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A new era in Iran and US relationship?


Jul 23, 2016
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United States
United States
So I just wanted to get all the members here opinions on the Trump presidency and how Iran and the US will be moving forward. I know it seems bleak on the surface (and for good reason too). But it would be nice if we can all say our opinions to reach a group consensus of some sort.

As always, keep it civil and respective to all opinions (troll opinions are obvious and should be ignored).

(I know there won't be any "love" or "respect" but it's the finer details that I wanted to touch upon. if at all possible.)
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So I just wanted to get all the members here opinions on the Trump presidency and how Iran and the US will be moving forward. I know it seems bleak on the surface (and for good reason too). But it would be nice if we can all say our opinions to reach a group consensus of some sort.

As always, keep it civil and respective to all opinions (troll opinions are obvious and should be ignored).
He started off with baning entry of iranian people into the country. How do you think it will go?
He started off with baning entry of iranian people into the country. How do you think it will go?

Hopefully I wasn't taken the wrong way. But I know full well that the overall theme of the relationship will be negative. But its the finer details that I wanted to discuss.

I will actually amend that in my post.
Hopefully I wasn't taken the wrong way. But I know full well that the overall theme of the relationship will be negative. But its the finer details that I wanted to discuss.

I will actually amend that in my post.
Okay. He will take more aggressive and direct approach towards Iran then Obama. Good thing is that most of the decisions will not be hidden. If Iran sent out any petrol boats against US ships it will get warning shots. If Iran capture any US marines, it will be declaration of war. JCPOA will remain.

Beside these good news is that US will be divided within. He will need to tackle resistance within the US then to think about Iran. Also, I am thinking chances are low but still relations with gulf states will deteriorate. He hates all of middle east rather only Iran ( chances are low but whats wrong with hoping).

I also think Russia US relation will deteriorate rather then improving cause of Syria. All of Europe/ US and middle east countries badly want that oil pipeline and Russia will not let that happen. There will be an attempt by trump two break syria into two countries. How iran/russia tackle that is yet to see.
Donald trump seems like a very very trigger happy person to me at least , so obviously it would depend mostly on Iran's behavior for the entirety of his presidency . He's tried to sideline iran in all his speeches and tweets but that doesn't mean he's trying to 'ignore' iran , he's perhaps waiting for the right time , like the death of a senior figure in iran .. what i can say for certain is that his administration doesn't seem like they would pursue to sanction iran very tightly if something happens to the JCPOA
well, those Iranian who were longing for their Kadkhoda (U.S) now have to find another destination for their migration, that's the change in Iranian policies!

We don't hesitate on defending our sovereignty, so the question is whether Trump is that much stupid to push his suicide button or not. Sadly I believe he is not.
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Trump is already ringing the cold war bell by building a wall on Mexican borders also asking Mexicans to pay for the wall as their tax.
Remembering of Berlin-wall :lol:
USA is on the way of being upside down. I love Trump :rofl:
Fascism is rising in American society guys. Say bye bye to United states. Trump will continue the process of isolating USA with building an other wall around California. Trump is on the job ;) :D
Let me not to forget this, the upcoming 4 years will change the formation of our human world.
Relations are going to go down the drain.

EVERYONE in his Nat Sec team hates Iran. Mad Dog Mattis is a good honorable man, but even he has a grudge against Iran.

I expect there to be reports within the next 12 months of Iran not meeting the requirements of the Nuclear Deal (WMD's anyone???) and the Israeli lobby working twice as hard to make sure things go south. That's before we get to the Saudis - who leaned on Obama and the Israelis HARD - they were basically begging them to bomb Iranian installations.

In fact if the Nuclear Deal wasn't a multiparty deal - Trump would have already signed something to get out of it.
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I was first happy he was elected, because this cunt Hillary was just a establishement whore...
but his attitude againt Iran always concerned me....
Yesterday he announced he will create "SAFE ZONES" in Syria....without dicussing this plans with Russia, Iran....
Remember guys, he is surrounded by AIPAC, Zionists, hes son in law also jew.......
The endgame/target is Iran.....
I hope Bavar 373 will be capable to stop those devils
Iran should be ready...
Relations are going to go down the drain. EVERYONE in his Nat Sec team hates Iran. Mad Dog Mattis is a good honorable man, but even he has a grudge against Iran.

