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A newly-released picture shows a large group of Indian soldiers captured by China PLA in Galwan Valley in 2020

China never said how many they captured.

First time the Ladakh crisis was reported, they said in March some fights happened and Indians "subdued" but never about how many.

Then the whole thing became big news and standoff was reported by both and June fight where Chinese side just said both sides had casualties. Chinese side keeps being sensible one managing information due to knowing how butthurt these indians can get and even then they still rioted and burned Chinese flags and Xi pictures and banned apps. Then only after we created buffer zone after December, they released more information in much calmer environment and released some videos which were not too inflammatory just showing that Indians were armed with sticks and helmets too and Chinese some had helmets and some had just hats. Indians also had rifles and many sticks contrary to Indian government and media claims between March and August.

Then after the fighting in June they said they have captives which were returned following days of fight and still held onto senior level officers for around a week but returned those 10 senior officers as well.

We captured at least 10 of their senior officers and undisclosed number captured of normal soldiers of low rank. The number is not said by India or China to save Modi some face otherwise he will maybe be forced to do certain stupid things that neither side wants but now you see Indians on their forums shouting for blood. This is the reaction China wanted to try and save Modi from.

Anyway Indian bhakts are too stupid on average and the bhakts definitely occupy the lower half of stupid in their country. Now they are shouting for blood and butt so sore just from some pictures. PLA and China only release 1% of details just to save Modi from being forced to war. Now he wanted to make some bullshit about PLA being detained in Tawang by Indian army so CCP probably released a few pictures because they sense the Indians want to play some stupid propaganda game with false story of detaining PLA.

We see Indian government VERY quickly rush to say they did not detain PLA. You see they are caught on the act and quickly try to stop their blunder. Now Indian gov and many Indian media is quickly denying they have detained PLA and denying any serious violence happened. Maybe just some typical patrols happened and they wanted to exaggerate the story to say China tried invading and strong brave indian supa powa soldier single handed defeat and detained 100 PLA or bullshit numbers they like making up.

According to some rumors in China's domestic forums.
After the gallewan incident, Srivastava, a negotiator of the Indian govt, implorev China to postpone the release of casualty figures because the Indian govt was unable to control domestic populism.
This only confirms my hypothesis that Beijing was not in the loop when events happened, and got really spooked when news reached that the army suddenly got 50 Indians captured. Beijing really ordered to have this all well hidden.
They never spooked. In fact, Xi is very firm and order his general go teach the indian a lesson when a Chinese negotiator who try talk nicely to Indian was threatened.

You think these PLA soldiers or general can attack Indian openly without Xi's order?
According to some rumors in China's domestic forums.
After the gallewan incident, Srivastava, a negotiator of the Indian govt, implorev China to postpone the release of casualty figures because the Indian govt was unable to control domestic populism.

They are beggars. They are shameless. Look how they suck up to USA and UK come on of course we expect that sort of behavior.

Look how they insist on lies like "we shot down F-16" just because they got destroyed they use words to talk down other people and use words to corrupt truth.

Indians when they cannot compete with you will talk about how bad you are and use words to twist and turn and perform mental gymnastics. No matter how the truth is or how complex they can use complexity and other people's ignorance to turn it into their favor... this is their special indian skill. Of course this is their higher caste people because they control India and all the resources of India so they want to keep this society in this way since they are living comfortable and enjoying backwards benefits like can force violence and rape on people they think are lower and get away with crime more than in other parts of world. Then while they are raping, they will make up shit about how CCP is all like that and whatever other nonsense they want to say without ever understanding another. Maybe it is just from low nutrition and low development to not be able to think I don't know.

We know Modi is shameless liar and power hungry fool.

