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Haris Khan is like the Tahir ul Qadri of the Pakistani Defence Discussion groups.

Unless Asif Ali Zardari decides to donate to the Pakistani military and buy 65 Rafales (which he probably can afford on his own .. or with a little help from his buddy Malik Riaz, or some generous Urbi donation); the PAF is sticking to 150 JF-17's, 80 F-16s and 45-50 F-7PGs until it gets a 5th Gen jet. I told you folks this on a VERY solid authority back in 2011, and it is still true today.

The rest is all smoke and mirrors to divert from the development in force multipliers and EW sophistication. The only thing that could change this scenario is India gaining information on all our programs and systems which drives them nuts into getting even more Jets in numbers; that would force us to try and spend billions in offsetting that changed equation.
If it is not American or Chinese option for now

It can only be

Saab -> Gripen
French-> Rafale
UK -> Typhoon
Italy -> Typhoon
Highly unlikely. Why would PAF go for any new platform until India actually procures Rafael.

And why would or should we wait untill India does something we have our own policy for Modernization, they can fly the elephant for all we care
So despite so much accolades from world powers who are dancing to Indian Bollywood tunes, are u getting into NSG?
There is same old rant, we are getting this, we are getting that. Tell me when u will get it.
so what its still going on and we indians know how to get things done but whats your achievement in it :azn:

but for your information we are already getting latest civil and daul use nuclear technology and uranium and other fissle materials from Australia, Canada, USA , UK , France , Germany , Japan and Russia and kazakistan even when we are not part of NSG and 45 out of 47 NSG members are supporting us while USA has put all its wieght behind us what is your place in international community now and where do the same nations i wrote support your cause as compared to india :azn:

for a nation which doesnt have done genral population census in last 1.5 decades and where 4 out of 10 people are forced to live in acute poverty , where 95% of nations wealth and lands are controlled by not even 1% of the population is trying to make fun of india a nation which has fasted growing economy and is largest FDI destination ... funny na :sarcastic:

Which friends are you talking about?
Pakistan is constructing a route that would allow China to transport her products to Africa, Middle East and Europe through Gawadar and Karachi ports. CPEC is being constructed on a mutual agreement that would allow bot the countries to develop as well as economies to grow.

Pakistan is already trading partner but most of the good are being smuggled so border management is required. For this Pakistan is going to construct gates at places where they were none.

Pakistan is the biggest trading partner of Afghanistan, this trade would increase once the Taliban and Government of Afghanistan stop fighting together.

Central Asian Republics
Pakistan is already exporting various items to these countries. Soon electricity and other deals would be made with these countries as the situation in Afghanistan is stabilised.

GCC Countries
Pakistan buys all her fuel and now CNG from these countries and in return Pakistan supplies them with agricultural products. Pakistan also exports meat to these countries.

If you think that Pakistan's relations with these countries staled because Pakistan did not enter the war in Yemen then you know nothing regarding Pakistan. Pakistan would never fight a War with and other Muslim Country unless that country attacked Pakistan first. This point was accepted by all the member states of GCC countries thus there is no problem.

One nation two countries...This statement is enough.

The list goes on...This was enough for your PM to run to these countries trying to back stab Pakistan...At the end what did he earl from these trips?

Its simple we have our priorities you have your. If one sees that the other has a valid point which can be used to nullify the others gains both India and Pakistan do not miss this opportunity.

After all Enemies are always countering the others advantage and also appreciate others when they use some better technique.

We also know what you are doing and how to counter...

OHH brother not this Mig29....
It is SU35 and F-16's so far but some other options are also being looked at in case the F-16's deal does not go trough.
Which friends are you talking about?
Pakistan is constructing a route that would allow China to transport her products to Africa, Middle East and Europe through Gawadar and Karachi ports. CPEC is being constructed on a mutual agreement that would allow bot the countries to develop as well as economies to grow.

Pakistan is already trading partner but most of the good are being smuggled so border management is required. For this Pakistan is going to construct gates at places where they were none.

Pakistan is the biggest trading partner of Afghanistan, this trade would increase once the Taliban and Government of Afghanistan stop fighting together.

Central Asian Republics
Pakistan is already exporting various items to these countries. Soon electricity and other deals would be made with these countries as the situation in Afghanistan is stabilised.

GCC Countries
Pakistan buys all her fuel and now CNG from these countries and in return Pakistan supplies them with agricultural products. Pakistan also exports meat to these countries.

If you think that Pakistan's relations with these countries staled because Pakistan did not enter the war in Yemen then you know nothing regarding Pakistan. Pakistan would never fight a War with and other Muslim Country unless that country attacked Pakistan first. This point was accepted by all the member states of GCC countries thus there is no problem.

One nation two countries...This statement is enough.

The list goes on...This was enough for your PM to run to these countries trying to back stab Pakistan...At the end what did he earl from these trips?

Its simple we have our priorities you have your. If one sees that the other has a valid point which can be used to nullify the others gains both India and Pakistan do not miss this opportunity.

After all Enemies are always countering the others advantage and also appreciate others when they use some better technique.

We also know what you are doing and how to counter...

