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A Sri Lankan national lynched in Sialkot by mob of terrorists for blasphemy

No matter what you say..you wouldnt see indians gathering in hundreds and burning someone over a piece of torn poster( which was done unintentionally).
As long as you dont address the core issue and are worried about defending such blind religious zealots there is no hope for pakistan.
India isn't exactly a model country in this regard as well. I have red about similar issues happening in India. You guys and Pakistan are quite similar in this aspect to be honest. Guess it doesn't help that your government is also led by a religiously oriented party aligned to ultra right wing groups from what I red. So it makes such things more common.
This ideology is happy to destroy Pakistan for its gain. It's parasitic and psychologically abuses its host where it gains control and can trigger unreasonable behavior at will. I've been studying this since 2005. I always wanted to know what was the driver for TTP sympathizers in Pakistan.

Just the other day
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To be fair, I don't think that guy's last post was wrong either. From what I learned, Islam doesn't agree with Nationalism. Islam in this context should be borderless and not restricted to a country or borders.
Islam is a religion with asocial and philosophical worldview, and provides for economic and political principles. Nationalism, too, has its own social and political principles based however on different beliefs and criteria. Therefore, conflict between Islam and nationalism is inevitable. The Islamic ideology is not compatible with any other ideology on the question of sovereignty over the private and social life of Muslims. A Muslim cannot at the same time be a Muslim and a polytheist, or a Muslim and communist(like the famous leftist muslim on here @jamahir 😆 ). In Islam, there is no room for one to be a loyal and genuine nationalist. It is a question of identity, and one negates the other.
Nationalism is incompatible with Islam, both schools having two opposite ideologies. These two assume two totally opposite poles in their spirit, essence, direction and goal in itself to be honest.
A common ideology is the basis of the unity of the Islamic ummah, not race, country, language or even culture. The goal of nationalism is to create national units, whereas the goal of Islam is universal unity. To nationalism what matters the most is loyalty and attachment to the homeland, whereas to Islam, it is God and religion. Nationalism gives authenticity to geographical boundaries and racial distinctions, whereas Islam negates them. Nationalism inclines to limitation and race, but Islam assumes a universal outlook.
Nationalism attaches value only to the historical traditions, culture, civilization, ideas and historical figures of its own nation, but Islam's vision goes beyond the frontier, race, tribe and nation. Moses, Jesus, Muhammad and Ali are considered as belonging to all mankind. Islam wishes all nations to regard the Quran as their Book, and true leaders of Islam as their leaders. Whereas nationalism totally contradicts this. Atarurk is revered by the nationalists Turks for example but he will be (or is being) cursed by some Islamic figures(even many members on here I believe. Lol) who see him as probably anti Islamic, similarly we ca take example of nationalistic regime of Pahlavi in Iran, the creeds of Zoroastrianism and Baha'ism which were regarded as Iranian faiths, were encouraged by the regime etc.

So nationalism and Islam often clash in alot of ways. So that member might sound like an extremists but he isn't completely wrong either. It just comes across that way the modern world we live in has changed so we have to adapt to new realities and have come to accept them, doesn't means the guy is wrong though, especially if he really wants to follow his religion by the word(which isn't always realistic ).

There is no such thing as "South Asia" and no Pakistan has nothing in common with India

  • This particular incident is first of it's kind in Pakistan, and for most part the Authorities have already captured few culprits who were identified using video and photo evidence

  • It may have been a work related issue (Supervisor vs Worker) something may have happened, how it escalated to this extreme is something the investigators will examine closely.

  • Was there a political plot to create unrest ? Connecting dots with recent rallies done by certain political minority elements who took to streets , it will all get examined closely

  • There will be harsh application of Law on the criminal elements involved

Beyond that it is just a case of Mob Violence

  • Nationalism does not Allow/Permit such crime to happen
  • Islam does not allows such crime to happen it is contrary to Islamic principles

In Summary , Nationalism and Islam in this case have same message against such crimes "Not Allowed"
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Every sensible Pakistani should use this latest incident as an excuse and blame TLP, Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Jamaat-e-Islami and Tablighi Jamaat. Other progressive Muslim-majority societies have acted against such types and so should Pakistan is an even serious way. The mentioned groups are parasites and should not be allowed to exist. Be a Gaddafi, an Assad, a Nasser.


