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A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu

A joke of an article. Basic math would suggest 100% Hindu India is non-achievable without an unprecedented genocide, perhaps only doable by the military with great collateral losses. These chaddies can't do shit.

They can certainly make life miserable for those poor Muslims who they target for conversion, using every type of trick in their book.
They can certainly make life miserable for those poor Muslims who they target for conversion, using every type of trick in their book.

Conversion is a big business in India, and is certainly not a one-way street. The RSS have just set up shop. Do you seriously believe those poor people give two-hoots about which religion they are identified with?

The tricks they are using are copied from Muslim and Christian missionaries, can't blame them. The only idiocy is making a ruckus of this non-issue.
Multiple solar system, multiple planets, multiple animals, multiple colours, sound, light, air, wate..then why not multiple gods?Life existed before the existence of so called gods..why you belive god are like humans so that they may fought between each other....

By 'god', we do not mean just any superhuman being.

By 'god' we mean something that is worthy of worship.

By 'worship', we mean a special level of respect and honor: you worship something when you honor it as having the highest conceivable status, a status and rank so high that it demands that one humbles oneself to the utmost before that thing.

Now, what sort of being is it that is deserving of being treated with the utmost conceivable level of humility? Well, such a being would have to be perfectly good (never doing anything wrong), perfectly omnipotent and omniscient, with unlimited ability and wisdom, and completely independent of anything else, while everything else is dependent on this being.

It turns out that there can be only one such being (think about it a bit). In Arabic, we call this unimaginable, transcendent, and utterly mysterious being "Allah". Other nations use names like "God", "Khuda" and other things; these are all valid.

Out of generosity, Allah has sent messengers to all nations, including India, China, the nations in the Middle East and Europe, and so on. The messages of these messengers were gradually lost or distorted, and so the final messenger was sent with a message that has been protected against loss or alteration till the end of the world.

This final messenger was named Muhammad son of Abdullah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, of the Quraysh tribe in the city of Mecca, in the Arabian peninsula. The message he brought is the Quran, every word of which is from Allah Himself; Allah, and no one else is the author of the Quran.

The Quran orders humanity to follow a way of life called "Islam", so as to be able to attain a life of honour and virtue in this world, and ultimate success and eternal bliss in the world to come. Islam is more than a religion; it is a set of principles and ideals that form the basis of a civilization. I actually prefer 'civilization' as a translation of the Arabic "deen" to 'religion' in the following verse of the Quran:

It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the civilization of truth to manifest it over all civilization. And sufficient is Allah as Witness. (Quran, 48: 28, Surat Al-Fath - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم
Now, what sort of being is it that is deserving of being treated with the utmost conceivable level of humility? Well, such a being would have to be perfectly good (never doing anything wrong), perfectly omnipotent and omniscient, with unlimited ability and wisdom, and completely independent of anything else, while everything else is dependent on this being.

I'm sorry, but sending men women and children to burn in an eternal hellfire is not being "perfectly good" - it is absolutely evil.
Oh man, another distortion of history being taught in Indian schools, why am I not surprised?

How is the cosmic plane coming along?
@SarthakGanguly is right. My grandfather's brother was gunned down in Calcutta in 1946 in Direct Action Day, and I have heard multiple stories of how it all went down. Let me give Jinnah the benefit of doubt. He did not believe that the largest riot in the subcontinental history would go down in Calcutta that day. He just wanted a show of Muslim strength. But then either he, or Suhrawardy were naive and foolish people, who do not foresee the consequences of their own actions.
This is lived history for Bengalis, that is actually covered in almost no detail in our textbooks. The Partition, and riots exactly had three sentences in my class 10 history textbook, and had no mention of cause. And that was the only year we studied modern history. The blame is not with Indian schools, but perhaps with history itself really.
I'm sorry, but sending men women and children to burn in an eternal hellfire is not being "perfectly good" - it is absolutely evil.