Best leader is pure of heart and incorruptible but also intelligent and cunning to deal with cunning and intelligent enemies. I don't know if any of these kinds of people are still around as leaders but politicians always play these types of games where only the evil ones reach the top in democracies. Modi is just the evil type but too stupid and absolutely no balls either. Stupid + no balls + evil = worst kind of man and Indians elect him because his stories and his hot air bullshit suit their narrative and thinking. He just exploit what Indian society is dealing with but never able to address and resolve the underlying problems.

Of course Modi is the kind of man who on one hand says something in public face and then under the table is on his knees begging. He manipulates Indian people but most bhakts are stupid and love hearing nice things from Modi's mouth.
According to some rumors in China's domestic forums.
After the gallewan incident, Srivastava, a negotiator of the Indian govt, implorev China to postpone the release of casualty figures because the Indian govt was unable to control domestic populism.

It was stupid of the Chinese to go along with this BS. The outcome was over a year of cock and bull story of how the Indian Jawans killed 180 PLA soldiers at Galwan.
According to some rumors in China's domestic forums.
After the gallewan incident, Srivastava, a negotiator of the Indian govt, implorev China to postpone the release of casualty figures because the Indian govt was unable to control domestic populism.
Highly doubt so, becos Chinese will also set condition asking India government to shut up their clown media if they want us to restrict these humiliating photo.

More like Chinese want to reduced risk of cross fire since all these clashes are restricted to hand combat only.

China number one battlefield is on the east side of Taiwan side and SCS. India is side dish only. They are never a threat. Just some pest.
Bro we are waiting for PAF F-16's pic that was shot down by India. Almost 3 years now, Pakistan is still waiting for the proof.

India just lies and lies and lies. Dont embarrass them more please.
They show a AIM -120 debris :enjoy:

Highly doubt so, becos Chinese will also set condition asking India government to shut up their clown media if they want us to restrict these humiliating photo.

More like Chinese want to reduced risk of cross fire since all these clashes are restricted to hand combat only.

China number one battlefield is on the east side of Taiwan side and SCS. India is side dish only. They are never a threat. Just some pest.

They show a AIM -120 debris :enjoy:

This is the trick with India's media. They have an advantage. The government can deny any influence over it and whatever bullshit it makes up the government is separated from it.

Chinese media can only report facts or simple objective things that are dealing with events rather than considering China's opinion pieces like Global Times and Hu because on that side they talk about things that are basically sending message to the other government on the other side.

With Indians the way they operate is their diplomats and people working with other medias and in other countries will pay money to get small publications to report false things and then they quote that. They use this circle strategy to propagate false information and then they can distance themselves and say "look they said that not me." while it really is usually their diplomats and politicians and influencers overseas paying to get those fake news published.

China doesn't have this advantage and whatever Chinese media says is basically government approved and is linked to government where anyone and any other government can challenge and dispute. They rarely ever challenge and dispute because everything is reported factually and they can back it up. If the Chinese state media for example writes something like Indians run into Tibet with guns, then everyone will know it is Chinese government saying this not some random media and CCP then cannot say "hey I didn't say this" when it is disproven.

This is why Chinese state media not counting opinion and politics bias pieces are ALWAYS extremely objective and factual. If they don't like something they choose to leave it out but unlike Indians they never make things up. Indian government always asked influenced media publications to spread their government bullshit and propaganda and then they can say no we didn't ask them to report this and say this when it is proven untrue.
In retrospect the Galwan clash is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Every time the Indians start some BS on the border the PLA would release some embarrassing photos/videos.

The Chinese govt is also worried about domestic public opinion, the death of four soldiers will annoy the Chinese, China also hopes to delay the news for some time.
China can get the desired buffer zone through the negotiation table, there is no need to risk angering the people of the two countries and leading to an endless confrontation. China was engaged in a trade war with the USA and was not interested in playing with India for too long.
Moreover, the Indian govt has been silent and has not spread lies, lies are published by the Indian media.
This is the trick with India's media. They have an advantage. The government can deny any influence over it and whatever bullshit it makes up the government is separated from it.

