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a Russian imperialist trooper was KIA in Aleppo battle against Turkey backed Syrian National Army

Yeah right turkey is a saint in Syria trying to bring a western puppet regime lololol
Yeah right turkey is a saint in Syria trying to bring a western puppet regime lololol
Everyone, especially turks themselves have forgotten that in the beginning of Syrian civil war, non other than Turkey itself worked together with Qatar Saudi and UAE, and supported ISIS, Al Nusrah, Al Qaida and other terrorist groups against the Syrian Government, Turkey even let all the European ISIS fighters enter Syria through its border. Selective memory or denial?
Everyone, especially turks themselves have forgotten that in the beginning of Syrian civil war, non other than Turkey itself worked together with Qatar Saudi and UAE, and supported ISIS, Al Nusrah, Al Qaida and other terrorist groups against the Syrian Government, Turkey even let all the European ISIS fighters enter Syria through its border. Selective memory or denial?
Everyone should remember that since 1974 when pkk was established it was always supported by assad regime against turkey
Now when turkey worked with syrian rebels (FSA) to get revenge against assad someone wants to push fake news how turkey has worked with terrorists made by west and sectarian violence in iraq
The same west that now wants to partition turkey
Everyone should remember that since 1974 when pkk was established it was always supported by assad regime against turkey
Now when turkey worked with syrian rebels (FSA) to get revenge against assad someone wants to push fake news how turkey has worked with terrorists made by west and sectarian violence in iraq
The same west that now wants to partition turkey

I'm not questioning the motive behind, neither do I care. I am just saying that Turkey supported sectarian terrorist groups like ISIS, Al Qaida, Al Nusrah etc. All the European ISIS fighters were given free passage to Syria via Turkey. Then Turkish members here talk like if Turkey is a liberator, sent by God to liberate the people of Syria from the very same sectarian conflict THEY STARTED.
I'm not questioning the motive behind, neither do I care. I am just saying that Turkey supported sectarian terrorist groups like ISIS, Al Qaida, Al Nusrah etc. All the European ISIS fighters were given free passage to Syria via Turkey. Then Turkish members here talk like if Turkey is a liberator, sent by God to liberate the people of Syria from the very same sectarian conflict THEY STARTED.
But you don’t want to be fully honest
Tell me this do you know that turkey launched direct operation against isis which resulted in 57 or something like that TAF casualties how many bombs by isis in 2015 and 2016 especially these two years
You say that isis fighters traveled through turkey but you don’t want to say how eurpe wasn’t sharing intel with turkey
Also during this period we had feto inflitrated inside TR army and government plus we had the so called ceasefire with pkk agreed when isis was killing pkk rats to be honest even I wouldn’t care to intervene for my enemies
Actually isis attacked assad and FSA from the eastern and southern parts of syria and iraq we all know that in 2012 assad strategically decided to withdraw troops from northern syria in order to defend damascus and western parts of syria
And syria is in sectarian crisis long before 2011 actually when minority decided to do coup and impose itself on the majority of syrians
I'm not questioning the motive behind, neither do I care. I am just saying that Turkey supported sectarian terrorist groups like ISIS, Al Qaida, Al Nusrah etc. All the European ISIS fighters were given free passage to Syria via Turkey. Then Turkish members here talk like if Turkey is a liberator, sent by God to liberate the people of Syria from the very same sectarian conflict THEY STARTED.

90% of Syrian's are Sunni, they have no love for radical Shia militias brought in by Iran or a pseudo-Shia (Alawi) atheist dictator like Assad.

Actually isis attacked assad and FSA from the eastern and southern parts of syria and iraq we all know that in 2012 assad strategically decided to withdraw troops from northern syria in order to defend damascus and western parts of syria

Isn't it interesting that Daesh mainly targeted FSA, and largely left Syrian regime alone?

It proves their designs from the beginning.
Everyone should remember that since 1974 when pkk was established it was always supported by assad regime against turkey
Now when turkey worked with syrian rebels (FSA) to get revenge against assad someone wants to push fake news how turkey has worked with terrorists made by west and sectarian violence in iraq
The same west that now wants to partition turkey
Syrians stopped supporting them long time ago and Syrians were friends with erdogan also what revenge is that when he helped to create another Kurdish area in Syria?!