Allah is not going to be questioned about what He does; you and I will be questioned about what we do. He has warned us of punishment, though He can forgive us if He pleases.

Children are not morally responsible, and are excused for their actions, along with insane people.

As for sane and rational men and women, they are sent to burn in Hell, or not, based on their actions and choices in this life; if they received a warning of Hellfire, and they still chose to ignore it, they will face the consequences of their decisions in the next life. They could be punished or forgiven, as Allah pleases.

There will be a Day of Judgement when the justice of these punishments will be made clear, and those being punished will regret what they did in the life of this world.

And [beware the Day] when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities besides Allah ?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.
I said not to them except what You commanded me - to worship Allah , my Lord and your Lord. And I was a witness over them as long as I was among them; but when You took me up, You were the Observer over them, and You are, over all things, Witness.

If You should punish them - indeed they are Your servants; but if You forgive them - indeed it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise. (Quran, 5:116-118, Surat Al-Ma'idah - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم

So you can take the warning or not! It's up to you. You will have to answer for your decision, and I will have to answer for mine.
A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu

Modi’s nongesture on conversions reflects his divided allegiance between the oaths and responsibilities of his present post and the convictions and prejudices of his often murky past

By Chandrahas ChoudhuryPublished: 16:34 December 28, 2014Gulf News

This month, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), India’s powerful, male-only Hindu nationalist outfit, finally played a card it has long held in its hand. It announced an intensive conversion programme to recover its “lost property” in India, feeding the dream of its cadre and allied organisations of an India that is nothing less than “100 per cent Hindu.”

The RSS has visibly grown in power and ambition in the seven months since the arrival of a new government — unsurprisingly, as it counts among its past members the current prime minister, Narendra Modi, as well as many old and new chief ministers in the states. With this carefully calculated provocation under a regime sympathetic to its ideology, the nongovernmental organisation is seeking victories in many arenas.
In the realm of law, the RSS wants the passage of a stringent nationwide bill that would ban religious conversions. In the public sphere, it has arrogated the right to pronounce not just on the future of minorities in India but that of India’s Hindu majority as well. In the war of the religions, it seeks to spread the news that there is now a Hindu fundamentalism eager to goad and trump well-established Christian and Islamic fundamentals in India and around the world. And among its own vast cadre, it has generated the sense that it, much more than the government of the day or the diverse institutions of civil society and business, holds the key to India’s future.
But let’s consider conversion as a recurring question in Indian history, one that reveals the tensions between a religious society and a secular state, between conservative and liberal adherents of a religion, between majorities and minorities in a multicultural milieu, and between religions that have a history of proselytising and those that don’t.

The RSS’s new emphasis on conversion actually represents an about-face for the organisation, which has for decades condemned missionary activity by Muslims and Christians in India. In so doing, the RSS often points out that Hinduism suffers because it has historically never been a proselytising religion (its identity is partly based on being born into a pre-existing caste order). Therefore, if religion were to become a sort of free market in a multifaith country such as India, Hinduism could only stand to lose followers, not gain any.
As a Hindu, I have some sympathy with this viewpoint. Missionary activity has always seemed to me unacceptably crude and arrogant, not only in its conviction that there is a single truth that must be propagated, but also in its contempt for two of the forces that most strongly influence religious belief: The accident of birth in a certain religion, which is then followed by many years of socialisation into its worldview.
To be sure, I respect an individual’s freedom not only to practice his or her faith but also to change it, as allowed in India by the constitution. But shouldn’t this follow from a person’s own dissatisfaction or personal struggle, not as an outcome of the outreach work or material inducements of an organised religion? I even find myself in sympathy with Mahatma Gandhi’s unusual idea that it’s best that a person rule out the option of changing his religion and instead live through his or her quarrels with it (as Gandhi very vividly did).
So if the RSS’s new and crude campaign were aimed at simply drawing attention to the absence of a level playing field in India on the issue of conversion, as well as to generate the necessary debate leading to the passage of such a bill, I could see the point of it. But in truth, even if such a bill were passed, the RSS would insist that it would nevertheless not be bound by the bill’s terms. That’s because the present aggressive campaign of the RSS is, in its own eyes, not about conversion but about reversion: The return, after many generations, of Christians and Muslims whose forefathers were once Hindu but were converted during India’s centuries under Islamic and colonial rule.
What the RSS seeks, then, is a new disequilibrium in which no other religious organisation would have the right to convert people. No wonder it salivates at the prospect of a future India in which, by generating a consensus against the missionary activity of other religions, it can engineer a society that’s 100 per cent Hindu.
And we shouldn’t lose sight of the even more slippery and sinister part of the RSS’s sinister agenda: The simultaneous conversion of a few hundred million people from Hinduism to Hindutva, the rancourous, intellectually and morally impoverished version of Hinduism that the RSS propagates.