Chinese media can only report facts or simple objective things that are dealing with events rather than considering China's opinion pieces like Global Times and Hu because on that side they talk about things that are basically sending message to the other government on the other side.

With Indians the way they operate is their diplomats and people working with other medias and in other countries will pay money to get small publications to report false things and then they quote that. They use this circle strategy to propagate false information and then they can distance themselves and say "look they said that not me." while it really is usually their diplomats and politicians and influencers overseas paying to get those fake news published.

China doesn't have this advantage and whatever Chinese media says is basically government approved and is linked to government where anyone and any other government can challenge and dispute. They rarely ever challenge and dispute because everything is reported factually and they can back it up. If the Chinese state media for example writes something like Indians run into Tibet with guns, then everyone will know it is Chinese government saying this not some random media and CCP then cannot say "hey I didn't say this" when it is disproven.

This is why Chinese state media not counting opinion and politics bias pieces are ALWAYS extremely objective and factual. If they don't like something they choose to leave it out but unlike Indians they never make things up. Indian government always asked influenced media publications to spread their government bullshit and propaganda and then they can say no we didn't ask them to report this and say this when it is proven untrue.
If India government want to control their media, it just a piece of cake. Don't be fool India government can't really control them. Media is always one of India government method to spread their working.
The Chinese govt is also worried about domestic public opinion, the death of four soldiers will annoy the Chinese, China also hopes to delay the news for some time.
China can get the desired buffer zone through the negotiation table, there is no need to risk angering the people of the two countries and leading to an endless confrontation. China was engaged in a trade war with the USA and was not interested in playing with India for too long.
Moreover, the Indian govt has been silent and has not spread lies, lies are published by the Indian media.

Indian government not only control all of India's major media but even some small time media publications overseas.

Just in Europe, the EU discovered and even admitted and reported on over 200 fake news publications controlled by Indian government.

Indian politicians and workers of propaganda field use a strategy of buying the name of foreign authors and sending them articles to publish for a fee they pay. The article is either completely already written for them or it is to talk about a certain topic and it is always about politics and propaganda related.

Yes Chinese government wanted to avoid war with India and was happy to deal with Modi under the table and also helped us secure buffer zone.

Now most of the section is buffer zone secured but Indians have not totally left. Modi cannot afford to let all Indian soldiers leave otherwise his political enemies will destroy him and bhakts will kill him for losing disputed territory. Not even Aksai Chin.

Chinese government played along with their begging only because it benefits negotiation for buffer and it also helps both of us avoid a war that would be pushed by 1,000,000,000 bhakts. 1 Billion people shouting for war is a lot and USA would love to hear the two of us march to war. This is their desire but not China's and should not be India's but Indian bhakts are dumber than donkeys with about the same level of education and knowledge as donkeys. So how to avoid war with most management of risk and how to negotiate for reality gains which are in the form of buffer to keep India away from us.

CCP never cares about the desire and ego of Chinese people. They allow Chinese people's ego to take beatings from western press and indian media. But CCP is 99% focused on reality and results for now. Happiness comes after results. With Indians it is 99% focused on war of perception and happiness from talking shit on the internet like ah ya my Bihar killed 120000000000 PLA. They are the pig in the dirt and happy to wrestle in the dirt because this is their profession.

Meanwhile even though it is a Saturday, these indian losers here on this forum will call us CCP trolls. Like we work on a Saturday night and have shifts lol even though it is the indians with these types of trolls and behavior to manipulate english internet narratives and war of perception.
Ultimate ignominy for India.

This will severely hurt their overinflated ego.

Never mess with the People’s Liberation Army.
nope- trust me Indian ego can never come down maybe for some days but after a while
things go back to normal
@Wood - Sentiments I expressed yesterday on the other thread
This guy is also saying almost the exact thing

I am telling you the decision making body is lacking in courage rn,
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Modi must be sacked. He is bringing too much humiliation for India. India shall get an actor for PM. At least he can give a better acting.
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