OHH brother not this Mig29....
It is SU35 and F-16's so far but some other options are also being looked at in case the F-16's deal does not go trough.
well dear thing is you know it and i know it and as for that matter all members on PDF know it that pakistan cant buy any fighter outright with hard cash and needs support, subsidies and soft loans to buy these weapons and niether makers of Su35, or typhoon or grippen or rafale give such finance shemes so tell me what option your left with :azn:
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go to previous pages other senior member like @waz ,@Bilal Khan 777, @QWA, @Arsalan is stated we can get EF2000
from Italy and UK with relatively easily and don't forget PAF like western weapons and give one good reason that we are getting Su-35 its maintenance intensive nightmare

yes he is bashing now
Ooh bahi!!
Plus there is a difference between CAN and WILL.
I am not sure EF is something we would want to go for right now or should go for right now.

JH7 not a stealthy jet, the above news looks exaggeration.
Electronic Warfare!!
One thing that interests me in JH7. It is more or less the growler of PLAAF and would be an interesting prospect. Even if we do not got for this, getting some goodies incorporated in our future JF17s would work well for us.
can you please elaborate superior design..

JH-7 fighter bomber variants
The JH-7 fighter bomber has four variants namely JH-7A, JH-7B, FBC-1 Flying Leopard and FBC-1A Flying Leopard II.

The JH-7A is an upgraded version of the original JH-7 aircraft. JH-7A is the first aircraft designed with CAD or CAM CATIA V.5 software. This variant is additionally equipped with digital fly by wire controls, ventral fins, a glass cockpit and a single piece windscreen. The number of hard points in the variant is increased to 11.

The JH-7B is an advanced version of JH-7A. It has stealthier features compared to JH-7A.


Xian’s final design bore a broad resemblance to the SEPECAT Jaguar or JUROM IAR-93 Orao, although it is much larger than either, about the size of a F-4 Phantom. The high-wing configuration is ideal for its primary mission of low-level attack. The wing is swept and tapered with pronounced anhedral and features large trailing-edge flaps, but no leading edge devices. An aerodynamic fence is located at roughly 2/3 of span. The fuselage is relatively square-cornered, like a Tornado, and is waisted at the wing junction. The two crew sit in a tandem cockpit with individual canopies, ahead of simple fixed engine intakes. The rough-field undercarriage, with twin main wheels and trailing-link oleos, is clearly inspired by the units on the Jaguar. A swept vertical tail, and deep fixed ventral fin provide lateral stability, while the tailplane is all-moving.


Any thing else i can do for you ?

Here is the complete article already running in Indian section .Indina media report

JH-7 fighter bomber varias
The JH-7 fighter bomber has four variants namely JH-7A, JH-7B, FBC-1 Flying Leopard and FBC-1A Flying Leopard II.

The JH-7A is an upgraded version of the original JH-7 aircraft. JH-7A is the first aircraft designed with CAD or CAM CATIA V.5 software. This variant is additionally equipped with digital fly by wire controls, ventral fins, a glass cockpit and a single piece windscreen. The number of hard points in the variant is increased to 11.

The JH-7B is an advanced version of JH-7A. It has stealthier features compared to JH-7A.


Xian’s final design bore a broad resemblance to the SEPECAT Jaguar or JUROM IAR-93 Orao, although it is much larger than either, about the size of a F-4 Phantom. The high-wing configuration is ideal for its primary mission of low-level attack. The wing is swept and tapered with pronounced anhedral and features large trailing-edge flaps, but no leading edge devices. An aerodynamic fence is located at roughly 2/3 of span. The fuselage is relatively square-cornered, like a Tornado, and is waisted at the wing junction. The two crew sit in a tandem cockpit with individual canopies, ahead of simple fixed engine intakes. The rough-field undercarriage, with twin main wheels and trailing-link oleos, is clearly inspired by the units on the Jaguar. A swept vertical tail, and deep fixed ventral fin provide lateral stability, while the tailplane is all-moving.


Any thing else i can do for you ?

you said superior design.. to what it is superior design... first of all, I can wait 2 days get me the link when and where it stayed for 107min..
you said superior design.. to what it is superior design... first of all, I can wait 2 days get me the link when and where it stayed for 107min..

New Delhi: In yet another act of provocation, a Chinese fighter-bomber jet recently violated the Indian airspace in the Aksai Chin area near the Indo-China international border.

Reports on Monday said that bomber aircraft belonging to China's People's Liberation Army kept hovering over the Indian airspace for close to 107 minutes after which it flew back and disappeared into the China's airspace.

This is not the first time that the Chinese fighter planes had entered the Indian airspace. At several occasions in past, Chinese fighter jets had entered the Indian airspace and returned after dropping some food cans, cigarette packets and notes written in their local language near the Indo-China border.

On June 9, a fresh incursion by the Chinese troops into Indian territory in Arunachal Pradesh led to a minor scuffle and triggered tension between the two sides.

However, the issue was resolved soon and the Chinese offered chocolates as a gesture of peace and returned back. According to reports, around 250 Chinese troops transgressed to the Indian side in the Yangtse sector, approximately 650 metres east of Shankar Tiki, an area where Indian soldiers are stationed in a sizeable number.

