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Featured A Powerful explosion rocks Beirut.

This is probably the better of the videos as it's taken from a boat but the person filming it is not impacted by the shockwave blast like all the other ones and so keeps filming without much interruption and you can see three different colors of smoke. Really incredible.
The lower video.

Almost 3000 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was seized by customs at Beirut port two years ago and it was stored in unsafe conditions. It is mainly used as a fertilizer but can be made explosive/reactive due to a nitrate group like tri nitro toulene (hinting at sabotage or a mismanagement of epic proportions).
it seems israeli has used thermobaric bomb using f35 stealth fighter which was not detected by any radar

Wasnt Hassan Nasrallah scheduled to give a speech tomorrow ? the timing is awkward.

What is strange about the timing is that on Friday comes the verdict in the Hariri assassination :

( Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafic Hariri was killed along with 21 others in an explosion in Beirut, Lebanon. Explosives equivalent to around 1,000 kilograms (2,200 pounds) of TNT )

Crisis-weary Lebanon braces for Hariri tribunal verdict

BEIRUT (Reuters) - Fifteen years after a truck bomb killed Lebanon’s former Sunni leader Rafik al-Hariri in Beirut, triggering regional upheaval, a U.N.-backed court trying four suspects from Shi’ite Hezbollah delivers a verdict on Friday that could shake the country again.


The defendants, members of the powerful Iran-backed group, have been tried in absentia on charges of planning and arranging the 2005 bombing which killed the former prime minister who spearheaded Lebanon’s reconstruction after its long civil war.

Hariri’s assassination prompted mass protests in Beirut and a wave of international pressure which forced Syria to end its 29-year military presence in Lebanon after the U.N. investigator linked it with the bombing.

The assassination also inflamed political and sectarian tensions inside Lebanon and across the Middle East, particularly when investigators started probing potential Hezbollah links to the death of a politician who was backed by the West as well as Sunni Gulf Arab states opposed to Tehran.


I get it. But how do u think this incident affects that ?

Just another thing Lebanon has to deal with,

I do not think people are aware how bad things where in Lebanon already a month ago.

There where places that had electricity for only two hours a day.

Hospital started saying that soon they would not be able to provide proper services anymore.

I doubt how they can handle this disaster , how are they going to treat the wounded when hospital staff already where collapsing .

How are they going to rebuilt and recover , when no one wants to invest money in Lebanon they way things are there now.

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For those who are interested to know. It seems main explosion was indeed caused by detonation on ammonium nitrate that was stored since 2014 in Beirut port. 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate were then discharged from detained in 2013 vessel Rhosus that carried it cargo from Georgia to Mozambique.

Hope people will stop blaming Hezbollah or any other group with biased opinion. This is a massive carelessness and lengthy govt and judicial process with unimaginable consequence.



For those who are interested to know. It seems main explosion was indeed caused by detonation on ammonium nitrate that was stored since 2014 in Beirut port. 2750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate were then discharged from detained in 2013 vessel Rhosus that carried it cargo from Georgia to Mozambique.

Hope people will stop blaming Hezbollah or any other group with biased opinion. This is a massive carelessness and lengthy govt and judicial process with unimaginable consequence.




this is not what explosive experts are saying so far .

They say the first explosion is clearly weapon depot. They say that this orange cloud we see is indication for that.

Also experts that have seen other explosions in Iraq , say that something of that scale was never seen before and is certainly not some fertilizer .

I suggest people wait to see what the experts say before jumping into conclusions.

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