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A newly-released picture shows a large group of Indian soldiers captured by China PLA in Galwan Valley in 2020

Indian government not only control all of India's major media but even some small time media publications overseas.

Just in Europe, the EU discovered and even admitted and reported on over 200 fake news publications controlled by Indian government.

Indian politicians and workers of propaganda field use a strategy of buying the name of foreign authors and sending them articles to publish for a fee they pay. The article is either completely already written for them or it is to talk about a certain topic and it is always about politics and propaganda related.

Yes Chinese government wanted to avoid war with India and was happy to deal with Modi under the table and also helped us secure buffer zone.

Now most of the section is buffer zone secured but Indians have not totally left. Modi cannot afford to let all Indian soldiers leave otherwise his political enemies will destroy him and bhakts will kill him for losing disputed territory. Not even Aksai Chin.

Chinese government played along with their begging only because it benefits negotiation for buffer and it also helps both of us avoid a war that would be pushed by 1,000,000,000 bhakts. 1 Billion people shouting for war is a lot and USA would love to hear the two of us march to war. This is their desire but not China's and should not be India's but Indian bhakts are dumber than donkeys with about the same level of education and knowledge as donkeys. So how to avoid war with most management of risk and how to negotiate for reality gains which are in the form of buffer to keep India away from us.

CCP never cares about the desire and ego of Chinese people. They allow Chinese people's ego to take beatings from western press and indian media. But CCP is 99% focused on reality and results for now. Happiness comes after results. With Indians it is 99% focused on war of perception and happiness from talking shit on the internet like ah ya my Bihar killed 120000000000 PLA. They are the pig in the dirt and happy to wrestle in the dirt because this is their profession.

Meanwhile even though it is a Saturday, these indian losers here on this forum will call us CCP trolls. Like we work on a Saturday night and have shifts lol even though it is the indians with these types of trolls and behavior to manipulate english internet narratives and war of perception.
Then why CCP decide to release these photo?
The profile pic lmaooo. Genghis Khan himself 🤣

He looks like Uncle Tat after getting smacked in the face 5000 times by Stephen Chow.

HAHAHA! :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
Homie, that profile pic!!
Open the Ladakh thread on SDF...

Okay I did it. Does anyone have a collection of Indian news articles on their (fictitious) version of the Galwan Incident? We could do a side-by-side comparison with the photos/videos and the articles.
Many PDF Indian SURMAS are missing, the images of their Galwan heroes will haunt them for a long time. :lol:
Galwan is always the most preferred topic to them. But they are all missing from the thread that revealing the reality in Gallwan.
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