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A roadmap for BD's trillion-dollar economy

If the BAL govt is not controlling the value of Taka, it will slide down to Tk200 to a US dollar. A plate of rice-mutton is then $3.5, still too expensive when people do not earn more than Tk1000 per day maximum.

I saw similar things while on two short trips to Lagos and Enugu of Nigeria. People have no jobs, yet the prices of small dishes are almost as high as they are in Tokyo.

BD is going through an abnormal economic phase. All because too much inflation money is circulating in few hands. This is why the BAL guys do not feel the pinch. Bloody thieves!!!

To set the record straight the negative rating has now been removed and I am happy that this forum is still a fair one.

I would have left the forum otherwise since there would be no point staying on if I risked more negative ratings just for saying what I thought within the rules and etiquette of the forum.
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