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A Question from Shahid Afridi

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Poor Afridi. He tried to be sensible, he tried to be mature, he tried to be a bigger person. But the Pakistani/Indian media want sensationalist stories, and he seems to be falling right into their trap.
You know it was my first thread in this forum and I have come to a conclusion that you people need no reason to fight. Kargil was not the point of discussion rather I was just saying that nowadays a single small level thief is not that insane that he would leave such evidences for police to catch himself. How can an organization can do? It is a misguidance Pak Army could not attain any thing out of Mumbai Attacks. For taking such a step there should be some objective in mind and few people cannot capture Mumbai. Why dont you people think on these lines that there is always a 3rd force between India and Pak who never want both countries to come closer.
Okay for instance I agree that samjhota express was not done by Indian government, but not by Pakistan as well rather it was a 3rd party. Similarly, Mumbai attacks were not sponsored by pak govt, not by Indians as well rather a 3rd party.
Think if you want to....
What India has to give Pak, except peace. India is not giver of any thing to Pak except a few people who have media related interests in India.

lets see the issues and what will the possible outcome of talks.

1} kASHMIR..............india says whole of it is hers..............if talks progress , we end up lossing part of it
2)water............we are building dams.............Pakistan is the sufferer..................if talks progress we might have a new treaty..............we r happy with old treaty
3) balochistan..............Pakistran wants to talk about Balochistan with India..............why the hell we will take blame of wrong deeds of Pakistan
4)Sir creek...............expected gas and oil there................we control that area .......................we we will give it to Pakistan?
5) Afghanistan................Pakistan wants India to get out of Afghanistan..............whats there for India?
6) Arms................India is building a military .................with its economic Pakistan cannot keep up the pace.........

NOW TELL WANTS TO TALKS AND PEACE...........................we are happy with the status co...............................Pakistan dont have anything to bring on the Table that favours India

I think, most pakistanis and religious muslims for that matter, cannot be open hearted more than a point. As intolerance to other religions is inculcated in their upbringing. I believe it is a fact, after coming across many people in my life and from my own personal experiences. Any ways, he have just fallen into the trap of the media, and these comments from him dosent justify the concept of open heartedness.
Afridi is hardly trustworthy. He is the same guy who bit a cricket ball to tamper with it. The fact that he is still captain of Pakistan shows how bare their leadership cupboard is.
India is the giver here.........pakistan cannot give anything to India.

Pakistan has tried to take it forcefully in past..........and we remember it so not to allow that thing again

