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A newly-released picture shows a large group of Indian soldiers captured by China PLA in Galwan Valley in 2020

This is news to me. I have to try this tea one day

You need a purple clay teapot.
It tastes better to drink tea with it. These tea sets often appear in Japanese games

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Chinese people usually don't eat any snacks when drinking tea.
View attachment 789340

The purple clay teapot works like this
View attachment 789339

This reminds me about a funny incident I was watching a Korean series where Soju was heavily advertised to the point I just went down my building in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia late night to grab a bottle Soju and I got stoned before going to bed luckily it was weekend.. Whatever they were doing that ad worked and now I may be getting myself this tea in the first Chinese restuarant I encounter in malaysia and they are allover the place like 7 eleven in the US
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This is news to me. I have to try this tea one day
I understand sugar and milk tea, but water tea in China is a mature man's hobby. As a novice, you first endure a little bitter taste of tea, and then the fresh, refreshing feeling of tea leaves moves from your stomach to your mouth. Then, you get a fresh, sweet feeling in your mouth. The body feels lighter and fatigue seems to disappear.
I understand sugar and milk tea, but water tea in China is a mature man's hobby. As a novice, you first endure a little bitter taste of tea, and then the fresh, refreshing feeling of tea leaves moves from your stomach to your mouth. Then, you get a fresh, sweet feeling in your mouth. The body feels lighter and fatigue seems to disappear.

Yes, first bitter and then sweet. Drinking tea is like life, how can you see a rainbow without going through wind and rain.
Man, where are you hiding? we are all waiting so patiently, where are your pictures? :cheesy: :cheesy:
There are probably pictures....
Private talk in Tawang is that in September , 3 Chinese in civilian clothes bypassed Indian posts ,crossed a stream on the LAC and visited the Chumi Gyatser waterfalls a few hundred meters inside India for " pilgrimage " . When noticed, the Indian forces apprehended them which led to Chinese military pouring in to help. But this time Indian forces were much more numerous and in the free for all managed to defeat and chase back the Chinese military to their lines with injuries. 5 Chinese military were captured and detained overnight and let back next day. From Indian side 2 soldiers received head injuries.
( the Chumi Gyatser waterfalls are considered holy and visited by pilgrims from both sides of the current LAC in the past. Since whoever beat the other side first becomes the owner, Indian side occupied it first making it Indian territory. Unfortunately this meant denying pilgrimage to the other side).
Disclaimer: that's the gossip in tawang
The private talk I heard was a little different than your version though.

In September 20 young Chinese in Mao era clothing and hats bypassed Indian posts visited the Chumi Gyatser waterfalls. An eagle-eyed jawan immediately noticed them and yelled JAI HIND
then breaks into an amazing dance routine, half of the Chinese was stunned and falls down the waterfalls, while the other half just paralyzed with fears and the young jawan single-handedly capture them all.

When Chinese military observe from afar seeing what happen and pouring in to help, Commander Abhinandan with his new jet did a low flying pass over the PLA and forced them to retreat back 100 km. Only injury from Indian side was a little sore throat from yelling Jai hind.

Disclaimer: that's the gossip in tawang version 2.0
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