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Featured A Powerful explosion rocks Beirut.

So sad. Pakistan should send help. We need to be with every country in the time of need.

You can't help a people who won't help themselves. The people of Lebanon need to be taught a lesson. Their economy is in shambles and they can't effect proper political reform because of the obsolete confessional system which paralyzes their country and doesn't allow them to progress or build a strong state. Lebanon is clearly a failed state. Let them fail. No use trying to put a band aid on it.
You can't help a people who won't help themselves. The people of Lebanon need to be taught a lesson. Their economy is in shambles and they can't effect proper political reform because of the obsolete confessional system which paralyzes their country and doesn't allow them to progress or build a strong state. Lebanon is clearly a failed state. Let them fail. No use trying to put a band aid on it.

They didn't used to be a failed state. Take a guess what changed when a certain country hijacked them and installed their personal militia into power.

very convenient. With all honesty the axis of resistance has been doing its work under the radar while making these occasional threats for public consumption. i think the time has come for sum action nd not words. words have been used far too often nd have become expired and cheap. lets see wat they can do.
They didn't used to be a failed state. Take a guess what changed when a certain country hijacked them and installed their personal militia into power.

They were a failed state since their creation by France. Lebanon was created to be a Christian country in the Middle East, but Christians just couldn't keep up with Muslims in terms of numbers, so they eventually had to create this ridiculous confessional system which paralyzes the state and keeps it from becoming viable. Lebanon is an artificial country, that's just the root of the problem.
You can't help a people who won't help themselves. The people of Lebanon need to be taught a lesson. Their economy is in shambles and they can't effect proper political reform because of the obsolete confessional system which paralyzes their country and doesn't allow them to progress or build a strong state. Lebanon is clearly a failed state. Let them fail. No use trying to put a band aid on it.

Lebanon was occupied by Israel up until the time hezbollah forced it to withdraw. The only way lebanon can help itself is be destroying the terrorist state of isreal. Stop saying illogical stuff like the iranian proxies are behind it. Iranian Proxies run Lebanon, by what logic shud they attack themselves? As u said Lebanon shud be taught a lesson . What lesson ? kneel to zio terror? The illegal state of Israel? Lebanon is where it is now cuz it was until the start of 2000s occupied partly by the terror state of Israel. Do u not know History? You suggested that You cant help a ppl who wont help themselves. well they can help themselves by wiping Israel off the map. And The axis of resistance will do just that
Lebanon was occupied by Israel up until the time hezbollah forced it to withdraw. The only way lebanon can help itself is be destroying the terrorist state of isreal. Stop saying illogical stuff like the iranian proxies are behind it. Iranian Proxies run Lebanon, by what logic shud they attack themselves? As u said Lebanon shud be taught a lesson . What lesson ? kneel to zio terror? The illegal state of Israel? Lebanon is where it is now cuz it was until the start of 2000s occupied partly by the terror state of Israel. Do u not know History? You suggested that You cant help a ppl who wont help themselves. well they can help themselves by wiping Israel off the map. And The axis of resistance will do just that

Of course, blame Israel as usual. Never take responsibility for your own failure. The favorite tactic of Arabs.
Lebanon had been in a civil war many, many years before Israel became involved and occupied south Lebanon. Lebanon's economy is a mess because they keep voting for the same corrupt, looting politicians that do nothing to develop their country. Their politics is all about looting the coffers and enriching their families. So Lebanese people have themselves to blame for voting for the same corrupt politicians, especially the ones that are owned by Hizbullah.
Hezbollah loves to use ammonium in their terror attacks:

Lebanese Hizballah:
Worldwide Operational Activity, 1983-2017

17 MAR 1994
Bangkok, Thailand
Failed VBIED attack on the Israeli Embassy; massive truck bomb consisting of 6 bars of C4 plastic explosives, 1 ton of ammonium nitrate, and diesel fuel; body of Thai national who delivered the rental vehicle to the bombers was found in the vehicle

JAN 2012
Operative stored 4,380 kilograms of urea-based fertilizer and 290 liters of ammonium nitrate; attack infrastructure dismantled, arrested in Thailand

MAY 2015

Operative stored 420 boxes of ammonium nitrate, attack infrastructure dismantled; arrested in Cyprus

AUG 2015
Three operatives stored 42,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate, more than 300 pounds of explosives, 68 weapons, 204 grenades; attack infrastructure dismantled; arrested in Kuwait


They were a failed state since their creation by France. Lebanon was created to be a Christian country in the Middle East, but Christians just couldn't keep up with Muslims in terms of numbers, so they eventually had to create this ridiculous confessional system which paralyzes the state and keeps it from becoming viable. Lebanon is an artificial country, that's just the root of the problem.

The Paris of the middle east, until Hezbollah came to town and Iran helped them change the demographics of south Lebanon.

Of course allowing themselves to become the PLO's playground was their worst mistake. That triggered everything else.
iran as the first country last night sent 3 planes to lebanon full of aid and as the first country will open its field hospital before the noon. we will be with you until the end.

Iran is to send a tanker laden with fuel to Lebanon in the coming days according to Dr.Marandi


3 Iranian planes with aid for the Lebanese people have landed in Beirut



The first Iranian field hospital in Beirut will be up & running before noon today Beirut time

The distribution of Iranian aid to our Lebanese sisters & brothers began an hour ago

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iran as the first country last night sent 3 planes to lebanon full of aid and as the first country will open its field hospital before the noon. we will be with you until the end.

Aww, that's nice. You've plundered the country's resources via your Hezbollah gang. Hijacked their government and housed ammonium nitrate (known to be Hezbollah's chemical of choice for bomb making) at a port which has devastated half the capital.

But that's okay because you've sent pistachios and band aids to fix it all.:rolleyes:
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