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A Sick Pervert who should be fed to the Dogs

Hey it seems it was some kinda tour show or seomthing?? Atleast other episodes should have been on tv atleast right..????
Sounds like BS!!!!!

What does does the dikhead keep repeating near the end that gets the reporter mad....translate please
It looks like a publicity stunt from The Muzik...

I hope its just that. The lalu guy didn't look like he's from any 'tight' family.
Whats the fracus? Its just ***** TV to cause sensation and up the ratings for the channel. However, the kids admission of RAPE on TV is admissible as confession and warrants legal action against him and his 'touted' powerful family?

Send this video to the Supreme Court and let our re-instated, free CJ take notice and handle it by the book!
The event took place in Faislabad on a dare show led by the man VJ Zaka and this is quite old he has though been pardoned because their was no case filed against him by anyone.

And yes it was aired on the Muzik.
The event took place in Faislabad on a dare show led by the man VJ Zaka and this is quite old he has though been pardoned because their was no case filed against him by anyone.

Who that pevert??? Well if hes pardoned.. thats seriously pathetic...court should have taken case on its own in public interest..!!! Disgusting..!!!!:tsk:
The event took place in Faislabad on a dare show led by the man VJ Zaka and this is quite old he has though been pardoned because their was no case filed against him by anyone.

And yes it was aired on the Muzik.

Thanks brother, you narrowed down my search for this looser.. :D

I thought he was a karachite, as they are known to be a bit wild. Us Pindiwal's are just too paindoo for such cosmopolitan crap! I hope if it is real he gets his dues in this world and heaven. Inshallah
The event took place in Faislabad on a dare show led by the man VJ Zaka and this is quite old he has though been pardoned because their was no case filed against him by anyone.

And yes it was aired on the Muzik.

Ohh, He is in Faisalabad?? Gimme the tools and I'll do the job for you guys:enjoy:
Thanks brother, you narrowed down my search for this looser.. :D

I thought he was a karachite, as they are known to be a bit wild. Us Pindiwal's are just too paindoo for such cosmopolitan crap! I hope if it is real he gets his dues in this world and heaven. Inshallah

Yara if i am not mistaken you are in Pak police also get me some of his info i will take care of it i am in FIA in karachi now a days what about you
Thanks brother, you narrowed down my search for this looser.. :D

I thought he was a karachite, as they are known to be a bit wild. Us Pindiwal's are just too paindoo for such cosmopolitan crap! I hope if it is real he gets his dues in this world and heaven. Inshallah

Had he been in Karachi Waqar Zaqa would have finished him off I think he is typical of What we hear a guy with connections son of a Land Lord his connections are far too deep he has apologized for lying on tv and because he lied the Muzik have also been pardoned for physically hurting the guy he has too many connections as far as my friend from Pakistan tells me so. Although I have heard their are quite a few hate groups against him on Facebook incase you properly wish to pursue him then best of luck and keep us updated I think Raheel1 can get him more easily though.
Why can't it be a "foreign hand"? You think Indians do not make videos like this? I've seen some of them.

It's possible they're Pakistanis. It's possible they're Indians. One cannot tell at this stage. However, why would a Pakistani make such a video with their own national flag in the background. Usually dumb folk will say these things to get attention to themselves, not their nation. This doesn't mean they can't be Pakistani, it's just using the facts available, they appear Indian.

you dont live in pakistan now do you?
it's a popular serial in pakistan...everyone's a pakistani.
you are getting paranoid worrying what india would do next..stop listening to the news for the next couple of days.
Yara if i am not mistaken you are in Pak police also get me some of his info i will take care of it i am in FIA in karachi now a days what about you

Yar go kuch mujhe mila i will PM ya, me most at 15 Center in Islamabad near zero point, also somtimes i am down at the Police HQ assisting with training but that is about it... FIA is a great post, Well done. What rank ASI?

so it was all fake ? disgusting to lie about something as serious as rape for publicity !
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