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A new vision of India that is 100% Hindu

2500–1500 B.C.E. —The Indus River Valley civilization develops and flourishes. Evidence of early Hindu practice is archaeologically dated to this vanished culture.

1500–1200 B.C.E. —The Vedic Age in which the Rig Veda is written, reflecting the influence of joining the Aryan and Indus River Valley cultures.

1000–300 B.C.E. —The Brahmanas and Upanishads are written and added to the original Vedas.

600–500 B.C.E. —The Age of Protest as Buddhism and Jainism break away from the main flow of Hinduism.

400 B.C.E.–800 C.E. —The Hindu response to Buddhism and Jainism results in further changes to the main teachings of Hinduism.

326 B.C.E. —Alexander the Great brings his army and the influence of Greek civilization into the northernmost regions of India. The Indian Mauryan Empire is created to counter this Greek invasion of culture and ideas.

250 B.C.E. —Ashoka becomes Emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty.

400–500 C.E. — Hinduism returns as the dominant religion of India. Temples and monuments are built to honor Hindu ideas, gods and beliefs. This is the era of the Hindu Renaissance.

800–1000 C.E. — Bhakti movements begin to develop in India.

900 C.E. — Shankara teaches the reality of One Brahman or One God, introducing significant monotheistic beliefs into Hinduism.

1100 C.E. — Muslims arrive in India and influence the evolution of the Hindu faith.

1400–1700 C.E. — Europeans arrive in India to pursue colonization and commercial goals within the Hindu world.

1919–1948 C.E. — The era of Mahatma Gandhi’s profound influence on Hinduism and India.

1948–1990 C.E. — India and Pakistan become independent countries and enter the modern era. Both possess nuclear weapons and suffer from religious tension among their Muslim and Hindu populations.

So you consider Hinduism born after Islam,Christianity and Buddhism.
Hinduism is the oldest religion of planet.
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I hope Pakistan joins the club of 100% Muslim countries soon. It's better if you are able to convince Hindus to change their false religion and guide them to the true path.

It is being worked out many sufi groups convert hundreds daily but you won't hear about that in the media. :)

Why do you claim to be a Kashmiri when you look like a Gorkha?

The question that will perhaps never be answered. :lol:
Indians on other forums reflect an extremist mind set,.. why than on this forum they pretend to be liberals and secular and atheists?
Common men(Hindus) have no voice. These people(see below) are the new representatives of them without most of them knowing the transition. They worship Hitler and Mussolini. Believes 7000 years ago Indians were advanced than 21st century.

Sangh parivar controls temples, wants to destroy democracy for fascism and worships Mussolini. Most of the Hindu population is still secular. These fascists wants to bring majority(Hindu) radicalized. These Chaddiwala's who are whining here are "Swayam Sevak". They attended boudhik shibir and whined around about how bad is infidel religions and people and how "we" must cull them so as to achieve 100% pure nation ruled by Knickeratti's(Chaddi).
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate
For us, patriotism has a totally different meaning now. We(Infidels), thought that we are going together building the nation and have never felt we are destined to be treated as 2nd class. But, after slaves of RSS have "bought" "taken over" Hinduism in North India and controls power in centre and secretly, sometimes publicly voices the desire to form Hindu rashtra totally obscuring the facts that unlike Islamic countries, India has a large population of minorities most of them are culturally no different from majority, it is totally disappointing. I've voiced here at pdf, what RSS will do when given power much before India's election time.

I have personally heard this: "These infidel's kids will be the enemy of our kids(Hindu)". Now, Patriotism means RSS supporter. If they know you are a infidel, as taught by RSS Chintan shibir(brainwashing classes), they see a enemy as Abrahamic religions are clubbed as videshi(foreign) religions whose followers are seen as farangi's and outcasts - Hedgewar's thoughts.
Thankfully, I live in Kerala state which is still mostly insulated from Hindi heartland RSS brainwashing. When majority embraces radicalism, it is the end of secularism and democracy for RSS rule.
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2500–1500 B.C.E. —The Indus River Valley civilization develops and flourishes. Evidence of early Hindu practice is archaeologically dated to this vanished culture.

1500–1200 B.C.E. —The Vedic Age in which the Rig Veda is written, reflecting the influence of joining the Aryan and Indus River Valley cultures.

1000–300 B.C.E. —The Brahmanas and Upanishads are written and added to the original Vedas.

600–500 B.C.E. —The Age of Protest as Buddhism and Jainism break away from the main flow of Hinduism.

400 B.C.E.–800 C.E. —The Hindu response to Buddhism and Jainism results in further changes to the main teachings of Hinduism.

326 B.C.E. —Alexander the Great brings his army and the influence of Greek civilization into the northernmost regions of India. The Indian Mauryan Empire is created to counter this Greek invasion of culture and ideas.

250 B.C.E. —Ashoka becomes Emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty.

400–500 C.E. — Hinduism returns as the dominant religion of India. Temples and monuments are built to honor Hindu ideas, gods and beliefs. This is the era of the Hindu Renaissance.

800–1000 C.E. — Bhakti movements begin to develop in India.

900 C.E. — Shankara teaches the reality of One Brahman or One God, introducing significant monotheistic beliefs into Hinduism.