90% of Syrian's are Sunni, they have no love for radical Shia militias brought in by Iran or a pseudo-Shia (Alawi) atheist dictator like Assad.

Isn't it interesting that Daesh mainly targeted FSA, and largely left Syrian regime alone?

It proves their designs from the beginning.
No they worked together but because FSA started to cooperate with the infidels that what made ISIS go mad.
Russian Imperialist? Are you kidding me with that ridiculously absurd title?!! The only imperialists here are America, Britain, France and their street mutts, Canada, Australia, Netherlands and New Zealand. Not to mention their slaves that are the Saudi regime, Qataris, Emiratis, Kuwaitis, Bahrainis and Egyptians. From the beginning, it has been America, Britain & France (the old Zionist owned states) whose clandestine agencies have worked with the GCC Puppet Regimes, in the creation of ISIS, HTS, Ahrar-al-Sham, Nusra Front and all the other deformed, mentally retarded, psycho groups that are in essence terrorists manufactured by Zionist controlled states.

The only modern day Imperialist State that exists today is Britain, historically the world's most truly evil, conniving and two-faced empire that ever existed on the face of the Earth. Followed by it's b@stard children, that America, Australia & Canada. The other Imperialist State that exists today, equally evil and two-faced, is France. Both of these states were the "first" Zionist States to come into being.
Russian Imperialist? Are you kidding me with that ridiculously absurd title?!! The only imperialists here are America, Britain, France and their street mutts, Canada, Australia, Netherlands and New Zealand. Not to mention their slaves that are the Saudi regime, Qataris, Emiratis, Kuwaitis, Bahrainis and Egyptians. From the beginning, it has been America, Britain & France (the old Zionist owned states) whose clandestine agencies have worked with the GCC Puppet Regimes, in the creation of ISIS, HTS, Ahrar-al-Sham, Nusra Front and all the other deformed, mentally retarded, psycho groups that are in essence terrorists manufactured by Zionist controlled states.

The only modern day Imperialist State that exists today is Britain, historically the world's most truly evil, conniving and two-faced empire that ever existed on the face of the Earth. Followed by it's b@stard children, that America, Australia & Canada. The other Imperialist State that exists today, equally evil and two-faced, is France. Both of these states were the "first" Zionist States to come into being.

In the end, they will all wonder whether it was really worth all that killing and all that self-humiliation.
But you don’t want to be fully honest
Tell me this do you know that turkey launched direct operation against isis which resulted in 57 or something like that TAF casualties how many bombs by isis in 2015 and 2016 especially these two years
You say that isis fighters traveled through turkey but you don’t want to say how eurpe wasn’t sharing intel with turkey
Also during this period we had feto inflitrated inside TR army and government plus we had the so called ceasefire with pkk agreed when isis was killing pkk rats to be honest even I wouldn’t care to intervene for my enemies
Actually isis attacked assad and FSA from the eastern and southern parts of syria and iraq we all know that in 2012 assad strategically decided to withdraw troops from northern syria in order to defend damascus and western parts of syria
And syria is in sectarian crisis long before 2011 actually when minority decided to do coup and impose itself on the majority of syrians

Erdogan and Assad were friends and allies. Only when Turkey saw a chance to gain some influence on Arab land and make some proxies in the beginning of the Syrian civil war, Turkey supported sectarian terrorists groups like ISIS, Al Nusrah, Al Qaida etc. Problem is Turkey also supported Turkmen militias and FSA, which made ISIS go mad.

When ISIS and some Al Qaida groups split, Turkey started to take sides with them too, remember the Al Qaida group that later became White Helmets that had 100% backing by Turkey? So eventually Turkey sided with both ISIS and the enemies of ISIS. Thats why ISIS went mad and started to target Turkey. For instance, Turkey directly worked with Hayat Tahrir al Sham, and later became enemies.

90% of Syrian's are Sunni, they have no love for radical Shia militias brought in by Iran or a pseudo-Shia (Alawi) atheist dictator like Assad.

So just because Syria is a sunni majority country, it is ok to bring in anti shia terrorist groups and cause destruction upon every Syrian? What kind of fd up mindset is that?

Shia militias were only brought in AFTER Turkey and GCC countries brought in ISIS and other terrorist sectarian groups. Shia militias were brought in to counter the sectarian terrorist groups.

Nice try
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