Lastly, why are @Zarvan and @Areesh never to be found in such threads.


Listen clown

Even if all the mullahs in the world would die even then you would fail to implement your failed socialist communist in the world successfully. You and your ideology are that big of a failure
In this context wrong are people who started the fundamentalist movements. As hindus are reacting but in a negative way, you cannot blame them.
There is no excuse for the abuse. Also that is soft Hindutva stance that "Hindus are reacting". You are also part of the problem with that thinking.
Some @$$holes(w@br@s + y*uthi@$) tried/trying their best to spoil the image of Islam by blaming TLP/Mullahs.

But PTI himself declared TLP out of the matter as it was between workers and the manger of the factory!

So u support molvis
Yes and why not, Dear I have my choice and opinion. As i'm supporting Molvis so you should understand to whom it may concern.
Whoever did it must be punished accordingly. They should be hanged as they killed Pakistan's dying Image.
Talk in a way that suits us. Mr. @$$hole i have no objection if you support some ignorant libs; expecting same from you!

Hey, sorry for jumping in, but what's with the 'Ghazi' in the terrorist's name? I don't see this as his full name in the official judgement.
Nop, I am not supposed to explain it to you! you have your own opinion. Thanks

Tell me which western company heck even Chinese companies want to invest in pakistan when haram zadoy ki aulaad like those subhumans from sailkot have created such peaceful environment?
If i am not wrong a student was slaughtered in China on the road. That changed our stance about China?
USA bombed a Madrissa which left 200+ CHILDREN burnt. Still people love to lick his b@ll$.
240+ cases of the same type are there in India.
India raped 10k (as per UN) Kashmiri women, encounter thousands of innocent youngsters and sieged the valley since years.
I have seen Australian soldier's image showing him grasping an Afghan child girl (of hardly 5 years old) with knife on her throat.

But when it comes to Pakistan where a group of some people (from Ya Hussain RA Party) killed one man. These countries will want us to do a lot. So called aman pasand log!
TLP made Pakistan the most dangerous country in the world.

For one type of peoples!

There is a YouTube video of dr moeed on tlp intentionally or unintentionally being used by foreign powers to create chaos in Pakistan.
Name of TLP not TLP!!!!!

TLP terrorist should be hanged
hahahah nice to see you like this! Don't blame us or give proofs of the relations between TLP and captured ones!

That guy was crying and appealing for mercy saying i have small kid. TLP tuchas can make anyone ghazi and scholar..

Dude.... Grow up!
That b!t*h cried and escaped and caused the death of that D*g in between!


1- To my recollection when a Pakistani was killed in China , it was just a case of Crime on street in night time, such crime can happen any where in world

2- In war there are casualties that is why it is called war , however Pakistan has no war inside it

3- If something happens in India and it is Wrong it does not means it needs to happen in Pakistan

4- Indian Occupation of Kashmir is a Military Issue i.e War

5- If you viewed some video with negative image and it was morally wrong , it does not means the same evil needs to be repeated inside Pakistan

Long Story short the political parties who did staged political unrest , they will no doubt will get scrutinized now , as this Crime is unprecedented , as their demonstrations and the motives of the Mob had some parallels

The Mobs chanted name of some minority political group , it is 100% certain this case will be examined closely and we may even see new directives to tackle such elements

However if it this was a Dispute about Work , between Supervisor and Worker , and something escalated
It is merely a case of Work place violence , which lead to a grade 1 Homicide (death/killing). In that case it is internal matter of company and some form of dispute which people on outside do not know more about

Interior Minister already stated , "He is not sure how such issue could get out of hand (if it was work place dispute), perhaps the age of the Criminally charged elements played a part, younger people do not think rationally and get into trouble (often due to lack of wisdom)"

I would leave the investigation to Authorities on ground to solve the puzzle and connect the dots

But I am satisfied with news coming that many culprits have been already captured by Police
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What a disgusting country Pakistan is, Muslims need to be kicked out of the west.

