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A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu

I hope Pakistan joins the club of 100% Muslim countries soon. It's better if you are able to convince Hindus to change their false religion and guide them to the true path.

Why do they need to convince? Have they made Hindu population to less than 1% from over 20 % by convincing them? They have many other way to convert.

By the way when you recommend Pakistan to be a 100% Muslim country, you should not have any problem in India becoming a 100% Hindu country.
And we shouldn’t lose sight of the even more slippery and sinister part of the RSS’s sinister agenda: The simultaneous conversion of a few hundred million people from Hinduism to Hindutva, the rancourous, intellectually and morally impoverished version of Hinduism that the RSS propagates.

This is a dour doctrine that — like other religious fundamentals — makes no distinction between myth and history, science and religious belief, and often comes close to caricature. It believes that Hinduism is a thought system perfect from its very origins, that all the problems of modernity and history were foreseen by Hindu sages 2,000 years ago, that all modern scientific achievement was prefigured in Hindu thought, that Indians of all faiths are “culturally Hindu,” that India’s four-fifths Hindu majority is under threat from minorities, and that all Hindus should fall in line with a singular interpretation of Hindu tradition controlled by a central authority. That body would be — surprise, surprise — the RSS.
What’s the view of the Modi government on all of this? In the firestorm that has erupted around the conversion issue, one man’s refusal to comment has come to seem as meaningful as any argument: Modi, who in recent months has taken his message of development and an economically resurgent India to many parts of the world, has remained shamefully silent. (As usual, his friends in the media have found inventive ways of coming to his defence.)

Perhaps this nongesture reflects Modi’s divided allegiance between the oaths and responsibilities of his present post and the convictions and prejudices of his often murky past. But there’s no getting past the truth that the evasion by this allegedly firm and decisive leader — the holder of the largest majority in India’s parliament in three decades — of the conversion debate holds profound implications for the freedom and future of all of India’s 1.2 billion people.

Our biggest enemies, speaking as a born Hindu who has turned agnostic and then atheist but still has sympathies with Hindus, are the Hindutvavadis - they are distorting Hinduism and twisting it into shapes and positions that have little to do with the religious practices or the ethics or ideals that Hinduism represents. I have no ambiguity in my position about them and have had to suffer enough public abuse from them and their representatives not to wish to say anything further. Those who are still in doubt about what I think of them can go stuff themselves.

Our second biggest enemies are you. You gave the extremists that we had so much to crow about, so much to point out, so many atrocities, so many brutalities, so many denials and refusals to acknowledge cruelty and bigotry that they are now a growing number, and an increasing percentage of Hindus are willing to go along with them on the grounds that if you could do X or Y or Z, so can they.

Not once have I heard a Muslim express contrition for the appalling savagery of some parts of the past, inflicted by those precise individuals whom they glorify even today. Instead, all of that nastiness is boxed up and kept aside as typical of the primitive practices of that day and age - all the glorious bits that can be salvaged are, of course, of immediate, contemporary relevance. Not once. Not by accident, certainly not deliberately, not thoughtfully; instead, all I have witnessed is an incredibly smug assumption of rightness in all things, an incredible persistence in saying of any unclean or perverted outrage that it could not have been committed by a Muslim, because - the 'No true Scotsmen' fallacy never fails - no true Muslim could ever have done whatever gruesome outrage it was that has people in despair.

As far as Jinnah is concerned, I have made no bones about being his admirer, for his integrity, his honesty and his unflagging resolution, even as he knew he was a dying man, to salvage a land for his co-religionists where Muslims could live without being swallowed by the majority. What he thought of the majority-ruled rump state that he left behind is shown clearly by his retention of his house in Bombay, which he wished to retire to, before he realised that he was far too ill to survive the strains of leading a new country. Yes, thank Heaven for Jinnah; he took the kind of communalists out of the system who have been thanking him in these posts on this thread, communalists who constitute the second biggest enemies by always ignoring moderate and secular Hindus, by denying their existence, by doing whatever little they can to get them into trouble, by responding only to the vileness of the extremist fringe

@asad71 .
It's fine if Christians are doing it,
It's fine if Muslims are doing it,
But when Hindus started doing it, suddenly people got serious cramps in their rear iris
FU No one has asked Hinduism not to be propagated.