giver of what????
Please my Indian friends you people have a severe misconception that India is a giver.
1. Water. According to International laws the country into which the river is flowing downstream has the complete right on its water. if any human is deprived of water which is a basic necessity then they will fight for it. Lets forget the scenario of India and Pak but it is a natural phenomenon. Dont think that India has made dams and they will slip away easily like that. Problem of water has not been solved so far due to incompetency and personel interests of politicians of Pakistan. It will be solved one day if some sincere govt will come.
2. What India has to Give. India has nothing to give to the people of Pakistan, except the basic rights which you have captured forcefully. Yes there are few people in Pak who rely on India, they include people related to media and sports. And alas! these people represent face of Pakistan while sitting on TV screens. This is not the real face of Pak which you see on Geo so called (Jew) news.
3. Kashmir. If you still think that Pakistan is begging for the rights of people of Kashmir you are wrong. The land of Kashmir was occupied by force in 1947 after the partition and this is robbery not civilized way of discussion. Robbers and kidnappers always earn money by use of force and this is what India has done. Okay what was done and not is a separate story but at least improve your thinking that India is not giver of Kashmir rather occupant of a territory whose fate was decided in 1947 election but captured like robbers.
4. Baluchistan. What is wrong in discussing a thing on a table. Okay if it is a wrong deed of Pakistan that will also be decided, India has nothing to Give Pakistan in this case. Pak says India is funding in Baluchistan, India says they do not, Pak agrees ok you do not then why doesnt India agree when Pakistan says Ajmal was not OFFICALLY sponsored terrorist from Pakistan??? There are no camps nowadays in pak, if India wants us to believe they are not doing anything wrong then why dont they believe us. If both parties do not believe each other then they should sit on a table and talk, looks like a thoughtful idea. Here Indians say that India is a giver that is why Pakistan is running after them for talks. What a pitiful thinking.
5.Afghanistan. If you still dont know that Indian consulates along the Pak-Afghan borders have training camps in which Indian Army is training terrorists then either you are really ignorant or do not want to understand the things. I am not blaming India but it happens when 2 old enemy countries get chances, they always target each other. Forget that lets talk about the future, and dont just be carried by the idea that India is a giver only.
7.Media. What I have noticed so far in last 5 to 6 years our media especially GEO (JEW) TV is spreading soft corner for Indians by running programs like "Aman ki Ahsa". Ok agreed but what is going on in India, they are spreading more hatred against Pakistanis on their channels. The question arises why is it so, Geo has 44% shares in TATA company and many more interests.
6.Who is at Fault. In my point of view both are at fault. Both countries have made mistakes but no one will agree and ordinary people like us will just read newspaper and fight on forums. The real defaulter 3rd party who do not want peace will keep on doing its work. Time to sit together and discuss the matters instead of blaming each other. Normal people of both countries are least pushed what is going on at strategic level. No one should think that our country is giver and other is begger.
just go though only few posts on PDF, it will not take you more then 5 minits to decide ...

i see more indians starting sh!t and changing topics, so we already decided that u indians hate Pakistan, look at bal thakray and shiv sina but they couldnt stop our team to play in mohali.
i see more indians starting sh!t and changing topics, so we already decided that u indians hate Pakistan, look at bal thakray and shiv sina but they couldnt stop our team to play in mohali.

And that was because of whom? We Indians only..... After 26/11 it was greatness of us that we let anyone from pakistan keep foot on the mumbai soil.....
I think, most pakistanis and religious muslims for that matter, cannot be open hearted more than a point. As intolerance to other religions is inculcated in their upbringing. I believe it is a fact, after coming across many people in my life and from my own personal experiences. Any ways, he have just fallen into the trap of the media, and these comments from him dosent justify the concept of open heartedness.

I thanked your post, and i agree largely, except the muslim part. I have muslim friends who are totally open, and yes religious too.

But its sad to note that what you have said about pakistanis is true. Somewhere, deep inside, they believe in supremacy of their belief, race , deeds and the zehniyat of the dirty hindu- and it comes out when the going gets tought, i.e. when it really matters.
Please my Indian friends you people have a severe misconception that India is a giver.
1. Water. According to International laws the country into which the river is flowing downstream has the complete right on its water. if any human is deprived of water which is a basic necessity then they will fight for it. Lets forget the scenario of India and Pak but it is a natural phenomenon. Dont think that India has made dams and they will slip away easily like that. Problem of water has not been solved so far due to incompetency and personel interests of politicians of Pakistan. It will be solved one day if some sincere govt will come.
2. What India has to Give. India has nothing to give to the people of Pakistan, except the basic rights which you have captured forcefully. Yes there are few people in Pak who rely on India, they include people related to media and sports. And alas! these people represent face of Pakistan while sitting on TV screens. This is not the real face of Pak which you see on Geo so called (Jew) news.
3. Kashmir. If you still think that Pakistan is begging for the rights of people of Kashmir you are wrong. The land of Kashmir was occupied by force in 1947 after the partition and this is robbery not is begger.

you got agree mate.............India is gonna lose in this peace .
Pakistan is gonna gain.
on water............Dont talk about international laws ,,,,talk about what Indus water treaty that India and pakistan have.
On balochistan........take care of ur problem...........dont drag India into it..............whats there for India to talk???
Kashmir kashmir karta sara Pakistan feere , Kashmir na hath aaye.
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