistan, hence the name of the first genera and the family as a whole. The region is believed to have been coastal to the Tethys Sea when the pakicetids lived, some 53 million years ago.
The pakicetids are presumed to be ancestors of modern whales because of the three following features unique to whales: peculiarities in the positioning of the ear bones within the skull, the folding in a bone of the middle ear, and the arrangement of cusps on the molar teeth. The current theory is that modern whales evolved from archaic whales such as basilosaurids, which in turn evolved from something like the amphibious ambulocetids, which themselves evolved from something like the land-dwelling pakicetids. Since pakicetids are the distant relatives of whales, they have similar features to the Mesonychid.


Pakicetid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When this animal was discovered as the ancestor of all whales and dolphins, indian scientists lobbied very hard to name it after india, but Pakistani scientists managed to convince the international fraternity of scientist to recognise Ancient Pakistan. :wave:

wow you serious man :lol: so you are saying that pakistan existed because a 53m year old dino fossil discovered in 1983 was given name based on pakistan,so according to you the dino had the name 53m years and had been called that since it was a baby 53m years and surely not 28 years ago
wow you serious man :lol: so you are saying that pakistan existed because a 53m year old dino fossil discovered in 1983 was given name based on pakistan,so according to you the dino had the name 53m years and had been called that since it was a baby 53m years and surely not 28 years ago

The Geographic Area corresponding to Pakistan has existed since time immemorial, this area corresponds to Ancient Pakistan.

But we are digressing - This is about valiant warriors that were born and bred in the Jhelum region, that is known as the nursery of warriors. A Pakistani region that has produced hero's such as Porus and my ancestor Manga.
Truth Teller, have you ever heard of the Mauryan Empire? Kushanas? Satavahanas? Guptas?

Do you know what name the Greeks gave to the Mauryan Empire and its lands? What name did the Romans and Parthians give to the Kushanas and Satavahanas and their lands?

Guess :lol:

It's not like you can change the reality.

You keep trying to twist facts like a typical insecure indian. Just be a man, and be straight foward.

Face it. india as a united country didn't exist untill 1947.

"india" itself is a name coined together by the British. British deprived the name "india" from the Indus river in Pakistan, and they applied it to describe the geographic location of south Asia.

Pakistanis in the future can always keep a dominance over you bhartis about this fact. The fact your Country is named after a Pakistani river. :pakistan:

Pecae bro. :)
It's not like you can change the reality.

You keep trying to twist facts like a typical insecure indian. Just be a man, and be straight foward.

Face it. india as a united country didn't exist untill 1947.

"India" has existed for thousands of years, either as a unified empire or a collection of states. "India" refers to a civilization, not just a nation-state.

As an example, the Greeks spent most of their history as either a collection of smaller states (like Athens and Sparta) or under foreign powers. But they were still considered "Greeks" because of their shared culture. Same thing applies to India.

"india" itself is a name coined together by the British. British deprived the name "india" from the Indus river in Pakistan, and they applied it to describe the geographic location of south Asia.

I have already provided the evidence that the name "India" existed at least since 300 B.C.E. and it referred to the whole civilization of the subcontinent, as well as its people.

Pakistanis in the future can always keep a dominance over you bhartis about this fact. The fact your Country is named after a Pakistani river. :pakistan

Nah, we keep our name as a reminder of the fact that "Pakistan" is a fake country, and that the land occupied by "Pakistan" has historically been considered "India."

Our name is an ancient name. It was not created out of the blue in the mid-20th century like "Pakistan" :P
pakistan existed geographically for 5000 years and the current land of india just came into appeared in 1947,think before writing man.
the word pakistan didnt exist before mr jinnah came up with it,the word bharat and india existed in the time of porus so he is a bharati or indian,if pakistan conqures india tomorrow and calls it greater pakistan ;) i will never be a greater pakistani
indus river existed in the indian subcontinent or bharat varsha before creation of pakistan(please understand that bharat varsha is like EU but more closer since most of the customs and culture were similar and existed from south india to afghanistan and tibet)
You know what india is the fake country, this is what old Winston thinks about that mythical state

India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.
Winston Churchill
You know what india is the fake country, this is what old Winston thinks about that mythical state

India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.
Winston Churchill

hahaha look who is frustrated now and dont know why you are so obsesses with a fake country
"India" has existed for thousands of years, either as a unified empire or a collection of states. "India" refers to a civilization, not just a nation-state.

As an example, the Greeks spent most of their history as either a collection of smaller states (like Athens and Sparta) or under foreign powers. But they were still considered "Greeks" because of their shared culture. Same thing applies to India.