1100 C.E. — Muslims arrive in India and influence the evolution of the Hindu faith.

1400–1700 C.E. — Europeans arrive in India to pursue colonization and commercial goals within the Hindu world.

1919–1948 C.E. — The era of Mahatma Gandhi’s profound influence on Hinduism and India.

1948–1990 C.E. — India and Pakistan become independent countries and enter the modern era. Both possess nuclear weapons and suffer from religious tension among their Muslim and Hindu populations.

Hinduism is the oldest religion of planet.

Ok, but dont say Hinduism is a peaceful religion. Every centuries there is a reform needed with violence. You can see there was a reform to make one god. And Pala empire was also a Buddhist one which born against social anarchy.
@takeiteasy there should be absolutely no killing allowed in our religion... even of the worst war criminals.
This is what companions of Prophet (pbuh) have learned and practiced.
The biggest general in world history... Khalid bin Walid was demoted by the than Caliph because, there were REPORTS that he might have punished some war criminals... those criminals were apparently those who violated the terms and killed unarmed Muslims.
The point is all this killing is done by those, who do not believe in Islamic way of life or unaware of it or are atheists and thereof do not believe in ultimate justice of Allah, after death.
I strongly wish that our neighbor Hindus live peaceful in their respective areas and help each other but if they resort to killings of local minorities than they should also expect criticism.
I know indian (hindus mostly) very strongly believe in mythology, cosmic planes etc. But lets put the mythology on a side for a moment and talk about reality.

If india is as united as it is claimed here to be, why are there freedom struggeles in 27 states?

Somehow that doesn't make sense.

Dude which madrassa do you study in, India has 29 states, so according to you whole India wants to be a sovereign country what a joke. Insurgency is an issue only in NE and J&K. And half of NE's terrorist issues for fre statehood not sovereign country.
Now lets compare India with Pakistan....
1. Both east and West Pakistan were a predominantly Muslim country and India a secular country mostly Hindu with a substantial number of Muslim, Christian and other religious minority.
2.Pakistan disintegrated within 25 years of its creation...and India is still united. However, India has a much more diverse population be it of religious ground or linguistic.
3. Religious minority population in Pakistan is on a decline whereas in India the population of minorities have grown. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (Assamese, Muslim) was the fifth President of India, the seventh President was a Shikh Gyani Zail Singh.. and so on...India have had many other minority members as the top brass...be it in Science Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam or cricket team Captain Md. Azharuddin....the bollywood is filled with Khans. On the other hand what Pakistan has given to its minority is the ultimate gift of "Blasphemy".

Ok, but dont say Hinduism is a peaceful religion. Every centuries there is a reform needed with violence. You can see there was a reform to make one god. And Pala empire was also a Buddhist one which born against social anarchy.

Yo convert...whassup.
Dude which madrassa do you study in, India has 29 states, so according to you whole India wants to be a sovereign country what a joke. Insurgency is an issue only in NE and J&K. And half of NE's terrorist issues for fre statehood not sovereign country.
Now lets compare India with Pakistan....
1. Both east and West Pakistan were a predominantly Muslim country and India a secular country mostly Hindu with a substantial number of Muslim, Christian and other religious minority.
2.Pakistan disintegrated within 25 years of its creation...and India is still united. However, India has a much more diverse population be it of religious ground or linguistic.
3. Religious minority population in Pakistan is on a decline whereas in India the population of minorities have grown. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (Assamese, Muslim) was the fifth President of India, the seventh President was a Shikh Gyani Zail Singh.. and so on...India have had many other minority members as the top brass...be it in Science Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam or cricket team Captain Md. Azharuddin....the bollywood is filled with Khans. On the other hand what Pakistan has given to its minority is the ultimate gift of "Blasphemy".

Yo convert...whassup.

Tumi to Bangali, amar convert hoar kono upai nai, Karon amar kono dharma nai sudhu nam sara :D
So you consider Hinduism born after Islam,Christianity and Buddhism.
Hinduism was never born unlike Islam, christianity and many other religion. No single man started this religion unlike, jesus, mohammad and others. It's also called shashwat dharm, meaning eternal.

Do not compare any man-made religion with Shashwat dharm or Hinduism which is way of life.
Why do you belive there is one God? There may be multiple gods or may not be any god?
Ok, but dont say Hinduism is a peaceful religion. Every centuries there is a reform needed with violence. You can see there was a reform to make one god. And Pala empire was also a Buddhist one which born against social anarchy.
Why do you belive there is one God? There may be multiple gods or may not be any god?

Multiple gods not possible as they will destroy one another.

One god is possible as there must be a start of anything.

And no human can understand what is actually god.
I have a question: how do the other, non Abrahamic religions like Sikkhism, Janinism and Buddhism view Hindu nationalism? I know many Hindu nationalists view them as "Hindu" but do they agree?
Multiple gods not possible as they will destroy one another.

One god is possible as there must be a start of anything.

And no human can understand what is actually god.
Or maybe just maybe there is no god and its all a creation of the human mind, who is scared of its non-continuity (death) and all the uncertainties of life and so created this almighty being to placate its fears.
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