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so you just believed it blindly , thinking it is a stealthy bomber to disappear??? don't you think, your post is silly .... @Abingdonboy @JD_In @jbgt90
Yes it is hilarious ,FB sources are some how weak if there is no credible page sharing it wait for few days we will have a link as well ,In the mean time Chinese Sub went all the way from China crossed Indian waters and docked in Karachi (So submersion for days already happened ) in this case it is 117 min so quite plausible

there is a thing called Hostile territory.. Subs is different from Jets ..

this thread is created on mere speculations just to provide a time pass thread for members in Ramadan....Everybody was bored so at least this thread kept us involved for a couple of days...
we need more rumor based thread to get through the tough fasting time...
J 10b or c which ever is available is the most suitable option but PAF is showing unnecessary concerns for engine flame outs...
over 240 J 10s are in service which is not a joke....Engine issues will be fixed after all chinese are not dumb like us...
Did you guys even bothered to read the first post ?

J 10b or c which ever is available is the most suitable option but PAF is showing unnecessary concerns for engine flame outs...
over 240 J 10s are in service which is not a joke....Engine issues will be fixed after all chinese are not dumb like us...
most probably, its J-10C-D
Most likely, I'm betting on the J-10.
Did you guys even bothered to read the first post ?
yes sir but EF2000 too expensive and string attach to it Su-35 no chance because indian influence and maintainance intensive nightmare,the only option left for PAF is the J series from china, thank you sir
I will appreciate if you don't enlighten this thread readers with your wisdom from further on .........

yes sir but EF2000 too expensive and string attach to it Su-35 no chance because indian influence and maintainance intensive nightmare,the only option left for PAF is the J series from china, thank you sir
yes sir but EF2000 too expensive and string attach to it Su-35 no chance because indian influence and maintainance intensive nightmare,the only option left for PAF is the J series from china, thank you sir

Good post, makes sense.

In my humble opinion ... some people are underestimating the J-10C. The AL-31FN Series 3 engine that powers the J-10B and J-10C is a marked improvement in performance (137kN / 30,800lbs w/AB) and stability than the previous models of the AL-31F. Plus its AESA radar (new), Avionics, Integrated Electro-Optical System, IRST etc. are all pretty impressive and available right now ... unlike the JF-17 block-III or even later blocks (if and when they are realized) ... which are still several years to reality. Even when we get these newer Thunders ... I doubt they will equal the J-10C let alone surpass.

Considering the growing Indian influence in US Congress in particular and the West in general and what has subsequently transpired with the 8 new Block-52 deal ... it is now imperative that a contingency (Plan-B) should be in place. The J-10C is a good plan-b. The issue with the flanker-derivatives have never been the cost of acquisition but the cost of operation and maintenance (quite expensive) and also being subject to the approval of the Russians.

The SU-35 if it ever is in the PAF crosshairs for their next fighter, then they would only pursue it in a China-Russia-Pakistan combo agreement. In that context the Indian influence is not that daunting as China has way more sway over Russia than India ... as it already has a trillion+ USD in energy purchases in deals ranging over a period of 30 years. That is an approximate influx of 40 billion USD in average into Russian economy per annum.


This is not even counting the military deals have been made between the two.

Everything is speculation at the moment and it all depends on the possible permutation and combinations of the variables that are involved in such deals.

So lets see how the cookie crumbles and what fighter gets selected.
Did you guys even bothered to read the first post ?

Oh yeah I forgot he said no Chinese or American planes.

Alright then, Su-35 for sure. Either that or this post is complete nonsense.
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