I expect there to be reports within the next 12 months of Iran not meeting the requirements of the Nuclear Deal (WMD's anyone???) and the Israeli lobby working twice as hard to make sure things so south. That's before we get to the Saudis - who leaned on Obama and the Israelis HARD - they were basically begging them to bomb Iranian installations.

In fact if the Nuclear Deal wasn't a multiparty deal - Trump would have already signed something to get out of it.
Almost agreed with you mate.
Trump is a real clown. He said that "i promise to dismantle TPP treaty" while Obama himself had stopped it right after China's direct threat. Obama hadn't the balls of confession, instead Trump compensated the cowardice of his colleague by a useless promise. Oh my God, Trump did what he promised already :rofl: A break forward was done by Trump in order to fool average Americans to justify Trump's next actions.
Meanwhile Trump wants to declare a safe zone in Syria, :lol: This one completely proves that he had been a clown from the first days of his nomination.
The important thing is Iran's response to his possible idiocy, well i wanna inform you mate, Iran will continue it's nuclear program with full confident while Trump is fulfilling his ambition by struggling in his neighborhood and challenging Russia's strength in Syria. At the same time Russia has improved it's economy and tightened it's position in Syria after bringing peace into Syria, China has gotten rid of TPP and also USA's bullying in S.China sea. Well Trump actually is acting like a crying baby to prove USA is not dead :taz: But we already know that USA was finished when J.F.Kennedy was killed by Israeli lobby.
My boy G.Soros is already on the job for some colorful jobs :devil:
@Erl - Iran of course may choose to go ahead with it's nuclear program (non civilian), but it will come at a cost. Israelis have of course assassinated top scientists in the past...viruses have been fed into the computer network...and I think bombings might be a last resort.

Israel has obviously in the past bombed countries like Syria (not comparing Iran and Syria), but with the Saudis in a very bullish mood and wanting to reassert their hegemony in the Gulf - it's going to be an interesting time, IF Iran chooses to be antagonistic.
@Erl - Iran of course may choose to go ahead with it's nuclear program (non civilian), but it will come at a cost. Israelis have of course assassinated top scientists in the past...viruses have been fed into the computer network...and I think bombings might be a last resort.

Israel has obviously in the past bombed countries like Syria (not comparing Iran and Syria), but with the Saudis in a very bullish mood and wanting to reassert their hegemony in the Gulf - it's going to be an interesting time, IF Iran chooses to be antagonistic.
As our top military commander said, we want plenty of foreign military bases all around the world. trump is nothing but a clown in my sight. He cannot be worse than G.W.Bush
This proves we are fully prepared
well, those Iranian who were longing for their Kadkhoda (U.S) now have to find another destination for their migration, that's the change in Iranian policies!

Canada as usual

Trump is already ringing the cold war bell by building a wall on Mexican borders also asking Mexicans to pay for the wall as their tax.
Remembering of Berlin-wall :lol:
USA is on the way of being upside down. I love Trump :rofl:
Fascism is rising in American society guys. Say bye bye to United states. Trump will continue the process of isolating USA with building an other wall around California. Trump is on the job ;) :D
Let me not to forget this, the upcoming 4 years will change the formation of our human world.

mexicans are not the target , attacking mexicans in his speeches gives him a blank check to do whatever he likes to the muslims in america

@Erl - Iran of course may choose to go ahead with it's nuclear program (non civilian), but it will come at a cost. Israelis have of course assassinated top scientists in the past...viruses have been fed into the computer network...and I think bombings might be a last resort.

Israel has obviously in the past bombed countries like Syria (not comparing Iran and Syria), but with the Saudis in a very bullish mood and wanting to reassert their hegemony in the Gulf - it's going to be an interesting time, IF Iran chooses to be antagonistic.

i wouldn't agree , we have made too many enemies that's right , but israel is a jewish nation and they have already lost interest in iran they won't get back on it , we too have lost so much that we won't elect another jewish-muzzy mongrel who threatens to annihilate israel at public places like the UN general assembly , so i would say israel is no more interested in iran all in all . even if Chrump voids the JCPOA and iran resumes their nuclear program no one would pay the slightest attention .
@Gothic - you think Israel, the Saudis and the US will 'allow' Iran to progress into a weaponized nuclear power? Absolutely not. It would change the entire dynamics of the region and not in the way many want!
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