This is a dour doctrine that — like other religious fundamentals — makes no distinction between myth and history, science and religious belief, and often comes close to caricature. It believes that Hinduism is a thought system perfect from its very origins, that all the problems of modernity and history were foreseen by Hindu sages 2,000 years ago, that all modern scientific achievement was prefigured in Hindu thought, that Indians of all faiths are “culturally Hindu,” that India’s four-fifths Hindu majority is under threat from minorities, and that all Hindus should fall in line with a singular interpretation of Hindu tradition controlled by a central authority. That body would be — surprise, surprise — the RSS.
What’s the view of the Modi government on all of this? In the firestorm that has erupted around the conversion issue, one man’s refusal to comment has come to seem as meaningful as any argument: Modi, who in recent months has taken his message of development and an economically resurgent India to many parts of the world, has remained shamefully silent. (As usual, his friends in the media have found inventive ways of coming to his defence.)

Perhaps this nongesture reflects Modi’s divided allegiance between the oaths and responsibilities of his present post and the convictions and prejudices of his often murky past. But there’s no getting past the truth that the evasion by this allegedly firm and decisive leader — the holder of the largest majority in India’s parliament in three decades — of the conversion debate holds profound implications for the freedom and future of all of India’s 1.2 billion people.

— Washington Post
Novelist Chandrahas Choudhury is based in New Delhi.

A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu | GulfNews.com

Hey man where were you when the whole north east's demography was changed by conversion by missionaries?

Recently watched a video of some hinduvta guys beating muslim youth for beef.Hell one of them even urinated on his face.

Sometime i think,not to be called indian or associated with them itself is perhaps the biggest rehmant of Allah on me.

There are videos and pictures on net how the ahemadia women and her 2 grand daughters were burnt alive for a charge of tweeting against PUBH. People gathered around cheered for that.
By 'god', we do not mean just any superhuman being.

By 'god' we mean something that is worthy of worship.

By 'worship', we mean a special level of respect and honor: you worship something when you honor it as having the highest conceivable status, a status and rank so high that it demands that one humbles oneself to the utmost before that thing.

Now, what sort of being is it that is deserving of being treated with the utmost conceivable level of humility? Well, such a being would have to be perfectly good (never doing anything wrong), perfectly omnipotent and omniscient, with unlimited ability and wisdom, and completely independent of anything else, while everything else is dependent on this being.

It turns out that there can be only one such being (think about it a bit). In Arabic, we call this unimaginable, transcendent, and utterly mysterious being "Allah". Other nations use names like "God", "Khuda" and other things; these are all valid.

Out of generosity, Allah has sent messengers to all nations, including India, China, the nations in the Middle East and Europe, and so on. The messages of these messengers were gradually lost or distorted, and so the final messenger was sent with a message that has been protected against loss or alteration till the end of the world.

This final messenger was named Muhammad son of Abdullah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, of the Quraysh tribe in the city of Mecca, in the Arabian peninsula. The message he brought is the Quran, every word of which is from Allah Himself; Allah, and no one else is the author of the Quran.