Male only :lol: :rofl:
FYI RSS have women wings,perhaps one of the powerful wing.
And also a minority branch called Muslim Vichar Manch having thousands of members.

And this is washington post.
Who gives a shit?

And their biggest wing....moronic vichar manch, is the most powerful; no? It has millions of members.
Oh man, another distortion of history being taught in Indian schools, why am I not surprised?

How is the cosmic plane coming along?


I don't agree with SarthakGanguly 's post.

However, I don't think you know too much about history to be able to make that kind of sweeping comment. Which part of his post is a distortion of history for you?

Why do you claim to be a Kashmiri when you look like a Gorkha?

I am curious - why are you getting personal?

This is what the thread is about. Making India 100% hindu.

And comments by some of us, that your consitution most probably does not allow it.

Our constitution says nothing about it. It is not obsessed with religion. Other countries could have done well for themselves by following this constitution, instead of dithering for years over what they should have, and then messing it up anyway.

Almost 90% of temples which stood in 47 have now been demolished in return for Babri and Dargah Hazrat Bal. :)

We will treat hindus in Pakistan, exactly how hindus treat Muslims in India.

You might like to look up the phrase, "Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc".

first india then rest of the world
everyone was once hindu you know8-)8-)

what the frak that supposed to mean ?

To a particular type of Pakistani, Muslims are under perpetual threat in India, and it is their God-given duty to reciprocate on the helpless and defenceless in their own country. So they have cleaned out the Ahmedis, they are cleaning out the Shia, and they pretend, being hypocrites of the worst kind, that they are clearing out Hindus in Pakistan due to some threat from the Hindus in India to Muslims in India. They were doing the same in East Pakistan, but the erstwhile East Pakistanis took matters into their own hands.

Its not about history being major subject, but about what history is being taught to minor school childeren. To the kids.

And that, my friend, does not look very healthy going by the things taking place in india. Building temple for the murderer of Ghandhi?


Keep believing in whatever you want to believe, just do not impose it on others by force. The Indian equivalent of Talibans in govt. are not doing any good for your country!

Before you comment on how much history others know, get your knowledge of the spelling of Gandhi in your grip.
First of all I said Hinduism not Vedas, Hinduism came from the Vedas. Vedas could of been written 3500BC, since then look at how diversified the religions in India has become not including the religions not native to India. That's after it was being written. Verbally back to 15000BC that's 11,500 years of it being just verbally passed on, then there's the lower paleolithic which goes back 2.5 million years ago and you think the vedas were even remotely the same or identical to the ones that are written, the language wasn't even the same? Who built the Göbekli Tepe? Indians? You probably believe that there was only vedic religions and everything was made from Indians.
I am a follower of advaita vedanta , and Hinduism or sanatan dharm, is under Bhakti Yoga of Advaita Vedanta, of Vedic Philosophy which deals with Yagas on fire and Indra. The sense!

Upper paleolithic age just ended in 10000 BC. But a part of Paleolithic age. That's what I am pointing to. Now if you bring lower or Middle. well, that's upto you.
Muslims invided india.. they were wiped out by British... and the nation called india is created by British not mughals.. india is not built by Muslims. before Muslims came to india the land was ruled by Hindus and Buddhists. so your statement is wrong

That character disgusts me and I will not communicate with him. But you might like to point out that his count of 1000 years is erroneous, that such a date would be 1014, roughly the time that Mahmud of Ghazni started raiding India, not ruling India, that it was his successor as raider Muhammad of Ghor who first started establishing camps in India, that it was the Ghurid Turkish slaves who first started ruling parts of the whole, that they established not one but several kingdoms over time, and that all these - Muslim-ruled - states fought one another, that Hindus were present on both sides, just as Muslims were present on both sides, and that as a matter of historical fact, you might like to inform the imbecile that more Muslim states were wiped out by Muslims than by Hindus, but that Hindus participated in the wiping out. There is much more, but to a poisonous pustule like him, this is enough to go on with.
Our biggest enemies, speaking as a born Hindu who has turned agnostic and then atheist but still has sympathies with Hindus, are the Hindutvavadis

Sir, with all due respect, regardless of your current belief system in the form of faith etc., am sure a man of your stature does realize heart of hearts that India is India because of us Hindus.

