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A Question from Shahid Afridi

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By diverting the topic being discussed here & trolling against ethnic groups, making bigoted & hateful statements against them?

I have indicated who and where the thread meandered.

Post 158 Kahnz.

Suffering from selective amnesia or blue funk wherein you embarrassed a section of the Pakistani people?

Pashtuns, just to remind you, are on both sides of the Durand Line!
I don't know.

Haider said it was 5%.

Go clear it with Haider and not with me.

This is what you said my friend:

You presume a lot of things my friend. Do you know what % of the total Pashtun population constitute the Taliban? Pashtuns are the citizens of Pakistan, they can eat all the food, and live in the homes given by Pakistan, unlike the situation with India's poor. Got that chum?
Original Post By bilalhaider

Post # 167

You surprise me!

Imagine that 5% is causing such havoc and 95% cannot stop it?

Pastuns are some supermen and others are just supine?

Is that what you are suggesting?
Not really.

I am quite clear about what the chaps in NWFP and FATA are doing to Pakistan, even though they are eating the food and living in homes given by Pakistan.

I presume they are Pashtuns.

If they are, which they are, then the large heartedness theory is bogus since they are not even large hearted to acknowledge the goodness that Pakistan is extending.

They are biting the hand that feeds as the adage goes!

Is that you denominator for large heartedness?

Got that, chum?

stfu i indian, u have no rights to talk about our internal matters, which doesnt concern you and which you have no knowledge and idea of, post reported
bilal report his troll posts hope he gets an immediate ban for his foolishness
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