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A Sick Pervert who should be fed to the Dogs

Yar go kuch mujhe mila i will PM ya, me most at 15 Center in Islamabad near zero point, also somtimes i am down at the Police HQ assisting with training but that is about it... FIA is a great post, Well done. What rank ASI?


Yara I have been a direct recruit to an 16 grade officer I am an Inspector of police FIA crime branch.
These kind of people exist. Even in Karachi in some locations assholes like these take advantage of girls if they are alone.

Pakistan IS getting worst in this aspect. I hope the law enforcements do their job. Cut his private part, and then he can call whomever he wants to get released from the jail.

Sir we just cannot blame police for it we cannot be watching these culprits 24/7; we don't have a top of the line surveillance technology and the resources. But that’s too far usually; it’s our societies at fault because they look at a rape victim as a rotten apple of a society, so to carry on with the prestige. Victims and the family usually refrain from dragging such incident to court or to bring it out in the police.

This is how these kind of jerks get away I have done some of my research about this incident. This guy is now scot free, his parents paid the victims family 3lakh to keep this matter out of court. Since he has admitted on live TV. Culprits parent have said that he was just trying to be a macho man on TV
So there you go what can us police officer do when there is society fear. And we too don't want to ruin the girl’s reputation. Sir believe me the stuff I have seen since last 3 month since I have join the services, even tough I have lived and studied in US most of my life I to now understand we have to change our societies mind first.

No one from our society will marry a raped victim that’s a thinking of a comman man. we carry
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This reminds of that Indian show drama "How can she slap?" That turned out to be fake too...
No need to extend this to stupid lengths.

It's a show. I've seen lots of Indians pretending to be Pakistanis on youtube. That was the only point in that comment.

Someone has now pointed out it's a TV show. That's fine. It's a TV show, and perhaps a satirical one. I can understand perhaps what they're doing in that case.

But that type of satire won't be understood.

rr,why the heck would indians pretend to be pakistanis?
This reminds of that Indian show drama "How can she slap?" That turned out to be fake too...

The slap incident turned out to be a fake?

and this incident is a fake too? not according to the police officer who's posted above. i have no doubt you want things to improve in our societies, but summarily dismissing such things as 'fake' may not be the way towards improvement.

Purely from the viewpoint of instituting better law and order and just systems, the moral outrage people feel does not matter (morality itself is highly subjective). what matters is how the law and order machinery deals with such instances. my 2 cents.
C'mon the Muzik other than beating up the guy has not proceeded to file a case against him, there's nothing in the news against him.

I'm not dismissing it to hide shame or anything, it just sounds unbelievable and till an FIR is registered against the guy, it never happened.
Calm down. I'm not sure if you understand Urdu but what this kid said what that even the army is incapable of touching him. I said the Army will have no problem going after thugs if they have reason i.e. orders. He maybe a non-combatant right now, but then he might not be when the police comes to arrest him. He, his family and his tribe can threaten revolt if their unlawful activities are challenged. In which case the Army can and will take action, like it has done in the past even if it is on the orders of civilian prime ministers (Z.A. Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif have used the army like this when things got out of hand in Sindh). Point here is that the army won't be intimidated if it ever comes down to it, which it does too often in places like Pakistan unfortunately. Issue is not one of 'should' but 'could'.

This is for the most part a self contradictory statement; militaries can not and should not be "nailing" any non combatant civilians for any reason. I do not know anything about this show or whether this man is telling truth; I mean, it bodes very poorly either for the law and order situation of the state, taste in television content, or both.

The answer to this problem is reinforcement/construction of the dilapidated or non-existent public service institutions such as a competent police force and an efficient judicial system starting with the local courts going all the way up to the supreme court. It would also help if TV executives were to screen for possible nutjobs when formulating shows of this sort (assuming this wasn't staged). The army has nothing to do with this; and to think of them as infallible knights in shining armor who should be entrusted with all the facets of the state is not only naive but also highly inadvisable based on the past 60 years of Pakistan's history.
Well when the guy claimed that even the Army can't nail him, this meant that
people in Pakistan still think Army can kick their arses with more force as compared to the police. but this is not Army's job. We have to let the police handle it. Or again stupid BS like "Pak Army inc"...etc etc will start surfacing.

The only point here is that everyone should do its own job, Armed Forces doing what they do best i.e **kicking any threat to the country from the within and outside and the police keeping the law imposed.

Well the Army could have nailed him if someone out of you quote him as a frari or a terrorist :P or may be a dacoit provided Anti-Dacoit ops were underway!

And @ both the pulcias (i hope they don't mind) it is really heartening to know that well read, mature and well groomed people are joining the police force out of the bureaucracy cadre. We do need a radical change in the process of intake except the officers who join the police after CSS
Thumbs up to you both!!
This reminds of that Indian show drama "How can she slap?" That turned out to be fake too...
Do you really equate that situation to a declaration of rape on national TV (even if the veracity of that claim isn't determined) ???
Do you really equate that situation to a declaration of rape on national TV (even if the veracity of that claim isn't determined) ???

He is not equating the two together from the standpoint of seriousness of the offenses, rather from the point that both may have been made up dramas. Nobody is stupid enough to come and claim something like this on TV and get away with that level of details (he named people etc.).
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