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A Sick Pervert who should be fed to the Dogs

These kind of people exist. Even in Karachi in some locations assholes like these take advantage of girls if they are alone.

Pakistan IS getting worst in this aspect. I hope the law enforcements do their job. Cut his private part, and then he can call whomever he wants to get released from the jail.
seriously, how difficult is it to get some Indians to stage a video and say they're Pakistani? The problem here is one of language, or lack of a unique one.

I take it you are joking here RR. Although this does look made up just to stir up controversy, although if it is made up then its one sick joke. Maybe the idea is to show that there are people as such who commit rapes and get away due to their family connections..at least that much happens in Pakistan for sure.
These kind of people exist. Even in Karachi in some locations assholes like these take advantage of girls if they are alone.

Pakistan IS getting worst in this aspect. I hope the law enforcements do their job. Cut his private part, and then he can call whomever he wants to get released from the jail.

Webby, unfortunately a lot of the times police are either complicit or are too scared to take action.
Why can't it be a "foreign hand"? You think Indians do not make videos like this? I've seen some of them.

It's possible they're Pakistanis. It's possible they're Indians. One cannot tell at this stage. However, why would a Pakistani make such a video with their own national flag in the background. Usually dumb folk will say these things to get attention to themselves, not their nation. This doesn't mean they can't be Pakistani, it's just using the facts available, they appear Indian.

:woot::D It appears that RAW is also planning new things for Pakistan destablization. Since, they are dark skin, they appear Indian, huh Mr. roadrunner? No one can mess with thou shalt holy Pakistan!!!
A Real Pakistani Youth and Media

I cannot belive this happened, this guy should DIE!

i guess the whole story is that kid's wet dream.

The host of this pakistnai show bears some uncanny resemblace to Mtv rodies where auditions are usually ruthless.

I think this stupid kids believes this rape story would earn him some browni points from its hosts,thats all to it.

One more thing a true rapist would never confess on national tv.
I take it you are joking here RR. Although this does look made up just to stir up controversy, although if it is made up then its one sick joke. Maybe the idea is to show that there are people as such who commit rapes and get away due to their family connections..at least that much happens in Pakistan for sure.

No, I wasn't joking.

It could be satire, as you point out.

I don't know the background to the show, so it was just a suggestion.

If it's satire, it's understandable. But that sort of satire won't work on Pakistani audiences.
:woot::D It appears that RAW is also planning new things for Pakistan destablization. Since, they are dark skin, they appear Indian, huh Mr. roadrunner? No one can mess with thou shalt holy Pakistan!!!

No need to extend this to stupid lengths.

It's a show. I've seen lots of Indians pretending to be Pakistanis on youtube. That was the only point in that comment.

Someone has now pointed out it's a TV show. That's fine. It's a TV show, and perhaps a satirical one. I can understand perhaps what they're doing in that case.

But that type of satire won't be understood.
No matter how much this pains me, I must say I don't think this is planted. These guys are serious, they are not acting. If low lives like this tried to act they would suck. Everything from this guy's 'andaaz' to his language indicates this is real. You do come across people like him in Karachi; interior Sindh and Baluchistan. He is wrong about one thing though: the Army can nail him if they had reason to. People like this are the distant sons and cousins of self-proclaimed leaders like ‘Nawab’ Akbar Bugti and other gangsters who claim ‘lordship’ over pieces of land, run private prisons, deal in murder and drugs and think that they are above the law of Pakistan.
i don't think that this was all faked up, but if it was this zaka dude should be taken to task also.
i know zaka through a friend.i'll try to check it out.

and this rapist bastard should be hanged upside down with his fuckin balls!!
i wish i see him somewhere!!!
He is wrong about one thing though: the Army can nail him if they had reason to.
This is for the most part a self contradictory statement; militaries can not and should not be "nailing" any non combatant civilians for any reason. I do not know anything about this show or whether this man is telling truth; I mean, it bodes very poorly either for the law and order situation of the state, taste in television content, or both.

The answer to this problem is reinforcement/construction of the dilapidated or non-existent public service institutions such as a competent police force and an efficient judicial system starting with the local courts going all the way up to the supreme court. It would also help if TV executives were to screen for possible nutjobs when formulating shows of this sort (assuming this wasn't staged). The army has nothing to do with this; and to think of them as infallible knights in shining armor who should be entrusted with all the facets of the state is not only naive but also highly inadvisable based on the past 60 years of Pakistan's history.
seriously, how difficult is it to get some Indians to stage a video and say they're Pakistani? The problem here is one of language, or lack of a unique one.

My ...My

I feel the youngster is from RAW.....what you say?
This is for the most part a self contradictory statement; militaries can not and should not be "nailing" any non combatant civilians for any reason. I do not know anything about this show or whether this man is telling truth; I mean, it bodes very poorly either for the law and order situation of the state, taste in television content, or both.

Calm down. I'm not sure if you understand Urdu but what this kid said what that even the army is incapable of touching him. I said the Army will have no problem going after thugs if they have reason i.e. orders. He maybe a non-combatant right now, but then he might not be when the police comes to arrest him. He, his family and his tribe can threaten revolt if their unlawful activities are challenged. In which case the Army can and will take action, like it has done in the past even if it is on the orders of civilian prime ministers (Z.A. Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif have used the army like this when things got out of hand in Sindh). Point here is that the army won't be intimidated if it ever comes down to it, which it does too often in places like Pakistan unfortunately. Issue is not one of 'should' but 'could'.
This video has not been aired, there is a big case going on behind this video, the show recieved threatening calls etc... The VJ Mr Zaka recieved threats after he gave this Bastard a bloody nose!

Yar, jitna be powerful kohi ho jaye, eik din Kabar me to jana hai! I swear if i ever am in Karachi and i see this bastard i am going to kill him!

it was aired, i saw it on the net, but like the actual episodes that were aired on t.v
You do come across people like him in Karachi; interior Sindh and Baluchistan.

People like these can be found all over our country and this is a case from Punjab aparantly he got away by saying he was lying on tv and was simply given a slap on the wrist although I know he has lied.
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