The showdown continued for a couple of hours, and heated exchanges took place between the two side. However, later, four officers of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) met commanding officers of the Indian personnel at the Line of Actual Control to resolve the matter.

They also gifted packets of chocolates to their Indian counterparts. According to Army sources, this was the first incident of transgression in the Yangtse sector this year.

India has maintained that the transgressions along the India-China border are due to different perceptions of boundaries.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/another-...-airspace-in-aksai-chin.435702/#ixzz4CIoDzsCr

Stop Trolling i dont make news or links ,Also all information about design is in link ,Do some work and read it first ,no aerospace company shares blue prints on internet . The incursion for so much long time indicates the superior design and EW by Chinese JH7 .
I would like to suggest according to my low knowledge JH7B is suitable for PAF, F16 has no future in PAF because India is try to build F16 in India and create issues for PAF.
In my humble opinion ... some people are underestimating the J-10C. The AL-31FN Series 3 engine that powers the J-10B and J-10C is a marked improvement in performance (137kN / 30,800lbs w/AB) and stability than the previous models of the AL-31F. Plus its AESA radar (new), Avionics, Integrated Electro-Optical System, IRST etc. are all pretty impressive and available right now ... unlike the JF-17 block-III or even later blocks (if and when they are realized) ... which are still several years to reality. Even when we get these newer Thunders ... I doubt they will equal the J-10C let alone surpass.
J-10 a,b,c have been discussed over and over again on PDF. The final conclusion that they all came to was this aircraft is history.

Few very important reasons that make perfect sence to make this aircraft history are:
1) This aircraft is designed on the same principle of JF-17. So it indicates the philosophy either / or between JF-17 and J-10.

2) PAF from day one had invested heavily in JF-17 so going after J-10 would have split the orders making it more difficult for PAF to manage operational costs. Hence development of JF-17 was preferred as it gave PAF a product that it could say is totally their own however Chinese efforts and expertise can not be disregarded.

3) The Engine that powers the J-10's is Russian which is being used on Indian Su- 30MKI and is prohibited for export to Pakistan. Cost of developing an other engine like the Russian did with JF-17 was too expensive.

4) PAF can upgrade the JF-17 to capabilities to J-10's with the only limitation of more Fuel. Hence there is no advantage over on e and other/

Considering the growing Indian influence in US Congress in particular and the West in general and what has subsequently transpired with the 8 new Block-52 deal ... it is now imperative that a contingency (Plan-B) should be in place. The J-10C is a good plan-b. The issue with the flanker-derivatives have never been the cost of acquisition but the cost of operation and maintenance (quite expensive) and also being subject to the approval of the Russians.
As far as all the members on PDF concerned that trying to find what went into the construction of J-10 B are already using in the JF-17 hence this (J-10) platform does not fulfil the requirement of PAF.

Pakistan can not buy Flankers because Pakistan did not considered Afghanistan and Iraq as potential enemies

The SU-35 if it ever is in the PAF crosshairs for their next fighter, then they would only pursue it in a China-Russia-Pakistan combo agreement. In that context the Indian influence is not that daunting as China has way more sway over Russia than India ... as it already has a trillion+ USD in energy purchases in deals ranging over a period of 30 years. That is an approximate influx of 40 billion USD in average into Russian economy per annum.
Your assessment is very wrong. PAF would purchase aircraft that suits its doctrine. USA would provide the latest technology when it thinks Pakistan is the only option.

This is not even counting the military deals have been made between the two.
If we are have a military relation with Russia then it should be stenghtened.

Everything is speculation at the moment and it all depends on the possible permutation and combinations of the variables that are involved in such deals.
If you think so...

Unless Asif Ali Zardari decides to donate to the Pakistani military and buy 65 Rafales (which he probably can afford on his own .. or with a little help from his buddy Malik Riaz, or some generous Urbi donation); the PAF is sticking to 150 JF-17's, 80 F-16s and 45-50 F-7PGs until it gets a 5th Gen jet. I told you folks this on a VERY solid authority back in 2011, and it is still true today.
This can be possible if accountability can be imparted along with rule of law.

The rest is all smoke and mirrors to divert from the development in force multipliers and EW sophistication. The only thing that could change this scenario is India gaining information on all our programs and systems which drives them nuts into getting even more Jets in numbers; that would force us to try and spend billions in offsetting that changed equation.
For EW PAF would have to purchase larger platforms with low RCS.

well dear thing is you know it and i know it and as for that matter all members on PDF know it that pakistan cant buy any fighter outright with hard cash and needs support, subsidies and soft loans to buy these weapons and niether makers of Su35, or typhoon or grippen or rafale give such finance shemes so tell me what option your left with :azn:
Do you? I doubt it. You are trying to say that India is going to pay 100% cash on signing of contract. This only shows how much you understand how contracts are signed and executed..

Plus there is a difference between CAN and WILL.
If there is Will then can automatically follows

I am not sure EF is something we would want to go for right now or should go for right now.
The only reason could be possibility of European Engine Procurement that is required for export orders of JF-17.
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