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Really then why did India run to her Daddy USSR for Tashkent accord...why did you not continue the war for another three months?

India had no interest in fighting pakistan let alone crushing it. Indian bureaucracy was still evolving with respect to Pakistan on matters of security. Why would your generals start a war and agree to a ceasefire ??
if two sides have equal level of technology and military expertise the outcome is skewed in favor of the party who can wage a longer war

Ethiopia beat Eritea - two opponents of similar strength but of questionable military capacity. Ethiopia had a 10:1 numerical edge

Iraq needed chemical weapons to hold off opponent three times larger in Iran despite having technological superiority

Israel beat the Arabs. But the Israelis had a huge edge in technology and fighting spirit

Historically Pakistan has never had overwhelming technological edge over India. Maybe slightly better sub-systems. Right now Pakistan is in danger of falling behind badly.

Dear Clueless, don't worry your pretty little head about Pakistan's Qualitative edge, Babur & Nasr are testament to how you were caught off guard, and scrambled to play catch up.

Secondly, it has now become irrefutable evidence, that "false flag operations" don't work. BUT those of lower intellect will keep on howling and going around in circles, while we keep taking out the likes of Gulbhushan Yadav and so on.

Lastly, your hatred and inferiority complex will force you to keep coming here, and howl crap. Please feel free to do so.

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Just curious is the supply of spares so tightly controlled that PAF cannot operate F-16s for a few weeks of combat ??

Spares are issue during sanctions, that is why home made JFT was built with China to keep air ops going in case 16s are limitedly available due to spares issue.
India had no interest in fighting pakistan let alone crushing it. Indian bureaucracy was still evolving with respect to Pakistan on matters of security. Why would your generals start a war and agree to a ceasefire ??
India can't crush Pakistan, If she could do, she would be no wast a moment.
Spares are issue during sanctions, that is why home made JFT was built with China to keep air ops going in case 16s are limitedly available due to spares issue.

If I may, I would like to add something here:

The Pressler years did not ground the Vipers, just made the spare parts 300% more expensive. Which obvioulsy resulted in the flight hours being restricted.

Since then the inventory for the spares has increased 4 folds (at least), as well. Just to insure that any embargo would not hurt too much. This is one of the reasons why PAF is happy to take up any second hand viper out there.
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I would rather you say it like an enemy of pakistan---then at least we have a clear vision.


Why should I change my views, and pretend to be the blood-sucking monster that imbeciles think every thinking Indian to be? Does it help you to pull a trigger you have never pulled in your life? Does that salve your soiled consciences? Does it remind you of the enmity that you have displayed towards my country for more than sixty years? Do the unarmed victims of Mumbai disturb your sleep? Does it help that baying pack of hounds you have brought out of their kennels to justify their hatred?


I will say what I think, and neither friend nor foe will make me say it differently. Don't judge me by your standards. :enjoy:


Okay---so they did---what is the big deal about it---.

Reality or no reality---at times of war strange things happen---God less men start to worship God--and God fearing men lose hope in their religion---.

It was you who raised a foolish point, not I.

It was the foolish, religious fanatic's point made by @war&peace that I responded to, no original thought was mine.

You create the problems, and then turn and ask with astonishment why you are refuted; what do you call your own behaviour?

I have to conclude that I am dealing with insane people on this forum. A majority of them. Only one - ONE - Pakistani differed, and spoke up for me. As for the rest of you heroes, it is amusing how you ganged up to fight a great fight against overwhelming odds, as your history has you doing each and every time.

You heroes.

Really then why did India run to her Daddy USSR for Tashkent accord...why did you not continue the war for another three months?

Learn your history before you cling to these slender reeds to support your jingoist valour.

IAF is as professional a body as the PAF

Stay out of this; these are the worst elements of PDF. Only two or three of the fanatics are missing. Do not attract their attention.
Is that $2 billion....only per unit cost of 24 Sukois...? can u break down the details???
SU-35 is around 50 million$ a pop, the Chinese paid about 83 million$ each, you can see where the extra 33 million $ was for: weapons and spare parts, maybe some training and maintenance as well..
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@Joe Shearer

What baffles me is your indefatigable quest for educating these neanderthal fanatics from both sides. You know what attracted me to you? It was that signature of yours which said:

Enlightened times will only enlighten a small number of honest men. The common people will always be fanatical.

Perhaps you're simply trying to put the truth out there? Maybe you agree with this quote from Carl Jung which was recently sent to me by an American friend of mine.