What to do with western and American terrorists; residing there and here too???

Look who is talking Human rights!!! wow
chanted name of some minority political

So chanting the slogan is the clue...... Yar muaf kr de bhai

:rofl: minority with 2.6 million votes?
There is no excuse for the abuse. Also that is soft Hindutva stance that "Hindus are reacting". You are also part of the problem with that thinking.

Almost all the elite Hindus, with very few exceptions, are essentially "Hindutvadis", though of different shades, colors and scales, ranging from hardcore, like Savarkar, Golwalkar etc. to softer versions like Gandhi, Nehru etc. Their innate aspiration has been for a Hindu Raj, over an Akhand Bharat, with particularly Muslims relegated to a secondary level. Secularism has been merely a garb for concealing their real intentions. That is what our Quaid thought.

"Natha Singh and Prem Singh
One and the same thing"

Some @$$holes(w@br@s + y*uthi@$) tried/trying their best to spoil the image of Islam by blaming TLP/Mullahs.

But PTI himself declared TLP out of the matter as it was between workers and the manger of the factory!

Yes and why not, Dear I have my choice and opinion. As i'm supporting Molvis so you should understand to whom it may concern.
Whoever did it must be punished accordingly. They should be hanged as they killed Pakistan's dying Image.
Talk in a way that suits us. Mr. @$$hole i have no objection if you support some ignorant libs; expecting same from you!

Nop, I am not supposed to explain it to you! you have your own opinion. Thanks

If i am not wrong a student was slaughtered in China on the road. That changed our stance about China?
USA bombed a Madrissa which left 200+ CHILDREN burnt. Still people love to lick his b@ll$.
240+ cases of the same type are there in India.
India raped 10k (as per UN) Kashmiri women, encounter thousands of innocent youngsters and sieged the valley since years.
I have seen Australian soldier's image showing him grasping an Afghan child girl (of hardly 5 years old) with knife on her throat.

But when it comes to Pakistan where a group of some people (from Ya Hussain RA Party) killed one man. These countries will want us to do a lot. So called aman pasand log!
In Pakistan the dumbest child is sent to the madrassa to become a molvi because he can't do anything else. When dumbo leaves madrassa does he become smart? Noooo. Then you go to dumbo to learn your deen. So you learn from stupid what do u become? You got it- stupid.
Enjoy .... Islam has been kidnapped by jahils and you are the reason .
That b!t*h cried and escaped and caused the death of that D*g in between!
Haha the only bitch was someone who killed an unarmed guy and then went on to whine like a little poodle for mercy. Every passing second on those gallows around his neck reminded him of being a little biatch that he was.
Almost all the elite Hindus, with very few exceptions, are essentially "Hindutvadis", though of different shades, colors and scales, ranging from hardcore, like Savarkar, Golwalkar etc. to softer versions like Gandhi, Nehru etc. Their innate aspiration has been for a Hindu Raj, over an Akhand Bharat, with particularly Muslims relegated to a secondary level. Secularism has been merely a garb for concealing their real intentions. That is what our Quaid thought.

"Natha Singh and Prem Singh
One and the same thing"

Touché. Even the likes of Sashi Throor and Barkha are soft Hindutva.
In Pakistan the dumbest child is sent to the madrassa to become a molvi because he can't do anything else. When dumbo leaves madrassa does he become smart? Noooo. Then you go to dumbo to learn your deen. So you learn from stupid what do u become? You got it- stupid.
Enjoy .... Islam has been kidnapped by jahils and you are the reason .

If you think the child is dumb then memorize the Quraan, Learn Arabic Grammar and Ahadees. Then call me whatever you like.....!!! I promise i'll rename to it!

If an @$$hole's opinion is so important.
say..you wouldnt see indians gathering in hundreds and burning someone over a piece of torn poster( which was done unintentionally).
You guys are the last people on earth to talk about rationality or human rights. Despite many problematic issues in Pakistan, there is not even a single case of religious pogroms in the country.
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