I have already provided the evidence that the name "India" existed at least since 300 B.C.E. and it referred to the whole civilization of the subcontinent, as well as its people.

Nah, we keep our name as a reminder of the fact that "Pakistan" is a fake country, and that the land occupied by "Pakistan" has historically been considered "India."

Our name is an ancient name. It was not created out of the blue in the mid-20th century like "Pakistan" :P

"india" and "indika" are two differnt words. "india" is a word coined together by the british. Why are you denying this simple fact?

Your name may not have been created in the 20th century. It was created in the 18th century. It was a name given you by the British, who ruled over your ancestors for over 200 years.

I dont think you can change your country's name anyways. Its too late for that. So we will keep a dominance over you about the fact your Country is named after a Pakistani river, for many future generations to come.

And the only time the land of Pakistan was considerd "india" was under British rule for 100 years. But our ancestors didnt refer to themselves as "indians", this is what the British referd to our ancestors as. They didnt accpet this name "indian". As you can see Pakistanis still to this day refuse to accept the name "indian".... Maybe because we dont have a pathetic suck up's slave mentality. We have dignity and self-respect.

Pakistan is a reality. You people will have to live with this reality for future generations to come. The reality Pakistanis rejected to live with you, and still to this day reject you people.
"india" and "indika" are two differnt words. "india" is a word coined together by the british. Why are you denying this simple fact?

Your name may not have been created in the 20th century. It was created in the 18th century. It was a name given you by the British, who ruled over your ancestors for over 200 years.

I dont think you can change your country's name anyways. Its too late for that. So we will keep a dominance over you about the fact your Country is named after a Pakistani river, for many future generations to come.

And the only time the land of Pakistan was considerd "india" was under British rule for 100 years. But our ancestors didnt refer to themselves as "indians", this is what the British referd to our ancestors as. They didnt accpet this name "indian". As you can see Pakistanis still to this day refuse to accept the name "indian".... Maybe because we dont have a pathetic suck up's slave mentality. We have dignity and self-respect.

Pakistan is a reality. You people will have to live with this reality for future generations to come. The reality Pakistanis rejected to live with you, and still to this day reject you people.

You tell them - boy - Never a more apt name than "Truth Teller" - the indian's will have to conjure up some of their own history - rather than stealing ours.
There is a saying in Odia "Murkhara gunthi vari taana" whose literal translational in English is "knot of the foolish is indeed very tight".
There is a saying in Odia "Murkhara gunthi vari taana" whose literal translational in English is "knot of the foolish is indeed very tight".

That might as well be Swahili for us :)
"india" and "indika" are two differnt words. "india" is a word coined together by the british. Why are you denying this simple fact?

Are you serious? :what: Is this the best argument you've got?

Are 'Rajastan' and 'Rajasthan' different words too?

Indika, Indica, India, Indoi... all slightly different spellings for the same concept. All were used by Westerners for thousands of years. From where do you think the British got the idea to call the subcontinent "India"? Do you think it popped out of nowhere?

I can't believe you are trying to deny an entire civilization its history because of one letter in a word...

Who has the truly pathetic mindset?

I dont think you can change your country's name anyways. Its too late for that. So we will keep a dominance over you about the fact your Country is named after a Pakistani river, for many future generations to come.

Why should we change our name? We are proud of our name and the history behind it, and we have the right to be. Just like you have the right to be proud of your country's fake name.

Also, India is not the only name of this country, it is just the most recognizable name to foreigners. The Constitution of India also recognizes "Hindustan" and "Bharat" as official names.

Pakistan is a reality. You people will have to live with this reality for future generations to come. The reality Pakistanis rejected to live with you, and still to this day reject you people.

I agree. Today, Pakistan is a reality. Talking about the past doesn't affect who we are today. But talking about the past is important to understand who we are today, and how we got here.
Are you serious? :what: Is this the best argument you've got?

Are 'Rajastan' and 'Rajasthan' different words too?

Indika, Indica, India, Indoi... all slightly different spellings for the same concept. All were used by Westerners for thousands of years. From where do you think the British got the idea to call the subcontinent "India"? Do you think it popped out of nowhere?

My whole point was there was no united country known as "india" untill 1947. You were twisting about my words, trying to confuse people.

indika, indica,india, indoi, ect, were all names used by inavders to describe the geographic location of south Asia. Just as how "middle east" is used to describe the geographic location of western Asia. And all these names are deprived from Indus River in Pakistan (not south india, where you come from). And yes, your country is named after a Pakistani river.
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