Not the Muslims. Not the Sikhs. Not the Christians. Not the Jains or Buddhists or Jews or Parsis.

But because of us Hindus.

And the Hindu-ness in the rest of us as Hindu Muslims, Hindu Sikhs, Hindu Christians, Hindu Jains, Hindu Buddhists, Hindu Jews and Hindu Parsis.

I call that Hindu-ness Hindutva.

I do not see Hindutva as remotely as bad or evil or malicious as you sadly do.

Again with all due respect sir. Do not equate our proud unbroken living thriving Hindutva of millenia with the antics of a few overzealous goons and lumpen. Do recall, that in the larger frame of things, this section of our society fills an important and critical niche, a fine balance to maintain the equilibrium, and a strong anti-societal disincentivization by negative reinforcement.
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Sir, with all due respect, regardless of your current belief system in the form of faith etc., am sure a man of your stature does realize heart of hearts that India is India because of us Hindus.

Not the Muslims. Not the Sikhs. Not the Christians. Not the Jains or Buddhists or Jews or Parsis.

But because of us Hindus.

And the Hindu-ness in the rest of us as Hindu Muslims, Hindu Sikhs, Hindu Christians, Hindu Jains, Hindu Buddhists, Hindu Jews and Hindu Parsis.

I call that Hindu-ness Hindutva.

I do not see Hindutva as remotely as bad or evil or malicious as you sadly do.

Again with all due respect sir. Do not equate our proud unbroken living thriving Hindutva of millenia with the antics of a few overzealous goons and lumpen.

and add to it
Bharat natyam, kathak, gabhra, bhangra, kuchipudi, assame, manipuri, pahari, all these dances have themes on stories of Veda, Purana, Upanishads! They cannot be danced on dventure of Ghouri, or Crackness of wahab! :) This proves a lot of things ;)
and add to it
Bharat natyam, kathak, gabhra, bhangra, kuchipudi, assame, manipuri, pahari, all these dances have themes on stories of Veda, Purana, Upanishads! They cannot be danced on dventure of Ghouri, or Crackness of wahab! :) This proves a lot of things ;)

Bro, nearly 99.99% of us PDFers who contribute here and fight tooth and nail, and are at each others throats 24x7, be we from India or Pakistan, are Hindus. It matters not who we currently call God or how we see him or how we pray to him or what we eat or how we speak or dress.

The fact is that we are all from this soil, and are all Hindu.

In the end, that was what Jinnah fought against. And what we fought for. He created two people out of one, based on a faith brought in by invaders. While we lived together as we have always done.

Today so many decades after that period of time, one only needs to look at the two countries and two people to see who was right and who horribly wrong.
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Sir, with all due respect, regardless of your current belief system in the form of faith etc., am sure a man of your stature does realize heart of hearts that India is India because of us Hindus.

Not the Muslims. Not the Sikhs. Not the Christians. Not the Jains or Buddhists or Jews or Parsis.

But because of us Hindus.

And the Hindu-ness in the rest of us as Hindu Muslims, Hindu Sikhs, Hindu Christians, Hindu Jains, Hindu Buddhists, Hindu Jews and Hindu Parsis.

I call that Hindu-ness Hindutva.

I do not see Hindutva as remotely as bad or evil or malicious as you sadly do.

Again with all due respect sir. Do not equate our proud unbroken living thriving Hindutva of millenia with the antics of a few overzealous goons and lumpen. Do recall, that in the larger frame of things, this section of our society fills an important and critical niche, a fine balance to maintain the equilibrium, and a strong anti-societal disincentivization by negative reinforcement.