The Quran orders humanity to follow a way of life called "Islam", so as to be able to attain a life of honour and virtue in this world, and ultimate success and eternal bliss in the world to come. Islam is more than a religion; it is a set of principles and ideals that form the basis of a civilization. I actually prefer 'civilization' as a translation of the Arabic "deen" to 'religion' in the following verse of the Quran:

It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the civilization of truth to manifest it over all civilization. And sufficient is Allah as Witness. (Quran, 48: 28, Surat Al-Fath - The Noble Qur'an - القرآن الكريم[/QUOTE
One book that's all your religion of a prophet who nether read or write?
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It's fine if Christians are doing it,
It's fine if Muslims are doing it,
But when Hindus started doing it, suddenly people got serious cramps in their rear iris

Converting people by persuading them is fine. Converting people by changing the law to make it effectively illegal, or heavily penalized to be something other than your prefered religion is entirely wrong.

The concern that non-Hindus have is that there is a section of the Hindu population that wants to see conversions banned - that is, people cannot change their religion. This is a problem for anyone that believes in freedom of conscience, or freedom of belief, or freedom of religion. Religion should be a matter of personal conviction, not a matter of how you were born, or how your neighbors live, or what the government says.

And, btw, Muslims criticizing Hindus for this is the pot calling the kettle black - Islam prescribes the death penalty for apostasy (changing your beliefs from Islam to anything else).
When there is no hue and cry on the conversion from Hindus/Buddhists etc to Christianity or Islam, then there is no need to make this also an issue.

This is called hypocrisy of organized foreign religions.

Not acceptable in India.

Converting people by persuading them is fine. Converting people by changing the law to make it effectively illegal, or heavily penalized to be something other than your prefered religion is entirely wrong.

That may be according to US's system. This is India. Another country, sir.

So please don't apply your logic here.

It is bound to be different.

If the US is not a Christian country then I don't see why does US have to show its concern. And for heaven's sake, you have the most radical, most intolerant religious country as your bonhomie ally to whom you say NOTHING.

I see that many European countries and US claim to be 'irreligious' countries but always show their concern even when those christians converting to other or even reverting to their own original faiths back, as a concern for 'safety'.

If that is the case, then the people of Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh etc culture also have the right to protest for concerns.

Either keep standards same or don't expect cooperation mate.

The concern that non-Hindus have is that there is a section of the Hindu population that wants to see conversions banned - that is, people cannot change their religion. This is a problem for anyone that believes in freedom of conscience, or freedom of belief, or freedom of religion. Religion should be a matter of personal conviction, not a matter of how you were born, or how your neighbors live, or what the government says.

You guys following faiths from Abrahamic family of religions are a Religion.

We are not. We are a system of living that has been going on for thousands of years pre-dating all your beliefs.

We'd like to keep it that way. Thanks.

And, btw, Muslims criticizing Hindus for this is the pot calling the kettle black - Islam prescribes the death penalty for apostasy (changing your beliefs from Islam to anything else).

On this, I totally agree with you.

But sir, please look at it from Christianity point of view as well.

There are a lot of things that you don't know about what Missionaries do in my part of India that you will be horrified to hear.

By doing so, what different are Christians doing from Muslims?

How can they claim to have a higher moral ground when doing the same thing as the latter do?

It is wrong, isn't it?
India is already an 100% Hindu country.. The term Hindu is not limited to the follower of one religion aka sanatan dharma but its much wider term to refer to any one living in Indian subcontinent..

The conversion issue is a different matter all together.. All religions run like business each trying to poach new customers from the other and keep crying foul when ones own customers are lost to other. A totally useless concept in the present form specially the religions which is causing so much destruction worldwide . All religion should talk about spirituality instead of figuring out who should be the god. God, if he really exists, would not need any kind of recognition or award from its own creation..
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