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." - Carl Jung

Is that it?
SU-35 is around 50 million$ a pop, the Chinese paid about 83 million$ each, you can see where the 33 extra milion $ wa for weapons and spare parts, maybe some training and maintenance as well..

Minus the Chinese added solutions on the SU-35 replacing the Russian Ones. This is what Chinese Claim. Their claim is that there are many components and subsystem, which are replacing the Russian ones, and I guess Pakistan won't have that that much strong indigenous OEM's who are producing the Subsystems which will replace the Russian Ones. The Best cost should be around 100 Million a Bird.
Dear Clueless, don't worry your pretty little head about Pakistan's Qualitative edge, Babur & Nasr are testament to how you were caught off guard, and scrambled to play catch up.

Secondly, it has now become irrefutable evidence, that "false flag operations" don't work. BUT those of lower intellect will keep on howling and going around in circles, while we keep taking out the likes of Gulbhushan Yadav and so on.

Lastly, your hatred and inferiority complex will force you to keep coming here, and howl crap. Please feel free to do so.

I was wondering how fast the discussion will cross nuclear threshold,Nasr is a huge disadvantage as its a small tactical nuclear weapon.
Indis does not posses that once fired upon us,we will be compel to retaliate and sorry we dont have small small nuke.
We will answer with our strategic nuclear weapon at your strategic location deep.
Minus the Chinese added solutions on the SU-35 replacing the Russian Ones. This is what Chinese Claim. Their claim is that there are many components and subsystem, which are replacing the Russian ones, and I guess Pakistan won't have that that much strong indigenous OEM's who are producing the Subsystems which will replace the Russian Ones. The Best cost should be around 100 Million a Bird.
The Chinese got the SU-35S, the same version as for the Russian air force,, they can add or modify what they want and pay for it themselves... I think Pakistan will be happy even with export version, let alone the S version, and of course PAF can modify, add and tweak anything on it in time and as they wish,, this is the most important part of it when one buys from Russia..

We agree to disagree---. Did you lose any sleep over young kids being blinded by pellet guns in occupied kashmir---or people killed in bomb blast orchestrated by your primo agy in pakistan.

I have not even started my enmity against your country---. You are fortunate that I am enjoying a comfortable life in the U S---you don't want me in pakistan.

Stop killing muslims in kashmir and at other places in india---give back east punjab to pakistan---give back land equal to the Hyderabad state to pakistan as well as Goa---.

Yes. I am anguished about the situation in Kashmir. Obviously you neither have a word of Kashur, nor do you have any friends who know Kashur.

No. I have nothing on my conscience about the foul murders caused by the wolves and vermin that you have yourselves raised in Pakistan. They should be on your conscience.

As for your enmity, we still exist. And shall.

@Joe Shearer

What baffles me is your indefatigable quest for educating these neanderthal fanatics from both sides. You know what attracted me to you? It was that signature of yours which said:

Perhaps you're simply trying to put the truth out there? Maybe you agree with this quote from Carl Jung which was recently sent to me by an American friend of mine.

"As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being." - Carl Jung

Is that it?

What else makes sense?

Descend to their level and become four-legged beasts?

BTW, why are you here? Go away before they turn on you. This is not a good place for sensitive human beings.

We agree to disagree---. Did you lose any sleep over young kids being blinded by pellet guns in occupied kashmir---or people killed in bomb blast orchestrated by your primo agy in pakistan.

I have not even started my enmity against your country---. You are fortunate that I am enjoying a comfortable life in the U S---you don't want me in pakistan.

Stop killing muslims in kashmir and at other places in india---give back east punjab to pakistan---give back land equal to the Hyderabad state to pakistan as well as Goa---.
Oh yes he did. He was one of the very few members who actually gave **** about those children while the rest of PDF was either encouraging the stone pelting by those kids (for their own sick reasons) or supporting their slaughter. I didn't want to quote you but I do this because I fear that he might be too modest to say this.

Here's the proof. Don't just read the OP and the other post. Go through the entire discussions if you value the truth. You will find the unambiguous admission of the atrocities of Indian forces against the Kashmir people. It was the admission of that truth which led to him being labelled as Jaichand by his fellow countrymen.


The question is, can you people handle the truth?

@Indus Falcon

BTW, why are you here? Go away before they turn on you. This is not a good place for sensitive human beings.
To kindle the light, of course. It still counts, little it may be.They can turn on me all they want but they won't hurt me with their words. That much is beyond them.
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