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A newly-released picture shows a large group of Indian soldiers captured by China PLA in Galwan Valley in 2020

Did they keep their photos in the same stash where all the authentic HD Yeti photos are kept?

You will probably hear a very hilarious excuse in the coming days something along the lines of ''The soldier who took the photos slept over at his grandparents house where he ate to much carry and had to go to the toilet and than he accidently dropped it inside the toilet which we unfortuantely couldn't get the photos back again from''
You will probably hear a very hilarious excuse in the coming days something along the lines of ''The soldier who took the photos slept over at his grandparents house where he ate to much carry and had to go to the toilet and than he accidently dropped it inside the toilet which we unfortuantely couldn't get the photos back again from''

The toilet is probably the least believable part of this story.
After this the Chinese have joined Pakistan (Abhinandan) and Bangladesh in whooping the Indian's, below is a picture of what the Bangli's did when Indian's once crossed the border:
View attachment 783446
@Maira La @Bilal9
misleading post. these people in the photo did not kill the bharati. they are laborers transporting the body to BD authorities. BD border guards who did this act of defiance were reprimanded and the government apologized to bharat
this picture/photo is more than 20 years old.

@F-6 enthusiast, laugh at this you retarded hyena
On 18 April 2001, 16 BSF intruders were killed in self-defense by Bangladeshi border guards after 2 of them were murdered.

for which india's wives, the swamp creatures, apologized to their husband bharat and court martialed the soldiers accusing them of being islamists/jamatis.

annoy me again and I'll post 100s of other events/occurrences between pati-patni. then like in past you people will run to mods and the eagle and slav defence will come to your defense. :(
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My God! This much fear of taking a simple poke??

How will this idiot take a bullet and live?

I have seen seven year olds with more guts....

His stealing a salary if you ask me and most of them are anyways in the gangu army hence it is not a country you got people with different languages and ethnicities
The problem is that the Chinese don't really offer tea but they offer green tea in small cups a custom foreign to the indian's they will think it is a soup

Chinese tea, it's very light and a little bitter. Indians may not like it.
About 400 BC, the Chinese invented sugar. About 3000 BC, the Chinese invented tea. But we never put these two things together. It was a group of pirates who did it first.

Is this for real? The Chinese don't use Sugar in their tea?
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