  1. Certainly, at one level, the tone and tenor of the entire discourse on religion in India is influenced by the leading religious system available in India, the group of faith systems called Hindu.
  2. To extend this to imply that Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, Jews and Parsis are also Hindus is nonsense. That only means that you are conflating common social and inter-communal practices with religious practices. Nonsense is a mild word with which to describe such a position.
  3. If that is Hindutva, it falls flat under its own lack of viability on any plane.
  4. I despise the Hindutva of the goons and lumpen simply because they are influenced by distorted and imperfect thinking of this sort. The failure of the intellect, in this case, precedes the failure of conscience.
  5. Please let us not pussy-foot around the basic problem by using phrases like strong anti-societal disincentivization by negative reinforcement. Such phrases are indecipherable and are efforts at obscuring the harmful effects of what stands behind them.

Indians on other forums reflect an extremist mind set,.. why than on this forum they pretend to be liberals and secular and atheists?

You have met a singularly unfortunate selection, in that case. One is inclined to enquire about these 'other forums'.

What is Hindu? Is this a single religion?

Very good question. The answer is, "No."

They are in front of Pakistanis. It is easy to understand the reason.

Look at the answer above your post, and you will see why what you have cited is a puerile reason.

and add to it
Bharat natyam, kathak, gabhra, bhangra, kuchipudi, assame, manipuri, pahari, all these dances have themes on stories of Veda, Purana, Upanishads! They cannot be danced on dventure of Ghouri, or Crackness of wahab! :) This proves a lot of things ;)

It proves nothing, except for the 'crack-ness', if I am to be permitted to use this neologism, of some of our posts.
FU No one has asked Hinduism not to be propagated.

And their biggest wing....moronic vichar manch, is the most powerful; no? It has millions of members.

Go and do your duty for that Italian lady and her dumb son.
At least teach that moron to speak.
RSS can change a central govt and they did that and they forced to do that because of that Congress morons in UPA.
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It proves nothing, except for the 'crack-ness', if I am to be permitted to use this neologism, of some of our posts.
I or anybody, don't have to sign documents all the time to prove something. It is just like proving even if you exist or not.
@ranjeet sir with due respect not Christians or Muslims have announced any ghar wapsi scheme RSS is only getting bashed because of it's slogans like ghar wapsi if RSS starts it silently like others i am sure no one will gave a damn.I think RSS is not going for mass conversion it just want's to catch a huge fame in name of religion in Hindu masses.
Certainly, at one level, the tone and tenor of the entire discourse on religion in India is influenced by the leading religious system available in India, the group of faith systems called Hindu.

But I am not speaking about religion in its narrower scope or span at all. But on a far broader societal, cultural and indeed civilizational one.

To extend this to imply that Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, Jews and Parsis are also Hindus is nonsense. That only means that you are conflating common social and inter-communal practices with religious practices. Nonsense is a mild word with which to describe such a position. If that is Hindutva, it falls flat under its own lack of viability on any plane.

Hindutva as preached by the RSS and propounded in their official manifestos by the BJP has always been about the inclusive heritage of cultural nationalism. It matters not whether we pray to Ram or Allah or Guru or Jesus or God by any other name. We are of this land. We have always been of this land. We are all cultural and civilizational Hindus.

I despise the Hindutva of the goons and lumpen simply because they are influenced by distorted and imperfect thinking of this sort. The failure of the intellect, in this case, precedes the failure of conscience. Please let us not pussy-foot around the basic problem by using phrases like strong anti-societal disincentivization by negative reinforcement. Such phrases are indecipherable and are efforts at obscuring the harmful effects of what stands behind them.

There is really nothing very difficult to decipher or any attempt at obscurantism.

The message is pretty clear. This is the ancestral land of the Hindus. It has opened itself to all faiths. That does not change the fact that it is the ancestral land of the Hindus.

Do you disagree with the message? Some of the admittedly crude and crass methods employed? Or do you disagree with the direction you see the nation being steered toward now?
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